Soul Restoration III (Brow/Forehead Storage Center)

Why do you include jing chi shen? Soul Restoration audios aren’t they enough to gather big amounts of energy?


I was into overkill at the time. The restoration audios are plenty in and of themselves. If you are into more, harder and faster, then you can add the alchemy series.

The fourth track on the Ancient Arts album is the exception. Transmutation and Microcosmic.


Regarding the brow restoration audio and questions about the series itself

I notice that when I use brow restoration audio, I would feel tingles on my head like I feel itches on there. On top of that sometimes I would get headaches? Today I felt it in the temple area. When is the best time to use this audio?

I also do feel the heart restoration audio right at the heart. Like straight up vibrations. That one not hurting me in any way like physically.

Now the question comes the core audio. I have been listening to this audio for 2 weeks now I think? I have looped that audio like at least 3 times while being asleep. After what time period is it ok for me to stop using that audio and solely focus on the heart and brow?

I notice that the volume for the brow is so low and I want to make sure it really works while im sleeping. (No I do not use headphones)

Hello Spyro :dragon_face: :purple_heart:

I suggest you to explore on forum but literally the description says all what you need .
( in my opinion of course )

Look in to this thread too :

And read -observe :face_with_monocle: this response about what to do, when "fully restored "

Hope this be useful for you /anyone !


Ill just add that imo actually the core one should be or could be the one that stays longer. If you have a strong core point it ripples upwards to the other 2.

But id also say that this series is very personal because it all depends of where you feel you need to work more. or even which one you feel more called to keep listening to.

In my experience i worked for like 3 months the core one then the heart and brow at the same time for like a month then i felt like i could just listen to the 3, stopped for a while, went back to use the heart one alone etc

Theyd guide you, so if you havent felt the answer then keep listening to the 3 of them or experiment using just one and maybe youd notice the absence of the others so youd know you still need to listen to them Etc


i came back to this and just realized i have more to share.

i liked someone who stopped talking to me and heart restoration really helped take away the feeling of being out of breath and anxiety when i thought of them.

but there’s more to it!

the forehead restoration helped me think less of them. why should i think about them when they’re not thinking about me? that’s not what i want. before this, i would think about them and get angry and/or sad and tried to use heart restoration with no effect. there was no effect because i was targeting the wrong area!

it taught me a valuable lesson that if something is not working energetically, take a step back and re-calibrate and try a different approach!


Good idea, I really should do that with Negentropic Shen as well to cover the wasted energy from thinking of them!


oh yes, you’re right!

that is quite a clever idea, thank you as i will do the same!

:ok_hand: :star_struck:


Highly recommend.


How do I pin a message…

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Click the 3 dots and find the bookmark, pa.


Not for me, Mark. Not for me!

(everyone should read that article)

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Hehe guys, you know when you listen to this for an hour and your brain just starts buzzing.
Especially extrafied if you put on some bass boosted music on lol.

Love this bliss of clarity.



The Upper Dantian collects the Chi of Heaven and represents the spiritual aspect of man and his connection to the divine. The Heaven energy that is transformed in the Upper Dantian has a thin, ethereal, vapor-like quality. The Upper Dantian is connected to the third field of Wei Qi, circulating several feet outside the body. As the Upper Dantian fills with Chi, spiritual intuition and psychic perception increase. In Chinese medical physiology, the Brain controls memory, concentration, sight, hearing, touch, and smell. These senses stay in close communication with the Heart and Shen. The Upper Dantian is also considered the house of spiritual (intuitive) communication, awareness, and feelings.


The Jing and Chi form the material foundation for the Shen. In Chinese, the term Jing-Shen means mind or consciousness. Jing-Shen may also mean vigor, vitality, or drive. In China, doctors of both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine use the term Jing-Shen Bing to refer to all types of mental illness. The term Shen is nearly always used with the understanding of the close relationship between the mind and spirit, even in the modern medical context.

The term Prenatal Wu Jing Shen is used in Medical Chi Kung to describe the body’s Original Five Essence Spirits (Hun, Po, Zhi, Yi, and Shen). These five spirits combine the energetic essence of the five Yin organs in order to create the body’s innate spiritual consciousness. The Jing itself is considered the basis for, and ruler of Marrow, which is defined in Chinese medicine as a substance derived from the Kidneys which nourishes the Brain and spinal cord and also forms the Bone Marrow. The Brain is one of the Six Extraordinary Organs and is called the “Sea of Marrow,” as it is considered to be a form of Marrow.

