Frivolous (Sapien Medicine album)

I would love to use that HGH but man that stuff is cancerous :/, crazy tumor boosting shit (not the field but the HGH itself)


Growth Hormone with stimulate growth patterns sometimes can lead to growth of everything , but that doesnt mean in every case “cancer growth” . Its a nice observation, but its nothing to be afraid.

Other than that , Thannk you @Shivy-SzN :face_with_monocle: :ok_hand:

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So imma add it to the stack and what I realized is that I can just add anti cancer 2.0 after, most likely it won’t nullify the effect of the field


ye its a nice precaution if you have some condition or too many predisposal factors !

:sunglasses: :+1:


Thanks! Does it make them longer as well? (I don’t want stubby hands or feet!) Do I concentrate on the areas of my body that I want to grow?

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The Shiny and Revitalized Hair is really useful for taming my hair that could like like lion’s mane even when the weather was not that hot. After using it for a while, I noticed that my hair is also straighter, and as confirmed by the captain, this field makes my hair smells nice. So it’s definitely helpful for people who try to avoid any kind of fragrance in their personal care products.


Just wanted to say, I dropped nose straightener from my playlist perhaps around 2 months ago and I can still notice subtle changes happening. There’s definitely a prolonged effect with this one :slight_smile:


+1 on that feeling. I can tell my nose is different, in a subtle way. Prettier.
I used for a short time and I still use sometimes though.


One study followed 30 healthy people who consumed 200 mg of Panax ginseng daily for four weeks. At the end of the study, they showed improvement in mental health, social functioning and mood.



Ok it says it works on the PTH in this audio.
My PTH level is 95; so it’s high. Can I still listen to this field?
(I’d really like to, I’ve osteoporosis)

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Does anyone know if the nose straightener will help with bulbous nose and alar base, I don’t have the cash for the Rhinoplasty nft unfortunately haha




I forgot how great the bone strengthener is. After 3 days of listening to it my body is so much lighter and feel stronger with more energy at the end of the day.


It’s great to play basketball with.


My nasal wall has been crooked for years, i went and did a surgery, but it returned to a crooked state after a while.

Now ive been sleeping while listening to the nose straightener twice every night for 3-4 days and Im breathing much better with my nose.

Can feel the difference for sure.


Ginseng for Frivilous

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ChatGPT on Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol: Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol are two hormones that play important roles in regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the body.

PTH is produced by the parathyroid glands, which are four small glands located in the neck. PTH helps to increase the amount of calcium in the blood by stimulating the release of calcium from bones and increasing the reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys. PTH also stimulates the production of calcitriol, which is the active form of vitamin D.

Calcitriol is produced by the kidneys and is the most active form of vitamin D in the body. Calcitriol helps to increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines, which helps to maintain normal levels of these minerals in the blood. Calcitriol also works with PTH to increase calcium release from bones when needed.

Together, PTH and calcitriol work to maintain the proper balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body. If calcium levels are too low, PTH is released to help increase calcium levels. If calcium levels are too high, calcitriol is produced to help decrease calcium absorption from the intestines and increase calcium deposition in bones.

Abnormalities in PTH or calcitriol levels can lead to several disorders, including hyperparathyroidism, which is characterized by excessive PTH production, and hypoparathyroidism, which is characterized by insufficient PTH production.

Calcium is important for bone health and strength, nerve function, muscle contraction, blood clotting, and many other functions. Phosphorus is also important for bone health and is involved in energy metabolism, DNA synthesis, and cellular signaling.

When calcium and phosphorus levels are too low, PTH and calcitriol work together to increase calcium and phosphorus absorption from the intestines, reabsorption from the kidneys, and release from bones. This helps to maintain normal levels of these minerals in the blood and ensures that they are available for the body’s physiological processes.

On the other hand, if calcium levels are too high, calcitriol can help to decrease calcium absorption from the intestines and increase calcium deposition in bones, which helps to prevent the development of hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium in the blood).

