Ojas Refined and Defined

Nope, does not seem healthy to interrupt natural processes of the body?


The person who can control his or her sexual energy. Is a powerful and dangerous person


That is not being intentionally done or even a goal. It is just one of the possible side effects of a very high level of alchemical accomplishment.


Why only temporarily? For what purpose? If for contraception, then look elsewhere. Shifting the natural cycles have serious health effects, and are not for one to pause and restart for the sake of convenience.

But if you wish to know on an academic basis:

Slaying the Red Dragon

The rather unsubtly named practice of ‘slaying the red dragon’ refers to a commonly practised internal method that aims to end the menstrual cycle. Women who have been through this practice literally end menstruation, meaning that they do not shed any blood at all each month. The logic behind this is that since women lose some of their essence each month through menstruation, stopping it will store this essence and so prolong their life. It will also help to establish a strong foundation for advanced alchemical practices. Although this logic is sound, it does come with various risks, not least being that menstruation has various cleansing benefits, as discussed above. As a practice, it is actually fairly simple, and with a few months of regular breath control and reversal of several internal flows, your menstrual cycle quickly ends. We have met many women who have practised this method, as it is quite common in the West as well as in China. A great number of these women actually had numerous health issues that resulted from this practice, and for this reason we strongly advise against it.

Slaying the red dragon is a practice that was originally reserved for those living full-time as nuns away from the rest of society. They would be practising under the strict guidance of an experienced teacher who was there to monitor every part of their practice. In addition to this, they did not have the responsibilities that many ‘lay’ practitioners of the Daoist arts do. Engaging in such a practice is much safer if you do not have the daily concerns of career, family, household and so on. Sexual activity was cut out for these women as well, since intercourse had a pulling effect upon the essence, which could disrupt the practice. If, however, you are one of the rare women who has undertaken this practice and been safe with it, then well done – there are always exceptions to the rule.

The major danger of this practice is to do with the Bao’s function of storing Blood within the body. If there is a break in the natural cycle of developing and then shedding menstrual Blood, then there is a risk of stagnation occurring within the Blood itself. This will then stagnate the body’s internal energy, which leads to various physical symptoms. The Shen is also rooted into the Blood, and so stagnation here will run the risk of disturbing a practitioner emotionally.

For the majority of female practitioners of the Daoist arts, we highly recommend regulating the menstrual cycle through healthy living, calming the mind and engaging in practices such as moon gazing.

Daoist Neigong for Women by Roni Edlund and Damo Mitchell


Haha i havent checked what it says but i already see myself calling my monthly days that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The slaying of Red Dragon is a bit of a controversial thing. Some has posited that it proposes an alternative model of Neidan (internal achemy), but there seems to be a lot of blowback on it as well as social and historical contexts also need to be considered.

An old tale from the thirteenth-century talks of a young girl who ran away from home to escape marriage, and was hidden by an old Daoist who “slew her Red Dragon”, and thus eliminated the chance of someone wanting to marry her.

However, various experts correlate the slaying of the Red Dragon with subduing the White Tiger. The White Tiger subdual referred to as the stage where “jing is not lost anymore”, does not mean the man cannot ejaculate, but means that the movement of Prana is not downward but upward (Urdhvaretas) which is what eventually results in Ojas -> Tejas -> Brahmachaitanya (the highest expression of Divine Energy-less energy). Similarly, for women, Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson explains, that Red Dragon for the most part means the stage of alchemy where the menstrual cycle no longer results in loss of jing, but the movement of energy is upward towards the middle dantien (as opposed to usual downward motion and loss with menstrual fluid).

This probably is also more controversial because, while most agree that seminal ejaculation does result in varying degrees of loss of Jing for most humans, there is no consensus on whether menstrual blood results in any kind of energy loss in women. In fact, during the menstrual cycle, in Tantra, we adore women as the highest expressions of the Goddess, who births, who nourishes, and exudes and grows energy during the three days and those that can tap into that energy can experience the Divine Feminine.

One of my Daoist teachers, who was pushing 100 something, told us once (translated by his great grand daughter): “people indulge in seminal ejaculation, out of will, because they find it pleasurable. Internal turbulance wants you to do that more and more as an avenue to seek bliss. When the inside is quiet, there is no heat of being perturbed, one begins to experience so much bliss, that this kind of ejaculatory-bliss becomes trivial. However, menses are not a matter of choice for women, so they are not the same as loss of seminal fluid, and it actually enriches women”.


