Remove Unconscious Clutter (EA Version)

Yes, the point is, it’s not that easy to override the subconscious pattern, I can’t just tell my subconscious that it’s good stuff, keep that forever, that’s why it requires months, sometimes years, of repetition to brute-force the subconscious mind to accept that it’s good stuff, since as you are well aware, the subconscious mind is the most stubborn thing on the planet and it hates changes in the program and will defend against it, resist against it and fight against it until you force it to submission by repetition and being even more stubborn.

If my subconscious knew that it was the best for me and great stuff, I wouldn’t even need to use subliminals, because then I would of already have achieved my goal.

I’m not sold by your arguments here unfortunately, I think mine are just as valid - I don’t think neither of us knows exactly how it works, so I’m’ pretty sure we can both agree on that the safest play would be to not use this field right after using subliminals


Phobias would disagree with you, because they instantly overwrote the previous subconscious pattern of “all is well.”

That’s right, not with this story you can’t.

I’m not sure if you’re arguing against that the subconscious mind need brute force and repetition to overwrite old programs?

Yes, and look how different phobias work from other things, and how easy negative things overwrite the positive :slight_smile:

Imagine how easy life would be if you’d just need to score one lay with a girl and you’d consider yourself as a casanova and the hottest man in the world for the rest of your life - regardless of upcoming defeats with girls.

Or a one-time topping your max in benchpress to feel like you’re the most confident and strongest guy in the world for the rest of your life, since you experienced that once and felt like that once.

As I said above, you’re talking from the platform of your beliefs, which are different from how the theory and neuroscience says things operate.

I’m sure you have your reasons for your beliefs and I’m sure that, at one point in time, your beliefs even served you well. But here’s the thing about beliefs: You get to be right. (And that’s what all your confirming experiences post-belief were doing. They were confirming your beliefs for you.)

The question you really want to ask yourself is “Do I want to be right in this way? Do I want to have this type of experience with my subconscious?”

Let’s simplify this;

Do you know, to a hundred percent, that this won’t affect subliminal messages or is this just your theory (just like mine is)?

If it is just your theory, would you agree on that it might be the safest play to avoid using it right after using subliminals? If not, while still admitting it only being your theory - what is your reasoning to it?

No need to complicate it further than that.


@zanderos i would use this before subliminals if I was you. It would be even better since the description says to do something positive after listening.


Oh I missed that part of the description, that clears things up even more, yeah. Positive reinforcements afterwards. Thanks!

How come this made feel really tired afterwards?

Cleaning a bunch of mess in your room usually leaves you tired.


Literally knocked me out for count man. I had to even go through all my tabs on my computer at some point to check if I weren’t looping his melatonin/sleeping field.

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Great, my mind is silent. Feels good !

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Mental clutter can refer to any type of negative or excessive thoughts, emotions, or beliefs that can create stress, anxiety, and overwhelm in our minds. It can include:

Negative self-talk: This refers to the inner voice that criticizes, judges, and undermines our abilities, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Overthinking: When we constantly dwell on past events or worry about the future, it can create mental clutter and prevent us from being fully present in the moment.

Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can create unrealistic expectations and lead to feelings of disappointment and frustration.

Emotional baggage: Unresolved emotions and past traumas can create mental clutter and affect our ability to move forward in life.

Cluttered environment: A cluttered physical environment can also contribute to mental clutter, as it can create a sense of disorganization and overwhelm.

Multitasking: Trying to do too many things at once can create mental clutter and prevent us from being fully focused and productive.


Haven’t listened to this in a long time

Missed the music :notes:

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I think this field can really help people who lay awake in their beds, trying to sleep but the mind brings forth events, thoughts and feeling that are yet to be fully understood.

This process is something that usually happens when you’re sleeping and it’s really important for mental health, but sometimes you might start while half-awake. I think it’s normal, to offset insufficient healthy sleeping, but it can get frustrating if you’ve had a long day or are tired.

In these instances, I think this field shines.

Also, this has made dreaming easier for me whenever I listen to it before sleeping.

The song might be a little too upbeat for listening before going to bed, but check it out. I like to follow it up with Comfort and Security and Archetype of Parental Love.


Update for a small achievement which I think comes from this one I’ve been listening to for the last few days, instead of the men’s series (QE or Manly). I’ve been to cool off in a river where there are stretches where the water flows faster, like small rapids; until recently i would have avoided diving at those spots, but all the while i felt the urge, the thought to give it a try, obviously this after assessing the conditions. The same situation occurred for a demanding bike ride, which I tackled in the best possible way, returning home much earlier than expected.

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May I ask because this is the way to remove; is there a way to comb? (For example, treat the chaotic consciousness as a messy ball of yarn and untie it into a normal yarn)
(Use google translation, please forgive me for mistakes)

Meditation and therapy are ways to “comb it”, providing you can reach and tap into it.


ok,thank you

Is not any more on soundwave , where I can buy this ?