Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3)


You seem excited, perhaps you may be more so, if you also looked up the equally important other half of the name.


The woman In the second video convinced me of using the suana daily for it’s heat shock protein and also spoke on the importance of cold shock protien. Definitely excited :upside_down_face:.


Integrated Stress Response Inhibitor (ISRI)

Woahhhhh from the abstract I picked up that this allows for stress to be “tamed”? Just like heat shock proteins train your body to react better to extreme hot temperatures?


Thank you for the explanation, and of course for all the lovely fields.


Wow indeed

SRIB (integrated stress response inhibitor ) is an experimental drug which reverses the effects of eIF2α phosphorylation with an IC50 of 5 nM. It was discovered by the Walter lab at UCSF through a semi-automated screening of a large library of small molecules.[1] It has also been shown to inhibit eIF2α phosphorylation-induced stress granule (SG) formation.[2] Since eIF2α phosphorylation is known to be involved in memory formation, ISRIB was tested to see whether it would be active in vivo , and was found to readily cross the blood-brain barrier, with a half-life of 8 hours. Subsequent testing in 2013 found ISRIB to produce significant nootropic effects in mice, as measured by enhancement of spatial and fear-associated learning in standard water maze and conditioned environment tests. Testing in 2017 indicated the experimental drug improved the ability of brain-injured mice to learn and form memories on memory tests, thus appearing to reverse impairments from traumatic brain injury.[3][4] ISRIB treatment also corrects spatial memory deficits and improves working memory in aged mice.


Yup, on Amazon too! I continued Amazon Music Unlimited subscription only because of Dream’s albums! All of Dream’s albums are on Amazon Unlimited …




Wow, amazing field. Thank you, Dream! :pray:

Here’s one slightly less technical article for those interested. :wink:

Drug Reverses Age-Related Mental Decline Within Days

Reversible Physiological ‘Blockage’ Behind Age-Related Cognitive Losses

By Nicholas Weiler

Just a few doses of an experimental drug can reverse age-related declines in memory and mental flexibility in mice, according to a new study by UC San Francisco scientists. The drug, called ISRIB, has already been shown in laboratory studies to restore memory function months after traumatic brain injury (TBI), reverse cognitive impairments in Down Syndrome, prevent noise-related hearing loss, fight certain types of prostate cancer, and even enhance cognition in healthy animals.

In the new study, published Dec. 1, 2020, in the open-access journal eLife, researchers showed rapid restoration of youthful cognitive abilities in aged mice, accompanied by a rejuvenation of brain and immune cells that could help explain improvements in brain function.

“ISRIB’s extremely rapid effects show for the first time that a significant component of age-related cognitive losses may be caused by a kind of reversible physiological “blockage” rather than more permanent degradation,” said Susanna Rosi, PhD, Lewis and Ruth Cozen Chair II and professor in the departments of Neurological Surgery and of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science.

“The data suggest that the aged brain has not permanently lost essential cognitive capacities, as was commonly assumed, but rather that these cognitive resources are still there but have been somehow blocked, trapped by a vicious cycle of cellular stress,” added Peter Walter, PhD, a professor in the UCSF Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. “Our work with ISRIB demonstrates a way to break that cycle and restore cognitive abilities that had become walled off over time.”

Full article link:


Okay I’m super excited I woke up to this one! I had been lying on the bed for pretty much all day. It seems the ‘flu’ has got hold of me again. So I open up my eyes to play the Mstate Gold and Silver. My goodness! I felt this huge cleansing rush (later figured out to be quantum tunneling :D) picking up the pieces and putting them together. I then moved to this invaluable RBM3+ISIRB…
I don’t think I have experienced a mental and bodily state that is so “put together” like this.
From the articles and research papers, it seems like its possibilities are vastly different— it seems like it affects various parts of nervous system and cellular health more efficiently than if you’d use separate fields (or general targeting) with less induction of specific proteins, genes, or enzymes. I imagine this to be very versatile in the sense it allows for reparative approaches throughout the entire body.

Thank you Captain!
I feel 18x better now. And that here is a very accurate number. :owl:


I think I should take a closer look at this field :thinking:


This is exactly my life:




That article is awesome. The drug doesnt just protect and regenerate the brain, but even helps against prostate cancer! Which suggests a very systemic mechanism of action .
Kudos to those researchers , very telling that this kind of research was only possible through a philanthropist…


“Experiments in mice and with human cells showed that blocking this stress response with an experimental drug – previously shown to enhance cognition and restore memory after brain damage in rodents – causes treatment-resistant cancer cells to self-destruct while leaving normal cells unaffected.”



This thread makes me happy…not because of DW’s brilliant field (that’s boring :yawning_face:…i kid! This is a joke!)
But because this thread is how the XM forum used to run.

Instead of people asking “what’s it do?” and waiting for someone else to do their research, (there were still lots of people like that on XM),
5-10 people would go and research whether some claim about a product, idea, etc was legit/interesting/worthwhile using their own methods of inquiry.

So bravo to the participants in this thread that have done this! :clap: :star_struck:


I feel like you bring up your fear from this forum turning into XM instead.

My first ever life lesson (that I’m not really applying, most of the time) was from an Evanescence song:

But spoken fears can come true.

I’m just noting ‘cause I love that dude _OM and he never hesitates to give us those genuine notes. Just learning from him here. :stuck_out_tongue:



XM at it’s prime. Not like it is now.




Definitely no fear for this part ;)


:100: :boom: :boom:

While researching last night about the ISIRB I came across something else which was quite shocking and jaw-dropping.
@Dreamweaver is this something that you could have a look at her research :pray: the results are remarkable

Neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch and her colleague were studying brain samples of head trauma patients when they made an amazing discovery — brain cells with the ability to generate new cells.

Neural repair:

Meet Doublecortin-positive cells (DCX) . Similar to stem cells, they are extremely adaptable and, when extracted from a brain, cultured and then re-injected in a lesioned area of the same brain, they can help repair and rebuild it, at 8:29 minutes we can see the remarkable noticeble results.