Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

Why cant i unlike this post it the only post i cant unlike :joy: strange

anyone know if this field would help with bone growth or is it only thickening?

beacuse i cant seem to find the desc for it.

this is just for muscle


try bone strengthener captain Nemo reccomends it :slight_smile:

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Am srry i did not make it clear. but am talking about what the bone strengtherner does.

in term of this field am saving up for this i read a few comments and the desc on gumroad i will be getting in summer :muscle:


The bone strengthener is upgraded version of the osteoporosis field

It additionally has parathyroid hormone or PTH, which maintains the level of calcium and stimulates both resorption and formation of bone; 2) calcitriol, the hormone derived from vitamin D, which stimulates the intestines to absorb enough calcium

Then the older osteoporosis added

The programming in this video uses a combination of approaches to help reverse Osteoporosis,

It focuses on the spine but all bones are affected, it will target your bones with HGH, IGF-1 and PDGF, also cause it absorb calcium and nutrients for growth and repair.

Also your pituitary gland is stimulated to improve your natural production of these hormones etc.

Be sure to to get extra nutrients and calcium to support your self


Just got this and before finishing the first loop I started to smell like lemons. I like it!


The pumps and mind-muscle connection with this is insane, :grin:


lol gotta drop weight to get to your level have been avoiding pics of fizeek because I’m at 245 lb rn :woozy_face:


245 of muscle???

I wish, been chunky for awhile and that’s why I’m on the Adipose swords, I have mass but not much definition so I’m hoping to have it more visibly cut rather than permabulk


Looking good brotha! Baby steps you’ll be on the road to your ideal physique.

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A girls is a gun?

With your body type you can probably put on a nice amount of muscle also without fields, and with fields even more ;)


Oh yeah it’s from an old saying “a girl is a gun but a boy is a bullet”, the brand is called Pleasures

Before fields it was a struggle getting definition in my muscles and since I carried a lot more fat it didn’t look like I was athletic, the fields changed a lot! Now I’m filling out XL tee shirts but my waist hasn’t gotten any bigger


Sounds amazing!!!

So, my friends!!! Are there some more results after 3 months, and maybe we can get some specifics (Listening time, training, nutrition etc.). Would be nice to get feedback :slight_smile:

Stay healthy and fit!!!


I haven’t had it long enough (about a month) to give any real feedback but from the short time I have been using this I noticed my mind-muscle connection has substantially improved, greater pumps of course and have been growing in size & strength.

My main stack is,

Ego Dissolution about 4x (throughout the day)
Muscles Beyond Limits about 5x
St Biceps 1-2x on work out days. (it sucks up alot of energy and nutrients)

Those 2 muscle fields alone are beastly fields and I don’t think it is necesarry to use any other ones because you will be growing fast enough. Anymore and you are just asking for joint problems down the line.

Edit: I couldn’t stress enough the importance of getting plenty of nutrients. I.e. electrolytes (particularly potassium), quality proteins such as pasture raised eggs, and so on


That sounds great, bro!! Of course, too much is never good… I rather want to know about muscle development, definition, strength etc. As far as you can tell, It sounds very nice to me!!!
Does muscle beyond limits and St Biceps make you more hungry than usual, my friend?

Not much results here, will keep using


What’s your workout routine?

For me this field in “on hold” now as I have other priorities (and I find this one to be intense), but there was a quick increase in strength while I was using it and noticeable results :)