Plasma Protocol

I have that too.
Maybe it will help by strenghtening the muscles.

I just finished listening 3x combo1.
I felt a little dizzy while listening but now I feel pretty well, with a lot of energy but I need some loops of grounding audio.
I had some glurps coming from my stomach, my lips were wet while listening (this hydrate?), and I felt my skin detoxicating.


I listened to the plasma combo 3 1-2 weeks ago. Noticed a little hairfall. Now I started listening stem cells to face scalp and neck. My hair are shedding like crazy and also my scalp feels really itchy. Any suggestions as to what is happening?

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Maybe your hair is regenerating, growing stronger.


Any reason why @Captain_Nemo

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Yes of course,
you hair goes through cycles.
to start the new growth cycle, the hair will go through the shedding phase.


I felt that plasma 2 brought detox to the surface of my skin and it was sore to the touch.

Plasma 3 healed the soreness and the acne that would have developed.


Dear @_OM , @SammyG

I have a friend whos child is an authism…Celebral Prasy where by he could not talk till today.Basically physically he look just like normal child by he will be hyper like sometimes make noises and put his bothe finfera on ears and do some soubd…He is 15 and he understand everything but he does not do some daily activites on his own… he can walk .

Can he be cured with plasma protocol…or can he talk if he uses plasma protocol.

Just wanted to know this as i believe its a very difficult queation that i am addressing .

Hope to get the reply on the possibility.

Thank you.


Have you done the regular plasma light yet?
What was their reaction?


No OM…have not done the YT version…

Shd i ask them to do that first n see


Yes. And please advise them go slowly… Monitor results for 5 min increments…


Super interesting! I want to try it. How did you loop both at the same time?

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plasma flower would play on my computer’s speakers while plasma protocol would play on my phone!


Small update
Im ending today combo 3 (I was doing 1 per week as suggested). Not seen much physical effects so far.
I’ll start tomorrow doing combo 1-2-3 (x1) in the same day


Small cuts and scrapes that bled healed overnight.

My hearing is better. I can hear plasma flower on one bar of volume coming from my phone speaker during work.

Hair feels smoother and that’s probably also because of plasma drink charger. My hair also feels cool to the touch and with minimal tangles.

Plasma 2 really helped me yesterday when i spent more time on the computer than i usually do. My eyes started to feel sore and puffy and plasma 2 helped calm them down.

Plasma 1 helped with my body’s posture.

I am noticing that i am definitely improving in my shooter games with plasma 1 and 2. Faster reaction and aim. I also have better game sense.

My mindset has definitely improved. I feel more self-assured and confident. Essence of beauty helps with this part.

I have better insights with life so rejection doesn’t bother me as much anymore.


I’m in the 6th day of combo 1 and I can tell my brain has improved a lot.
I feel my nervous system more relaxed and ligther
My tinnitus and ear inflammation is improving each day with this + plasma light + advanced healing
I feel my body stronger, I have always feel my bones weak, maybe by lack of Vitamin D or sedentary or wathever.


I don’t get tired from these at all and I’ve even used all 3 2x each in one day.


I’m not tired either.


Are you young?

I’m 33. But I transmute my sexual energy. So that’s probably why.

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