The Deep Facial Remodelling

My version:
Internal Organ Massage
The Fascia Shakeup and Wakeup
Spinal Tapper
Deep Facial Remodelling
Lymphatic Effusion
Plasma Skin


Hi @anon83343177 i am a male i just turned 18. And i have been in a deep deep depression because of how i look, my face.I hate myself. I really want to change my facial structure and facial appearance.

Im gonna buy this from gumroad or i was thinking about a more private custom request for me. Im reqdy to pay up to 2k?

Please help me out



Welcome Adam @Po_xcc !

Donā€™t sabotage yourself!
The physical fields do work, will make one beautiful as they wish but the mindset is more important than anything.
Focus on the inner beauty reflecting outwards field for cosmic speed progress. People reported significant results when they focused more on Love, Gratitude and Joy kind of fields. There is a lot to elaborate on these but donā€™t wanna overload in the 1st message.
All the best, all I wish is your success :)


everyone is beautiful, and our own image of ourselves is very often much worse than what the outside world perceives of us, we become self-conscious about insignificant things (I know this phase). The fields work and can help you but there is a whole section concerning your style (hairstyle, clothing style, beard, skinā€¦) in general which could help you develop a better image of yourself by highlighting your natural beauty, if you want I can help you with this part (for free) I am not a stylist but I really like giving advice to those around me if they ask me :)
Wish you best of luck and hapiness !


It seems that many people are able to feel your pain, they can see through your words and they want to help you out.
I, too, want to help you out.
I want you to see the light within yourself that is beyond your sadness and disappointment in life and its fairness.
I donā€™t wish to come here saying that beauty is subjective and all that, but the uniqueness within you creates a certain type of beauty of characteristics that you can choose to let shine.
The uniqueness is embedded in all ways within you. It is through your mental attitude and your compassion towards yourself that you let it shine.
This is my words from me to you.
I want you to feel better, friend. Invest in what makes you more beautiful, your body, your aesthetic, and most importantly, your mental appeal.
This is what gets you wherever you want to be.
When this project was made to be an NFT, I received so many messages like this. So many.
They are the reason this product today isnā€™t an NFT sold for 3000, but a product you can buy for just a little shy over 300 dollars.
These were the messages that fueled my desire to create this to be public for everyone.
If you think your voice is not heard, and your pain isnā€™t seen, think again. It is the reason today, the product is accessible to everyone.
So, please.

Find all ways to celebrate your beauty.
Create more of it
And live it,
Truly live it.
Live the life of someone beautiful; handsome
See how their life is shaped
And become one.
And you can.


Hi, thanks everyone.

In this world of today many dont care about feelings love emotions, peoplr get bullied just becauze of how they look.

But yeah so should i just buy the deep face remoddeling and also the audio on ur gumroad sbout maxilla or should i make a custom request to u.

I saved a lot a lot of monry for this so yeah.

Help me out
And thanks a lot for ur time guys.


Welcome to the forum @Dor158 !


Welcome to the forum @Po_xcc!


@anon83343177 many thanks for making this possible for us to acquire ā€¦Im enjoying it and seeing benefits/changes every day :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hatching_chick:


Each life changed and every ounce of new confidence gained makes me ever more grateful! The smile you reflect back to your mirror as you see your new face coming out ā€” that, that is why this product is available.

:heart: :pray:


How many times do you listen to it? I tried it two days with one day break in between for about 45 mins. I look prettier and more confident but got dry skin!! Anybody experiencing the same? Itā€™s probably the laser effectā€¦


I will compile a list of the possible experiences that can accompany this field - it is important to note that all procedures in this field are ā€œrealā€-- these are simulators of real life procedures with a working mechanism that leads to a specific set of outcomes.

You are very much correct. Tightening sessions are usually around 20 minutes! Iā€™d say 45 minutes is a decent amount for The Deep Facial Remodelling - just make sure that if your skin is on the dry side, to either moisturize your skin liberally, so the laser in the field can have something to work with, or use the adipose tissue field 1x before Facial Remodelling.

This is a great ā€˜side effectā€™ ;)



Have in mind that the field activates many processes in the tissues. Our bodys need water for that. You might need to drink some more.:slightly_smiling_face:


Yes please!

It would be awesome to know how to maximize the effects of the field (with the support of free fields and even physical actions/products)


I will add a personal request - are there any tips for jaw related changes? And general alignment changes?


To be honest, while some practies require more highlighting; it is really the natural skin care practices that a person will usually have in their daily routine - just with more attention to the field in their daily life. A good moisturizing cream would do, some additonal Ceramides (as the field includes them)- if you are going more for a chieseld look, a moisturizing ā€œgelā€ instead of cream would be more slimming; avoid creams with lots of fats into it - obtain a balance between Fat inducing fields and slimming ones.

Iā€™d say the field takes care of that - you might add the Mewing field since it is also more of a practice and will support the Deep Facial Remodelling in its focus

My main recommendation throughout this thread has been providing a source of energies to the field to help build the template that is already built in into the field. Fields like Torsion or Formula of Balance would be great! and here appears another one - water and moisturize according to your skin needs and goals :)


I just bought some spray mist on Amazon to carry with me so I can hydrate as I go. Your audio makes miracles. Hope you ll make soon one for (women) bodies too.


Hi @Dblue!
Nice 2 C U


:pray:t3:ā€¦thank you ā€¦Nice to be here :two_hearts:


Do you care to elaborate the main differences?

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