/glares at @Maoshan_Wanderer for holding this in his back pocket for the past several months during no fap thread/

Let me highlight the important parts from my POV as I feel like I kinda sorta said this a few times in different ways . :smirk:

seek bliss. When the inside is quiet, there is no heat of being perturbed, one begins to experience so much bliss, that this kind of ejaculatory-bliss becomes trivial.


Absolutely true. Despite cramps (which already healed physically through Advance healing and emotionally through healing the wounds with my mom-dad) those are my best days and the days i feel majestic and creative extra sensual etc :partying_face:


I’ll share my mom’s story. She’s in her late 50s and going through menopause. She’s been using a few fields, like Jing, Flower of Life, Plasma Beach (a little bit), Cosmo-Volt. Recently she started heavy bleeding after several months of having no period. At the time I recommended her to start the Ojas field. Her flow has since normalized. She will of course go to an OB-GYN to check that everything is okay.

Menstrual blood as mentioned above has a cleansing function. I think the fields neither induce nor halt/delay menstruation specifically, but give vital energy to the body, which it needs to heal itself and regain balance. Because a lot of illnesses, especially for women, are related to hormones, one effect may be that change in the cycle.

Thanks for sharing @OZEN and I hope you can update in a few months, if your cycle has become regular again.


Wonderful explanation :pray:


@OZEN @lilo @all the ladies

Are you int he ladies lounge? I posted about this there some time ago, I noticed some fields like vibration of creation having this effect.
Because of my hormonal BC I normally don’t even have periods but some fields seem to basically make me have one for maybe a day or two.

I haven’t noticed it with ojas though


Nice. Fixing the internal alchemical mechanism through quieting the inside (EMOTIONAL RELEASE!!!) rather than making it an ego driven process of how much willpower you have.


I never get notifications for ladies lounge (probably because of the “private” mode) but I’ll check your posts today.

Nah it was a while ago, you already replied :joy::joy:
There was some activity while you were away, but the user has been deleted and the topic she created as well :(



  • Maintains immunity of bodily tissues; protective energy.
  • Vitality, luster of eyes, glow of skin, subtle substance of the aura
  • Compassion, contentment, love, clarity, expansion of consciousness. Keeps joints in place.
  • Keeps doshas in their sites.
  • Maintains quality & quantity of dhatus, malas & doshas.
  • Nourishes sensory perception.


  • What gives us strength, nutrition, tone of muscles, healthy glow and luster.
  • The energy of digestion and transformation of everthing we take in and experience.
  • Cellular intelligence and metabolic activity.
  • Governs body temperature.
  • Color perception.
  • Color of complexion, eyes & skin.
  • Tactile perception (touch, pressure, pain, temperature).
  • Cellular division and multiplication, cellular permeability of membranes.
  • Upward movement: going beyond fear and confusion.
  • Stimulates udāna vayu which raises intelligence and levels of consciousness.


  • Respiration, oxygenation, circulation, keeps cells alive.
  • Sustains our life force.
  • All sensory and motor functions.
  • All mental activity, flow of communication.
  • The intake of food, water and air.
  • The bridge between body, mind & consciousness.
  • Holds all particles together.
  • Governs the biological functions of ojas and tejas.

@Captain_Nemo so could we get “Tejas refined and Defined and Prana refined and Defined” as paid field like negentropy jing, shen and chi? Won’t be bad isn’t it… and the last time I checked you never left anything incomplete! Not sure if they would be necessary tho but just saying since they are other two major energies like ojas lol also these energy could compliment each other well ig…


Write a pm to Sammy (or maybe other moderators can add you too).

Sorry for the off topic in the thread


Ah yes, I checked and remembered now :sweat_smile:


For those who are wondering how can it genuinely help us move irl then here is some insight… and from this lecture it’s safe to say that one can use it as much as he wants (depends on how much energy he can handle) to convert physical energy to non-physical…so could also mean it’s a good way to lose weight or a way for not getting fat…this field is more broken than I expected it to be…I could only imagine what it would be like if he makes other two…


What are all the major energies of the body, mind, spirit. I know of Jing, Chi, Shen and now Ojas, Tejas and Prana, are there any more? :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry but I really don’t know how this can affect ones exercise performance as ive seen no one talk about it this far… Can some one enlighten me how this affects performance?

The transmutation effect people have spoken of kind of scares me in these regards…

Some one please shed light on my ignorance :pray: