The Deep Facial Remodelling

Since my last post, my cheekbones have actually been moving upward. If you didn’t know the source of it, I am sure it would be concerning to you because the pain is tremendous. In my earlier posts, I failed to mention the incredible effects of SpiritualityZone’s Supernatural-Good-Looks AV file in the beginning. But I have up too early on it. Using it alongside the Facial Remodeling field has been astounding. I am sore all the time like I have been doing mewing exercises every day, again my cheekbones are moving upward, the entire structure inside, outside and around my jaw is getting reshaped as well. I keep finding myself using my tongue to trace my teeth outside because of the constant but micro-slow movements that are happening. Keep in mind, I am listening to two prep files - SpiritualityZone’s DIY Biokinesis 2.0 and Psychic University’s Speed Up Physical Changes file right before one hour each of the facial restructuring files. Tons of pain almost every single day from doing this, but I love it.


If you just want to experiment with the method I am currently using and will be for the remainder of this year in regards to this year, you can download the free versions of the other two files directly from SpiritualityZone’s website. Granted, they won’t be quite as amped up as the advanced versions, but if you don’t feel anything from using them, then they could be disregarded by you.

Scroll down to the bottom and look for the link in red.

My aesthetics Playlist, if anyone is interested (Not including subliminals):

D-I-Y Biokinesis 2.0 AV - 3x
Speed Up Physical changes - 5x
Maximum Human 2.0 - 5x
Facial Remodeling - 20x
The Prince NFT - 55x (It’s only 1:05 long)
Supernatural-Good-Looks AV - 15x


Thanks so much for sharing your progress! I just took a look at both of these and I really love the idea of Biokinesis 2.0! It sounds really cool. I love the idea of being my own surgeon so I will definitely be playing around with this one!

I’ve also experienced intense sensations in my cheeks with this field + Maxilla Masterwork. Most of my pain is in that area with less around my jawline and chin. Im also fairly certain my cheekbones have moved up or at least out. I’m trying not to scrutinize it too much though as I don’t want to obsess over the changes!

Edit: You also make me feel like i messed up cause I’ve been running Speed Up Physical Changes only once before my stack :rofl:


The Facial Remodeling field for me, from the first time I listened to it and now, has always had a cascading effect. It feels constant, persistent, focused. I assume Captain Nemo could have made it more vicious if he wanted to, but it feels like a masterpiece. This is one of top five most effective and superb fields I have ever used that he has created…

Shiva (SpiritualityZone) on the other hand uses what he references as living energy. Anything I say is speculative, but I am sure he could explain it more precisely. Even though he advises to only use most of his files 3-5 times, you can go beyond what his recommendations are. Compared to The Facial Remodeling field, the advanced version of the D-I-Y Biokinesis 2.0 (3 times) combined with fifteen times of the advanced version of The Supernatural-Good-Looks file has been absolutely brutal for me. The first time I did it, I walked around with my mouth opened, slackedjawed. I listen to subliminals that are based on my preferred objectives that I wish to accomplish in the long-run simultaneously along with these files. My intention is to produce a ‘triple whammy’ effect. So that is three different types of methods to ultimately meet one single goal. Other than aesthetics, intelligence and wealth are my other two.

I would like to give special recognition and thanks to Jojo for recommending the ‘Omega Love’ field by Psychic University. It took a sledgehammer to more blockages I was completely unaware of that I had. Using this as well sort of put the effects of these other fields into another gear. Also thanks to Psychic University for making it as well. I had no idea such a lack of self appreciation could be that detrimental to one’s progress in using morphic fields, frequencies, etc.



Self love is huge when it comes to potential blockages! I have Omega Love in my wishlist for that very reason but for now I listen to Jaaj’s self live search to serve a similar purpose :)

In regards to sensations, the Deep Facial Remodeling took a bit to start generating feeling consistently. That being said I think it’s more so my sensitivity that has increased or that it’s just takes an introduction for me to start sensing the energy working. I didn’t really feel any fields when I first started dabbling with these last month. First ones I felt consistently were face combination and facial symmetry.

When I first bought Remodeling I looped it overnight I think 2 or 3 nights in row and felt nothing. I didn’t experience anything until I put it on during the day and even then it was a gentle sensation. Last night was the most intense experience, so much pain. Not bad pain, but lots of tugging, pulling, pushing, of the cheekbones with general pressure and burning sensations. Today’s experience has been much more gentle. I’m noticing for me, at least so far, the amount of energy I feel changes from day to day but I hope to have a more consistent sensitivity because I enjoy feeling the energy moving around.

I plan to try out your recommendations at the end of my stack just to feel them out. Super excited! Also if you have any subliminal recommendations I’d love to hear them! It’s fun learning about all these different modalities and how people use them. My DMs are open!


W Dream.

@anon72573121 W PU.


Hello @Rafaso

Welcome Healing Chalice


Hi there @Rose

Fairy Princess Welcome


++ W Jojo.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

Let’s remember that this is a testimonial thread for a Sapienmed field, fam. If you want to recommend other creators’ items to supplement, please go here: Discussion for other similar Channels

Thank you :slight_smile:


Nooo a super comprehensive, very overpowered, and 10/10 project from Desire.

+++ W Desiree.



Not really just this

If you have pit scars or ice pick scars on your face, will this help restore smoothness?

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Yes, the skin treatments within the field will help restore smoothness

You can also pair with the incredible and most efficient audio we have for scars:

Skin Scarring Repair (For piercings also)


Hi @YWill

Nice to see you crystals

1 Like

Who hurt u damn

Royal Beauty is not reffering to any royal family.
Royal Beauty in this context means a high level ”clean” beauty.


Will PayPal ever be an option to buy items with on Gumroad like the remodelling field? This will take a long time to save up for😂 x