Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3)

This thread makes me happy…not because of DW’s brilliant field (that’s boring :yawning_face:…i kid! This is a joke!)
But because this thread is how the XM forum used to run.

Instead of people asking “what’s it do?” and waiting for someone else to do their research, (there were still lots of people like that on XM),
5-10 people would go and research whether some claim about a product, idea, etc was legit/interesting/worthwhile using their own methods of inquiry.

So bravo to the participants in this thread that have done this! :clap: :star_struck:


I feel like you bring up your fear from this forum turning into XM instead.

My first ever life lesson (that I’m not really applying, most of the time) was from an Evanescence song:

But spoken fears can come true.

I’m just noting ‘cause I love that dude _OM and he never hesitates to give us those genuine notes. Just learning from him here. :stuck_out_tongue:



XM at it’s prime. Not like it is now.




Definitely no fear for this part ;)


:100: :boom: :boom:

While researching last night about the ISIRB I came across something else which was quite shocking and jaw-dropping.
@Dreamweaver is this something that you could have a look at her research :pray: the results are remarkable

Neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch and her colleague were studying brain samples of head trauma patients when they made an amazing discovery — brain cells with the ability to generate new cells.

Neural repair:

Meet Doublecortin-positive cells (DCX) . Similar to stem cells, they are extremely adaptable and, when extracted from a brain, cultured and then re-injected in a lesioned area of the same brain, they can help repair and rebuild it, at 8:29 minutes we can see the remarkable noticeble results.


Just feels amazing with the Mstate Gold & Silver.
Wondering @Dreamweaver if entrained with the Spiritual Growth State of Being, it would lead us naturally back to Ananda. No-stress, no-Chase, back to our Natural State :pray:


Thank you Dreamweaver for making this. I will add it to my lengthy “brain stack”
Heck, I am not waiting, so I am (as they say) spamming this one right now!
Update: I am really feeling this one in my brain and spinal cord!
Trying to figure out how long to play this one.
Just put on my brain dogtag.
Update: Ended up playing it for a little over 1 hr. My head ended up getting very warm and my eyes bloodshot. So listened to the Healing Egg right after it, and it helped. Decided not to play other brain fields after this ( intuition), but to keep the Brain tag on. Since it is Sunday I am playing my weekly fields.


Hahaha was waiting on the brain junkies to jump on this one :sweat_smile:.


Anything that Dreamweaver/Sapien Medicine makes related to brain/spinal cord/nervous system healing I am on top of right away. Its a matter of necessary functionality to me.


See? We are ready for that X-Men-Dream Village now Senpaiiiiii ! Build it :pray:


@SC448 saw this? :smirk:


some of us has to hit a jackpot so to buy that village

The new album on iTunes is phenomenal. I wish it was categorized as Longevity only. I was going to put it on loop but then I realized that I’m not so sure about playing with exotics titled parasite remover and weight gainer :grinning:


Very poor mentality.
Sounds like some need to loop millionaire mindset a bit more :sunglasses:

thats why i came for brain protein it helps with poor mentality


Really? I didnt know that

u must be here for the same reason, i think if not u have to excuse me i still have poor mentality its gonna take time

Nah not the same reason but others x

Woot! Wonderful to see this in this thread! :smile: :dizzy: