Remove Unconscious Clutter (EA Version)

It should be understood if this was a problem for those who noticed the effect or simply the field acted randomly. If he did not act randomly, it is probably a field that can really make it possible for everyone to solve social, financial or health problems in a very effective and rapid way.

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Maybe it’s a translation thing, but I’m not reading anything in @GoddessesAndGod’ post which suggests that the field acted randomly.

This field removes Unconscious clutter, which is clutter that forum friend @chimpanzee would not necessarily be aware of because it was, you know, unconscious. There might have been (who knows?) unconscious clutter which was (in some way) diminishing our friend’s inherent attractiveness or inspiring them to once behave in ways that others were less likely to notice them.

If this is what happened for them, then it’s not randomly. It’s the field doing what it’s said to do.

True. Removing (conscious and unconscious) limitations is known to help people solve most all kinds of problems.

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No it was just my guess

Absolutely true, excellent analysis.

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I just bought this, is it better to listen to it before any field, for example Million Dollar,
or is it more effective as a stand alone?

Is it advisable to listen to this on a loop or numerous times, like 10 or more?

Standard guidelines apply.

But, hey, if you want to ignore those guidelines, there are no Morphic Police.

Just make sure to


i listen while carryn tags when i sence i dont recieve enough goodies from them. or when i did alot of brain thingies such as PONR and the lot and i need to wash away what doesnot wanna go. and yes. it does work with the oposite sex alittle. how and why isnot my bussiness. it just happens.

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it doesnot combine well with the subconcious remover from my personal observation. …a couple of hours distance between the two. … better.

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I wanted to do a stack with just this 4x, and two other plays in 2 different stacks.

OK.* What was your experience playing this field according to the standard recommendation?

*(Notice the difference between these plans and what you had asked.)

I don’t believe so

Great, hope the missing ones will be up on Apple Music soon.

Yes, I think this effect applies to everyone.
However this will give many good results to many people, also helping to absorb and make other fields on the personality side work better, a kind of transformer, at least from what I have noticed using it.


I love this one! Had really great experience after listening to it for 2-3 days. Thanks cap and DESNA.

Also i wanted to know that can I play this right after Ego Dissolution?

Why is that? In my opinion they should synergize very well, i heard others experience that too in youtube comments

Leaving aside the scenarios already reported, this field seems to reduce many situations in which you think you can’t make it, with even a push of the “a-ha” type moment, that is, after understanding how to implement new methodologies, he also teaches how to improve them, in a kind of self-learning.
Very suitable in the field of work, especially when new activities are undertaken, a field seems to be forgotten at this moment.


The question is if this field removes subliminals, considering them as clutter?

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Isn’t “clutter” defined as that which no longer serves you and gets in your way, according to your own preferences and desires?

Although I wouldn’t be leaping to where you are with your thoughts about subliminals, using my definition of clutter, then I would suggest that if your subliminals are “clutter” for you, then removing your clutter wouldn’t be such a bad thing.


The thing is, I don’t know what my subconscious tells me is my own preference and desire - I’m ultimately using subliminals to change my subconscious default preferences and desires, so if that’s how it works, wouldn’t it be likely that my subconscious would classify that as clutter?

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This is backwards from how those (alleged) parts work. It’s you and your conscious mind which gives instructions to your subconscious mind. That’s why things like subliminals work. You’re giving new instructions to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind only repeats back to you previous instructions you had given it.

If you’re choosing to use subliminals, that’s a conscious decision, presumably based on your preference and desire.

No, because in your conscious decision to use your subliminals, you’re giving your subconscious new instructions, e.g., “This is now important to me” (and since this is now important to me, by definition, this can’t be clutter).