In addition to their roles in maintaining calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, PTH and calcitriol may also have other physiological effects. For example, PTH has been shown to stimulate bone formation and may have a role in the treatment of osteoporosis. Calcitriol may also have anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory effects and may have a role in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

Overall, PTH and calcitriol are important hormones that play essential roles in maintaining mineral homeostasis and have potential therapeutic applications in various diseases.

  1. PTH and calcitriol may have therapeutic applications in a variety of diseases related to calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, bone health, and immune function.
  2. Hyperparathyroidism, a condition characterized by excessive PTH production, may be treated with medications that decrease PTH secretion, such as calcimimetics.
  3. Hypoparathyroidism, a condition characterized by insufficient PTH production, may be treated with PTH replacement therapy, which can help to maintain normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

Calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, may also have therapeutic applications in several diseases. For example, calcitriol is commonly used to treat vitamin D deficiency and may be used to treat osteoporosis and other bone disorders. Calcitriol has also been studied for its potential immunomodulatory effects and may have a role in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and psoriasis.

Overall, the use of PTH and calcitriol in disease treatment is an active area of research and ongoing clinical trials may reveal new applications for these hormones in the future.

There are other diseases that may benefit from the use of PTH and calcitriol.

For example, PTH has been studied as a potential treatment for non-union fractures, which are fractures that fail to heal properly. PTH may help to stimulate bone formation and improve bone healing in these cases.

Calcitriol has also been studied as a potential treatment for cancer. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of several types of cancer, and calcitriol has been shown to have anti-tumor effects in vitro and in animal studies. However, further research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of calcitriol as a cancer treatment in humans.

Additionally, both PTH and calcitriol have been studied for their potential effects on cognitive function and mood. Some studies have suggested that low vitamin D levels may be associated with an increased risk of depression and cognitive decline, and there is ongoing research into the potential therapeutic effects of vitamin D and PTH on these conditions.

It’s important to note that while PTH and calcitriol may have potential therapeutic applications in several diseases, their use should always be supervised by a healthcare provider and based on individual patient needs and medical history.

ChatGPT on HGH, IGF-1, and PDGF: HGH, IGF-1, and PDGF are all important growth factors that play roles in various physiological processes in the body.

  1. HGH (human growth hormone) is a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and stimulates the rowth and reproduction of cells in humans and other animals. HGH is involved in many physiological processes, including bone and muscle growth, metabolism, and immune function.
  2. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) is a hormone that is produced mainly in the liver in response to HGH. IGF-1 promotes cell growth and division and is important for bone and muscle growth, as well as for maintaining healthy levels of glucose and fat in the blood.
  3. PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) is a protein that is produced by platelets and other cells in the body. PDGF is involved in cell division and the formation of new blood vessels and is important for wound healing and tissue repair.

All three of these growth factors are important for normal growth and development, and disruptions in their production or signaling can lead to a variety of health problems.

For example, deficiencies in HGH or IGF-1 can result in growth disorders such as dwarfism or gigantism, while overproduction of these hormones can lead to acromegaly or other health problems. Abnormal PDGF signaling has been linked to several diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, and fibrosis.

In addition to their roles in normal growth and development, HGH, IGF-1, and PDGF have also been studied for their potential therapeutic applications in various diseases. For example, HGH and IGF-1 may be used to treat growth disorders, while PDGF has been studied for its potential use in wound healing and tissue repair.


This field (Bone Strengthener) is a quick boon for those that have the Skyscraper NFT.

Stack both, and see for yourself.

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Can it cure deviated Septum?
I have it at the back of those (not the tip) where the Septum starts from the face, just there only.
But it makes a 160° angle so it is so intense that I can’t breathe from my right nostril at all. It just rests with full extensive force on my right nostril blocking the entire airway.

And u know where it blocks from ?
Not the tip.
But right from where the septum actually starts.
Its a rare and extreme condition.

If anybody has any experience with the back deviated septum (not front), please guide through.

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