Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3)

Very poor mentality.
Sounds like some need to loop millionaire mindset a bit more :sunglasses:

thats why i came for brain protein it helps with poor mentality


Really? I didnt know that

u must be here for the same reason, i think if not u have to excuse me i still have poor mentality its gonna take time

Nah not the same reason but others x

Woot! Wonderful to see this in this thread! :smile: :dizzy:


This is a dream for me :heart_eyes:


I am really excited about this one, especially about the ISIRB part. This is very promising for many of my issues. Due to viral illness 1999 that went to my brain and damaged my brain and blood-brain barrier and nervous system causing damage to brain and body wide vasculitis (including brain)- which became symptomatic like 2 yrs. later. (will have to go back and correct the grammer of the last sentence). From the reading material I believe that my brain got stuck in “closed down” position. I also to no surprise of my doctor developed rather bad T cell deficiency (which has no treatment, and leaves me at an increased risk of cancer. BTW I also have no immune response to vaccines.) This is also supposed to work on the T cells too! Much gratitude to Dreamweaver for making this one!


So this basically heals the brain and nervous system and promotes neurogenesis? Like the NGF and BDNF fields?


How it could help to brain or brain stack
I don’t get it sorry
It’s just name “longevity” I mean
Please can someone explain in short if not bothered
Excuse me


See these messages above:


I have some new data to share after experimenting with this field right after it was released. Before listening to it, I was on a regular swim/diving routine that includes a lot of muscle contractions specifically quads used in kicking and turning. After listening to this field, at first intense workout my left quad got fatigued at super accelerated rate (swelling and complete numbness). Then on day 3 I did it again, same augmented effects. We also have weather changes with temps below 33 degrees. Whatever neural upgrade or pruning is happening, it’s asking for “slow down before accelerating” kind of approach. Go slow and pace with changes that are manifesting.

Also, @Captain_Nemo please add to your list of new creations anything that helps body operate in winter more efficiently…some are entrained to experience bronchi issues and circulation issues during cold months because of slow body adjustment to change in temps… bears are different so not talking hibernation here :grinning:so fields that allow for more efficient internal temperature regulation and optimum neural functioning without needing to go to tropics


What you want are high quality Omega 3’s. Omega 3 has an anti-freeze effect in humans.


Great suggestion thank you!

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Yeah, I used to be the open turner for the same exact reason. And then came the fields to transmute all fears holding me back and now I’m literally training as if I were 19 again (but again that’s one of the embedded side effects of the anti-aging field so can’t complain here). Paradoxically and coincidentally, I’m now coaching “ultra speed zen pace” flip turns so go figure :grinning:


Love this. Maybe we need a field that works like a lever that quantifies levels of satisfaction


It seems that the ISIRB gene heals damaged areas of the brain, by generating new brain cells; but does it enhance average functioning parts of the brain to become better?


Possibly. Various research suggests that.
RBM3 promotes synaptic plasticity too. :wink:

From an earlier post:

Here are various other articles:


Thanks uial, I don’t know what I could do without you.


No worries, glad to be of help.