The Six Extraordinary Organs are hollow Yang organs that store Yin Jing. Deficiency of Jing may lead to poor concentration, poor memory, dizziness, and absentmindedness. Deficiency of Prenatal Jing is related to mental retardation and attention deficit disorder (ADD) in children. In some styles of Chi Kung, the Jing is intentionally conserved and its energy is drawn upwards from the Lower Dantian through the spine to nourish the Brain. Such nourishment benefits the mind and enhances spiritual consciousness.


The head is the most Yang aspect of the body since it is the part of the body closest to Heaven. The Chi that operates in the Upper Dantian is, therefore, Yang in nature. The Spleen and Kidneys send the Clear Yang Chi [pure, light, and insubstantial] upwards to the Brain to facilitate mental clarity and activity.

The Upper Dantian is also the place where the individual connects with the Yang Chi of Heaven. Chi Kung practitioners consciously absorb Heavenly Chi through the upper doorway, Baihui GV-20. Heaven Chi is composed of the Chi from the celestial bodies: the sun, moon, planets, and stars. The Upper Dantian is located in the center of the Brain, in an area that encompasses the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, and hypothalamus glands.

The pineal gland and hypothalamus have been shown to be extremely sensitive to the influence of light. In his book, The Body Electric, Dr. Robert Becker cites experiments with bees and several species of birds that navigate by the light of the sun. In birds, this ability may be due to the fact that they have disproportionately large pineal glands. He also discovered that birds seem to have a backup system of navigation based upon sensitivity to the electromagnetic fields of the Earth.

Light, electricity, and magnetism are three forms of energy that the Brain is naturally conditioned to automatically recognize, receive, and respond to. Additionally, the Brain also interacts with and generates the energy of light, electricity, and magnetism. These particular forms of energy stimulate the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, and hypothalamus glands, influencing the individual’s mental and emotional state. The function and patterning of the Brain is dependent on the interactions of countless energetic structures within fields of light, electricity, and magnetism. Although the Brain is also influenced by heat and sound, it does not use or generate them to the degree that it generates light, electricity, and magnetism.


We have already discussed the relationship of the Jing and the Shen with the Upper Dantian. Of particular interest to Daoist alchemists is the opening of the center of the Upper Dantian, called the “Crystal Room,” as this is where psychic perceptions and intuitive awareness take place. Higher communications, experiences of intense bliss, and perceptions that transcend time and space are associated with the Upper Dantian.

These experiences are particularly valuable to Chi Kung doctors, who are trained to use these heightened perceptions to diagnose illness. The efficacy of intuitive cognition is well documented in the works of C. Norman Shealy and Caroline Myss, who use the term “medical intuitive” to describe this paranormal ability.

The Upper Dantian is also the place where the Eternal Soul connects with the Wuji and with the Dao. The awareness associated with this union is beyond description, as this level of unity surpasses conceptual thought and words.

Although the Upper Dantian is responsible for the fruition of intuitive and psychic perceptions, it is necessary to balance the combined energetic properties of all three Dantians in order to establish a reliable foundation for genuine psychic perception. The steam-like quality of the energy within the Upper Dantian fuses with the light that naturally resides within this center. As this combined energy disperses, it travels outward into the Wuji, returning back to the divine. This interaction (of the refined “steam” and the indwelling light) is also responsible for what the Chinese call “receiving the message,” which describes the ability of connecting with a patient’s subtle energy field to acquire hidden knowledge stored within the tissues.

While in a state of tranquility and inner peace, the Chi Kung doctor’s Upper Dantian intuitively processes information from the environment and universe. This intuitive knowledge provides the Chi Kung doctor with a greater ability to explore his or her own consciousness, as well as the subtle subconscious patterns of the patient. The ancients called this ability “knowing without knowing.”

The Upper Dantian is the residence of the upper Hun named Tai Guang or Eminent Light. This Hun naturally connects with Heaven and strives for physical, mental,


My god.

This audio almost completely removes a type of headache that I deal with a lot of the time in one listen.

Very happy and very grateful that I stumbled on to this find.


Does anyone else have an issue with the volume being too low on this one? It makes it a bit difficult to include in loops / playlists

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The “loudness” of the audio doesn’t matter as long you have the volume of your device at the normal level you play your fields. As an owner of the three soul audios I understand what you’re saying, though.


I always thought that you have to at least be able to hear the field?

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When you play your list of fields you’ll probably notice that some are easier to hear than others. In my experience, as long as the volume on your device is set to the level you usually have it, the “quieter” ones will work just as well as the “louder” ones.

I’ve played the Soul Restoration fields in my pocket while at work at about 1/3 to 1/2 volume where I can’t actually hear it playing, but I can definitely feel it working. It’s the type of field (for me) where I know it’s playing based on how I feel. Hope this helps ease your mind a bit. Some soundtracks just play louder at an equal volume setting… the morphic field part (which has no sound) shouldn’t be affected.