Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal

This combines the previous two fat to stem cells and generalized stem cells along with induced apoptosis of scar tissue in organs, muscles and skin.
This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells,
Listening and allowing the music to flow through you will also theoretically pour the energy states of adult stem cells into your body and being, causing cells to resonate with that morphogenic state, which would help produce the obvious benefits of stem cell treatments.
it works with the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.
It should help you to regenerate. This combination should be pretty effective and may even help with damaged nerves (Where scar tissue has formed between nerve connections. It should be highly effective for healing.
Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.


This combines the previous two fat to stem cells and generalized stem cells along with induced apoptosis of scar tissue in organs, muscles and skin.
This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells,
Listening and allowing the music to flow through you will also theoretically pour the energy states of adult stem cells into your body and being, causing cells to resonate with that morphogenic state, which would help produce the obvious benefits of stem cell treatments.
it works with the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.
It should help you to regenerate. This combination should be pretty effective and may even help with damaged nerves (Where scar tissue has formed between nerve connections. It should be highly effective for healing.
Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.

Amazing combination of fields, with beautiful music! This can help everyone. Stem cells are always beneficial, and we all develop some scar tissue inside our bodies as we age, which affects our functioning.

The new addition of scar tissue removal in organs will also help so many people with their health issues, even serious conditions of the liver, kidney, heart, brain, lungs, pancreas and more.

Thank you very much for what you do for everyone, Dream! :pray:


Does this also help against a damaged colon ?As in leaky gut where the gut wall is damaged and thus produces constant inflammation . Dont know if that damage classifies as scar tissue ,as it’s more of a mucus membrane .


There might be some scar tissue and I think the stem cells would help repair it (even if it’s not classified as scar tissue). Try it and see how you go with it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wonder if this would be good to pair with the stretch mark video, since stretch marks are scar tissue in the skin.


Smart, it’s definitely going to help with acne scars so I’ll be listening to this as well. Later on once I have more free time I’ll be doing that stack for my stretch marks as well


I wonder how this would combine with a two-week fast due to the autophagy induced in that fast.


Try Collagen booster. Collagen has been shown to heal the gut wall.


In addition to @pranic_climber’s excellent suggestion, Skin Regeneration (epidermal growth factor) might help with leaky gut as well.

Epidermal growth factor regulates intestinal barrier integrity and can restore it.

It’s possible the increased amounts of epidermal growth factor in your body from the audio could help.

From the description:

It tells your body to produce increased amounts of epidermal growth factor in your skin throughout your entire body which cause skin to begin the process of creating new cells to renew and regenerate the damaged areas.


Wow thanks for the Suggestion. But do you think it will also target the gut . As it sounds like it’s only for the outer skin of the body …
I will hit sapien up about that and report back …


I’ve found this really interesting study about egf and gut health. If this audio also targets the gut then it might be super helpfull bit not just for gut health also for allergies and food intolerances !


It might be very helpful indeed!

If that audio is not targeted to the intestinal barrier, collagen and EGF might be something Dream could add to a digestive system healing field in future! :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes or a epidermal growth factor 2.0 ,that also targets the gut wall. But I’m still waiting for the all mighty gut healing sapien audio :)


Hello everyone!!

Does this audio heal scars, stretch marks or or any other skin issue?

Thank you for your answers!!!



Hello @DLG88!

Yes, this audio should heal scars and stretch marks, and help with many skin issues. It removes scar tissue and directs stem cells to the skin.


How long will it take to see results from this ?

I have 4 scars on my skin from different surgical operations. How long will it take to see some result?

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Not sure anyone can deterministically make such an assessment. There are many factors playing into it.

Depends on how your body reacts to the field, the energy, its inherent ability to use it to heal, any potential blockages that prevent full impact of the energy field etc. etc.


Hello my friend!!! :)

Thank you for your answer!!!

You’re always helpful!!

Wish you a great weekend!!!



Does anyone know if stretch marks that were white are now more visible and are looking more red a good thing? I don’t know much about how these heal and get better but i have a few that have been white for years that are looking more red lately.

That’s a bad thing, your stretch marks are becoming stretched further, red stretch marks means new stretch marks and white stretch marks means old