The Deep Facial Remodelling

I have no idea what it took for you to choose to speak this way.
or for someone’s aesthetic evaluation to matter this much to you
but that is okay.
If you believe the field can do a lot then perfect! That’s all you need to decide whether you want the field or not.
Other details should not matter that much to you then :)

The Royalty in this field refers to the pure concept behind Royalty and elegance
a high level of “clean beauty” as you have been told.

That is all you need to know.

And Thanks for your trust in Sapien Medicine. :)))


I hear you! There is an upcoming sale next week! Hope you catch it this soon!


Dont htink I am stupid, as to not know what you mean, in my opinion,its a No, since we live on this planet in the reality of this planet so ,when somebody refers to royalty, then we as humans can only identify with what we know and have seen as „royalty“, on this plane of reality.The better term would have been Angel/s instead of royalty.

Speak for yourself Einstein, we know the difference between royalty as a concept describe in this field and to the royalty who were inbred.

If you find that hard to comprehend, you might want to loop brain fields first rather than this.


only you think like that. you seem to hate the royal family in uk :rofl:. most people think of royalty like beautiful princes and princesses like in fantasy novels or movies


Calm down.

I don´t think you are stupid.
You had a question about what royalty meant in this field.
Royal beauty is a phrase often used in the beauty community.
Describing the best of, highest grade of.


Actually I dont know what angels look like, just how the mainstream (western?) world picture them.

Personally I believe angels take the appearence that works best for the individual at that moment.

Pretty sure angels appearence have been descibed in many different ways depending on times and culture.

Stop trolling. :wink:


Imagine if field creators felt like pranking us big time and after a while listeners would wake up looking like ophanim:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
"“But you people wanted to look like angels next time be more specific ok?”


Hope i look that angelic soon! :joy:


We need selfies once you reach that state! :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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Omg seriously, :pray::pray::pray: Now I’m going to be literally checking everyday next week for this haha! Thank you​:heart::heart:

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March 24:
I happened to catch my reflection in a mirror at work last week.
The mirror was at a distance and I saw that the shape of my face was a little more oval than before. Something I hadn’t noticed when looking in a mirror more closer, like when putting make up on.
Also my eyes are more open and slightly tilted upwards.


can you give us more info about the extra-terrestrial addiction? meaning, results, technique… while we start the countdown for the sale :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:


The most important detail of this extraterresial crystal therapy is the oxygenation process in the Sky Stone therapy. The Sky Stone is composed of 77% oxygen; the composition of this stone is considered like a hyperbaric oxygen for the skin, cells, and tissues.

The extraterresial crystal therapy is composed of:


Blue Halite :)


I had noooooo idea we were talking crystals here!!! I thought a technique taught by extra terrestrial was used in the audio :see_no_evil::joy: thanks Desiree


It’s here!!



Yahoo!!! I already love it! Thank you !!!

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You’re so welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Welcome back!

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Thank you, thankyou xxx


I got it​:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: