The Essence of Mantras

I recently started practicing Meditation and I usually meditate to the Journey of Forgiveness field and today I decided to try the Essence of Mantras as well.

So, today I was feeling pretty low and angry with myself so I meditated to the Journey of Forgiveness and I tried to forgive myself. Then I played Essence of Mantras and few minutes later, I felt a jolt and it seemed like I am weightless. My body felt so light and all my negative feelings/emotions disappeared. This blissful state lasted for few seconds as I started trying to describe what I was feeling and I think I shouldn’t have done that describing part. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful experience and I’m still wondering what was that.
Now this is gonna be in my daily stack.
Thank you Captain :heart:


What does essence mean here? Does it have anything to do with mantra siddhi?

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The mantras below in their utmost purity :slight_smile:


In all seriousness, it is very difficult for me to explain these realizations and changes happening within me. It’s seems like the old reality is falling apart. What I once thought was true was only something I needed, to realise the deeper truth of it. Like the wind, slowly and steadily clearing the clouds surrounding my heart. Opening me to move forward in a meaningful way.

I clearly feel this presence, guiding me everyday. Always has been there for me, its just that I’ve been looking through tinted glasses all my life. To be honest, I’ve never felt like this in my whole life, something that can’t be put into words.

The more I try to explain, it feels like I’m putting it in a box and limiting it in a way. So I’ll stop here, before I get all philosophical.

Thank you for bringing in these energies dream.

[As always, please use your discernment and only take that which feels good to you and resonates with you leaving the rest behind. That will make me feel much open to express my humble thoughts]


Good bump and good idea!

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this from one source while playing the yagnas and homas from gumroad from another :scream: :space_invader:

dont know if anyone here does it so or whether it is already mentioned.

my small brain disovered this today.


Would you say this is the most powerful free field to raise someone’s vibration? I read in a YouTube comment that this is more effective than “raise your vibrational state”, and hosts a lot of more benefits too; should I use them both or is this one enough?


I would say use both. They will be complementary


Anyone here done pranic healing or Arhatic yoga?

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This feels so blissful… so crisp… mind goes am I even worthy of listening to this… I guess so… thank you @Dreamweaver


I automatically begin to smile whenever I meditate to this :)


Bump. This is lovely :yellow_heart:


Off topic but I’ve realized that every single time I listen to something, without fail it gets comments and general activity on its thread. I listened to this one after such a long time and now I see that it got bumped.


This is one of my favorite fields!!
I LOVE This!
Thanks, Captain. :pray:


This field completely removes mind chatter and allows you to be mindful and in the present moment. Not only that, but I suspect this has a negentropic aspect in it, because other than the deep relaxation and mind clarity, it pushes you towards order, peace and general well-being.
So this basically:

  • keeps you extremely grounded and in a blissful state, aka in a “monk” mode; I would also say it’s perfect to reach that “flow” state before any focus related activity

  • allows you to grow mentally and spiritually due to the power of mantras

  • raises your vibrational state, pushing you away from bad habits, negative thoughts and societal brainwashing

  • has health benefits such as stress reduction, improved sleep quality and skin health

This is another underrated gem that could have been easily sold for hundreds and we have for free. Perhaps this is the reason it’s not very utilized? :thinking:


Agreed. We’re in synchronicity right now because I still this thread often.

Something about letting go, or feeling less guilty.(Even if you did nothing wrong, you can feel guilty still.)

This field can help us from manifesting destruction, chaos, repeating bad interaxtions such as the same types of toxic dating partners, etc.

I recommend this to my friends pretty often.


I saw 11 likes while reading this :slight_smile:


Lol that was Me with a previous profile :sweat_smile:


Oh, it’s you?! I didn’t want to like it to keep the 11 likes. :nerd_face: