New release: Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal

You mean, one after the other? Sure!

same time

There are challenges when playing multiple fields at the same time that don’t exist when you play those same fields one after the other.

Contrary to current mass belief, faster isn’t always better. :slightly_smiling_face:


alright i’ll play one after the other

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Will this help with keloid occurred due to piercing ear??

We have a field just for that:
Skin Scarring Repair (For piercings also): New Release


Thank you so much, I also wanted to ask if it is okay for a 10 y/o child to use that field?

Go slow with them and be sensitive to them, to the things they’re saying and the things they’re not saying.

Chances are they don’t have much real experience with energy sensitivity and may not be able to helpfully guide you in a playing regime. So, you’ll want to ease them into it, so you don’t overload them.


Noted. Will keep this in mind. Thanks again :pray:t2:

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anyone has experiences with this field actually removing scars?

I wonder if this could help brain demyelination lesions since they are in essence scars?

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If it’s scar tissue of any kind then it could help, that is what it’s designed to do seek out scar tissue and help

I think the best thing you can do is see how you feel while listening and after


Guys can this help with restoring vision like eye regeneration?

In a way. If there is damaged. It’s better to use the eye regeneration to target it directly.

Looping this gem now. Never could have guessed I have so much scar tissue inside my body. Organs, muscles, gums, nerves, brain…

It appears this gem works on brain lesions as well. Stacking this with Plasma Brain of Youth and Restoration from the Long Haul. Will add Clot Dissolver + Enhanced Circulation later on. Feeling so much better it’s indescribable. Captain, you are a life saver!


It does gradually dissolve them. Can be combined with Collagen 2.0 and Smart Skin Tightener for better results.

Is this the same as Smart Stem Cells?

I need this so bad to heal my frozen shoulder… Now I cant use anymore

This is on pateron.

I can’t find it. Can u send me the link