New Release: Remove Unconscious Clutter

I prefer this audio version :grin::notes::zap:

Dynamic music for waking up in the morning with a good mindset :boom::facepunch::muscle::running_man::arrow_up:


Will this be available on Patreon at some point?

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Literally genius production

The multiple drops that started at 2:45, it don’t get better than that


Indescribable favorite works 🪩🪩


Same! This is Insanely Awesome!


Now available for purchase on The Sound Weave:


I dont know if its accidentally, but after i started listening to this about 5-8x times daily i started to get a lot of female attention :thinking:


Who made this track? Just curious :100::+1:

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Hi! I bought the audio a few days ago but I could not find the email at all! I looked thru all my inboxes and all my emails. Would it be possible to receive the audio…somehow? I can show proof of purchase etc :)


Very very very interesting observation. Maybe women can sense more things sub consciously more than men.


My hypothesis is that there was some unconscious things that used to surface that where probably causing resistance to receiving attention from women

What this something is, i dunno, could be anything…


Same! Literally I wish I could hear all day!


well if women are more intune with their feelings or instincts then yes they might decode someone without logic explanation and get repulsed by them or like them.

If that’s the case because i don’t know a thing but I know instinctively I don’t like people or like them without any apparent reason then you could try to change mindsets when you are with a girl from confident to someone with a lot of insecurities but still say the same things as you are supposed to have in a flowing conversation and all. Maybe that will prove something.

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There have been quite a number of studies which have found, throughout many cultures of this world, women pick up on and respond to much more subtle social cues than men. It’s been suggested that there’s an evolutionary basis for this.


@SammyG Will this be up on Apple Music? From this year I see only albums - The Tower, Golden Keys and The Edge.

Only specific singles are usually uploaded on Apple Music because there are so many even older ones which are still not available on Apple Music from the EA artist?

It should be understood if this was a problem for those who noticed the effect or simply the field acted randomly. If he did not act randomly, it is probably a field that can really make it possible for everyone to solve social, financial or health problems in a very effective and rapid way.

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Maybe it’s a translation thing, but I’m not reading anything in @GoddessAndGodOfAll’ post which suggests that the field acted randomly.

This field removes Unconscious clutter, which is clutter that forum friend @chimpanzee would not necessarily be aware of because it was, you know, unconscious. There might have been (who knows?) unconscious clutter which was (in some way) diminishing our friend’s inherent attractiveness or inspiring them to once behave in ways that others were less likely to notice them.

If this is what happened for them, then it’s not randomly. It’s the field doing what it’s said to do.

True. Removing (conscious and unconscious) limitations is known to help people solve most all kinds of problems.

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No it was just my guess

Absolutely true, excellent analysis.

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I just bought this, is it better to listen to it before any field, for example Million Dollar,
or is it more effective as a stand alone?

Is it advisable to listen to this on a loop or numerous times, like 10 or more?