The Deep Facial Remodelling

Slowly but surely seeing better foward growth also eyes seem to be getting sharper and more hunter like!


@Invictus This is so good to hear! Forward (and upward) growth are something Iā€™m really focused on. Are you using any other fields/tools in your stack or just this one?

Any new update?

This is the part where your preferences matter above what the field is capable of doing. The Deep Facial Remodeling will certainly treat the appearance of fat loss via remodeling the face and the underlying tissues and bones; the lipid distribution will be enhanced and the problem of ā€œlossā€ will be removed and replaced with rejuvenated appearance that is smooth and harmonious.
So you will not have ā€œfat lossā€ signs on your face; on the internal, and external sides.

What the new patreon field would do is to increase the lipid cotent in your face in an organized manner along with inducing collagen changes and that will also keep the lipid distribution organized and enhanced in the face as opposed to droopy or saggy.

They will not clash no.

Thatā€™s awesome! I was just writing to someone in the PMs ā€” everyone has almost reported the eye change of blepharoplasty showing up first

Yes Nyxia, the field will extra take care of that :)


@anon83343177 Is it okay to message you to get input about something in regards to this field and creating a beauty stack?

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of course! message me :)

Only a slight, but gradually increasing positive canthal tilt. After experimenting while trying to be aware of my feelings and any sensations Iā€™ve been experiencing, I decided to combine this with SpiritualityZoneā€™s Advanced Version of Supernatural Good Looks right after The Deep Facial Remodelling file and I use his Do-It-Yourself Biokinesis 2.0 (Advanced Version) file prior to them both as well. I follow with Psychic Universityā€™s Speed Up Physical Changes file after SZā€™s DIY 2.0 AV file. They seem to work remarkably well together in synergy. Admittedly, there is exceptional or excessive pain afterwards (for me, anyway) by using The Deep Facial Remodelling and Supernatural-Good-Looks (Advanced Version) together, like youā€™ve taken a few rounds worth of punches to the face.


I remember the project we discussed a long time ago. I am very happy that this project has been made public. My future purchase list @anon83343177


@Mema May I ask what was it that cause your fat loss? Iā€™m not sure if I overlooked it in the thread? Was it utilizing a field or was it getting a procedure done?

Is it only for women or can it also be used by men?

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Both @Rafaso


And ā€œNFT invitationā€ message was sent to every contributing member to the project! A huge group was created as well with almost 15 people. Back then, it was impossible to host that large number :D everything was reserved only for a maximum of 10 people.

This is the one you remember, yes :)))) Iā€™m glad it has taken its current format; comprehensive, precise, and full of immediate results

Thank you Hauru :heart:

And, as confirmed by SilverZuzu, this product is unisex. Most results reproted back here on the thread are seemingly from men.


It was an ultrasound device. Managed to looks better by using Red LED light for a while but then I overdid it and I think the near infrared light led to more fatloss.

But I did use a lot of subliminals and fields and canā€™t completely rule out that some of the mightā€™ve been less beneficial.


@Mema Iā€™ve also had a negative experience with an ultrasound device and Iā€™ve read about a lot of experiences. Iā€™m sorry that happened as I know the impact can be alarming at the very least :(

Iā€™ve also read red light helps but infrared may worsen it. The aesthetics industry is a jungle to navigate and unskilled and untruthful practitioners only make it worse!

Are you on the Patreon? Have you tried using the new adipose saturated face and neck field?


Iā€™m sorry to hear that you had a bad experience as well šŸ„²

Yes I use it already, it does make my face look fuller. But somehow when I listen too much I donā€™t like my face shape with it . Iā€™m weird like that, Iā€™ve found I have to mix and match subliminals and fields to look good to myself.


Ive been dabbling with adding a few subliminals into my daily listening. I do it off and on since I can pick very specific things. Would love to hear more about your subliminals experience! If youā€™d be open to sharing my DMs are open!


Iā€™m really interested in this one, hope to read more testimonials soon :pray:t2:


There has been many testimonials shared! Let me show you some!

and of course;
welcome to the forum :relieved:


Welcome to the forum :rose:

