The Deep Facial Remodelling

Hello, thank you for this field :) to what extent can I expect this field to change my face? Is it a drastic or a subtle change? I need drastic changes and I wonder if this is the right one for me. And when is the next sale because I’m a student so I really need to save up for it :see_no_evil:


Hello, can you please update on your results. My BD is tomorrow, hoping to get it as a gift to myself :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @anon83343177 could you give any suggestions for a stack to build with this to enhance the treatments xxx


Detox your body, start at the deepest layer.


This is a solid advice that I’m for sure adding to the compilation! For this, you can use fields like Mitochondria Protector Blend or something like The Plasma Glass Skin which detoxes the epidermal layers up to the scalp as well.

There is a reason Face Grooming was recommended early on to pair with the Deep Facial Remodelling. It creates this deeper detox while creating this internal glow effect

@Matata has recommended a great stack above. Personally — I think there are a few routes to this stack building; If you wanna focus on the fancy and niche, pair only with the Face grooming and watch how your face unfolds its internal and external changes.

One more route is the primer/energetic template building which is using the Torsion field before inducing the facial changes, this is one route that ensures all the benefits from the Remodeling approach is had.

  • Body Symmetry
  • The Womanly woman (the manly man)
  • Nose Straightener / Mewing
  • Torsion
  • Bioenergetic crystal essence
  • Formula of Balance

Depends on your goals, age, and desires, these are some of the fields you may wanna pair up with the field.

You can also choose to go the crystallized approach where you keep the information of the field for a longer time using the Kinetic Quasi Crystal - but I prefer pairing with Bioenergetic crystal essence for the bio-interaction part of it.

Here is also Matata’s stack:

A wonderful and sophisticated stack.

**adjust based on your needs; you will see a ‘flow’ to this stack that makes it the standard version if your goal is similar to Matata’s

Happy birthday Kitsune!! They called me Kitsuinious for a loong time so my heart is close to every Kitsune out there ;)

I hope you are now grooving to the music of this field :)

We just had easter sale going on so for the time being and until it is announced, you will have to pay the full price if you want to get it now. Sorry :(

then you will find drastic changes ;)

yes, the Deep Facial Remodeling promises a drastic facial change.


Hey, I want to share with you my results regarding “the face remodeling” because today it’s been exactly 1 month since I bought it. At the beginning during the first 3 weeks I felt the field in my face, pressure, tingling etc but I didn’t see any apparent results on my face. So about a week ago I bought “Formula of balance” to boost the process and that’s when I saw the magic appear!! The 1st night (or the 2nd I don’t remember) using these two fields + Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3 0 on youtube, I woke up the next morning I touched my face, I couldn’t believe it, my cheekbones had doubled in size volume and were much higher than before!! Where I really saw the visual change was in my shower. You see there is a large glass and behind it there is a window which reflects on the glass, and about 3 days ago I was taking a shower and with the light, the reflection of the corner of my face was on the glass, I was quite shocked to notice that the shape of my cheekbones was starting to curve into an S like a model’s whereas before it was flat. I never had prominent cheekbones but now they are starting to stand out more and more , I feel the bones and structure of my face much more than before. The results are visible but slight for the moment, they are not yet so significant that someone around me will have a heart attack at the sight of my new face, but for me it is significant because it has been around 4 years I listen to subliminals, field for the face ect… and I never really had any results.
So my advice is to believe in yourself and trust the process because me too i was starting to lose hope and wondered if it was really working given the time I was waiting for results. Another thing that has helped me is visualization, when I visualize what I want as if I already have it with the emotions that go with it I feel tingling in my face much more intensely.
Also work on all your possible sources of blockages because it can slow down the results and if you can buy a field that provides the energy necessary for facial change because it changes your life.
Good success to you!!! And thanks for this masterclass :)




Is this necessary if one has Marquardt? I was considering getting maxilla but now I think I will save up for this

Can anybody elaborate further that would be very helpful, thank you in advance!


@Dor158 Congratulations on finding your perfect pairing of fields and your results so far! I’d love to get your input on you why you feel that particular field helped provide a boost for you!

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THANKS !! are you talking about “the deep facial remodeling” or “the formula of balance”?



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I don’t really know, but I already know that “the formula of balance” boosted the process of “facial remodeling” because the sensations on my face were much more intense than I had ever observed before. I saw a post from Desiree who said that the balance formula provided the energy needed to cause the changes in the face of the other field, and I noticed it. Maybe before I didn’t have enough energy to allow “the surgery” to take place or it was done but much more slowly and it would have taken a while before seeing any results. The problem was maybe not the subliminals I used before but this lack of energy and also perhaps some blockages I had which dissolved with “Subsconscious Limit Removal”. And also because I had confidence in these two fields, I read their entire description in detail of how they worked as well as their benefits, and even if sometimes I understood nothing about the scientific functioning, I had faith so maybe that this boosted the process a little.
Then we probably all have a different receptivity with means that will work better for some than others, but when a field works for you, your body generally feels it.
(sorry if there are any mistakes, english are not my first language)


No you explained perfectly! Thank you for sharing :) I read through Formula of Balance and it sounds amazing! I’ll have to save up for it,


You’re welcome Glad if it helped you :)


Brings the price down to $231.15
Jus’ Sayin’! lol



I was just about to add in the price after your post!!

Massive sales — and only today!!


I had to have it! I have wanted it since you and Captain released it, Des!
Wow, I felt this immediately in my cheeks, lifting! Thank You So Much Dream & Desiree :gift_heart:




I got it in the sale today :speak_no_evil: waiting for my drastic results :star_struck:


Omg yay! Thanks so much for posting this! I know this wasn’t the intention but I got to grab formula of balance!