The Deep Facial Remodelling

Here’s to a new shining you!

:wine_glass: :sparkles:


Is it recommended to listen with headphones or just through the phone? I played it through the phone last night just to see what vibe it was-if it was relaxing and I could fall asleep to it) I swear to god my skin on my face felt like it was being pulled, was mind blowing!! Ima take pictures from day one xx


both are fine!

see what works best for you. low volume is fine too. with fields for physical changes i prefer speaker close to my aura. when i listen to fields at night i put my phone under my pillow on low volume.


I plan to get this field during the easter sale! @anon83343177 could this help with a bulbous nose tip? Since a fleshy nose tip has more to do with cartilage/thick skin than it has to do with the bone structure


I got this but have not used it much yet…

Any stacking ideas for this field? Like with other face/skin/collagen fields?

Perhaps I will add it to my workout stack…


it’s funny cause i feel all the face related fields so deep in my legs. It’s so heavenly rejuvenating! :blush:

  • 4 x crystallized guide
  • 5 x eternal
  • 20 x deep facial remodelling
  • 1 x acu-automation (or again 4 x crystallized guide)

at the same time playing the blueprint of life on another device & also asking the crystallized guide to learn the deep facial remodeling while listening to it :yum:


This is an impressive stack! The addition of the Crystallized guide with its ability to modulate the physical body intensifies this stack! Sure enough this way the information of the deep facial remodelling will be stored inside the body and learnt faster.

I’ve always incorporated facial fields with workout audios, muscle beyond limits and saint biceps felt just right with the Microcurrent and Facial Muscle toning. With Remodelling, I get the sense that other fields will be more apt-- Fields that distribute, prime, etc like the formula of balance or torsion; a field with a “template” to it will suit Remodelling better. But keep the workout logic itself into the stack with 1-2 fields and 2x of a field that carries a template into it like the Formula of balance or The Eternal.


Has your GF had any results?
(She bought it Feb 2)



One also can ask any higher being (or any other information) to transmit the information trough the crystalline portal.


He’s so potent with information. Incredibly communicative with divination methods. This Being is extremely intense! So glad you designed that! :relieved: :+1:t4:


Hmmm…she has not been regular either… She does too many things like fields, microcurrent treatments, skincare products, RF treatments, Guasha, and has naturally had a chiseled face.

She was the one who suggested we build a stack and start using the field haha

She usually is regular with Plasma Glass Skin religiously!


For this. you will need to use the Smart Skin Tightener paired with the Deep Facial Remodelling. What the Remodelling will do is enhance the shape of the nose to take whichever shape it does and make it suit your face better. It will encourage the nasal structure to be more refined and smooth so the thick skin will simply not become an issue anymore. Plus, the Endolift treatment will surely have a hand in reducing the thickness of the skin.


Is this the same as Facial Symmetry with muscle toning on patreon only stronger?




I got it last night and finally tried it. Not sure if I can really see any changes on my face yet BUT I woke up with a great pain in my shoulders and neck and then I noticed my posture today was straight and more REGAL!!! Fantastica side effect.


I have to back it up and say that one of the first things I noticed with this field was that I’m able to hold my posture effortlessly (the upper part of It, meaning: upper back, and back of the neck)!

I want expecting that at all, so it was nice


Till now with fields, no field was able to really fix my jaw and bite… Which is strange because there has been some improvement with my face structure…

So hopefully this field will have a push in that arena and help… Finger crossed

I did feel the eye area improving as most of the reviews mentioned


in the creation phase of this project, I spoke to a knowledgeable friend on the matter, @maTata about the relationship between the cranial bones positioning and the posture of the individual. In some of the above posts, it is highlighted that even organ functioning can be affected from the abnormal positioning of cranial bones.

an example of that would be tension or compression in cranial sutures leading to compensatory adjustments in the cervical spine, shoulders, and pelvis to maintain equilibrium. and then over time, the adaptive changes contribute to postural deviations such as forward head posture, rounded shoulders, or pelvic tilt. this is just to highlight the main regions from which a correct posture arises.

it can occur the other way around as well, where gravitational forces from prolonged sitting or slouched positioning can impair cranial positioning and induce restriction in cranial motion. the cranial bone mobility can also be affected through the connection of craniosacral system and the intra-abdominal muscles and their connection to correct breathing that maintains cranio-motion. these biomechanical functions are necessary when considering the dynamics of this project – which aims to induce a proper biomechanic adjustment that effictevely allows for other areas to change as well such as posture, breathing, etc

That is to say, The Deep Facial Remodelling will induce deep effects to more than just your face. :)


Nice! Amazing that we can get a little (a lot haha) of behind the scenes


Haha! Yeah creating this project has been a massive journey to me; I’m thankful for every bit that helped build it into the shape it is today :heart: