New release: Shielding Protection T shirt

Shielding Tank Top

Baseball Tee

LEAVE A REVIEW! :facepunch:t4: :mechanical_leg:

This field shields one from negative energies and entities that attempt to affect your aura. It works as a bubble that repels such energies away. The field sometimes re-patterns the negative energies and use them to strengthen itself.


@El_Capitan_Nemo and/or @SammyG, are there plans to include into the Amazon clothing line the updated fields? For example, would this old design ever be replaced with the image from Shielding Protection 2.0?

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Man !! On Amazon and on Prime! This is too much to resist, people! I quite love how they look, but as someone who never wears such bold pictures or colors, lol, I would probably be totallly out of place pulling off one of these Tees!

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For work, I wear them underneath other clothes.
But when I wear them out for ā€œfunā€, Iā€™m always interested in who actually ā€œnoticesā€ something different about them.
Naturally itā€™s only a very few people but itā€™s interesting to hear what they ā€œlikeā€ about it.

Havenā€™t yet gotten someone to pinpoint thatā€™s itā€™s ā€œmagicā€ on it like the jewelry (gotten a few people that noticed this, especially with the old ascension bracelet) among the sensitive.
I guess it being on plain clothing throws them offā€¦


Hmm, not sure yet. But the images on pendants really wouldnā€™t look the same on shirts.


Well, I was more concerned with the energetics than the aesthetics, as I didnā€™t want to buy a v1 Shielding Protection shirt if a shirt with the latest version was in the works.

Thatā€™s really what I couldnā€™t quite figure out, whether or not these shirts are only old designs, or if theyā€™re a different energetic product line entirely from the tags and/or mandalas.

I had a similar question. How do these T-Shirts compare with the Dogtags? I would assume the Dogtags are stronger (or are they?).

Also, I remember reading on another thread that fields are stronger when imbued on a solid surface - is that still true? If so, what does that mean for fields on clothing? Thanks

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So, in your case, did the Tag cast out the entity or the comforter (in anticipation of the new comforter?)

Got it!! What I am wondering is: I have the Shielding tag - is there any reason to additionally get the shirt as well?

Also, if they are equally strong, then the Shirt (which costs 30 bucks?) works better than the tag ($122) in terms of affordability - although there is a clear advantage with the tag which requires no maintenance while a shirt has its challenges lol

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Letā€™s get them reviews on them shirts! Ramp up the teamsā€™s earning!

these shirts have been here a while under the brand ā€˜resonateā€™
its the oldest version of the shielding protection


Will the tshirts be back? Possibly with a new version ?