Feng Shui Master of the Shire

Well, if you cant buy both.

How about buying Plasma Flower and Vaastu Homa?


Or you could buy this and play it with uplift yourself and the world around you or love graviton weave or light weaves or angelic intercession.

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Thank you for your suggestion.

Have you used both by the way?
In short, what is the difference of Plasma Flower and Feng Shui field?

Could anyone give me some idea??


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What made you want to buy Plasma Flower or this one?

What do You understand of the fields that are making you want them?

Again, thank you for your response.

I am hoping to bring some change into the environment where I live.
It’s in my apartment unit and also neighbors.
As I stated in my previous comment, I have tried many other things, like Sapien Youtube videos that should work for environment, also I tried to apply Feng Shui rurles to my rooms, also I used energetic mandalas, sigils, survitors.
I have seem some changes, but still I feel energy here is stuck, not clear, fresh energy, and neighbors are not so nice for many reasons.

I read thru Plasma Flower thread and also this one.
For Plasma Flower, I thought the idea of the field was very interesting. I never thought about that concept for the environment.
That made me wanted to try.
For Feng Shui, I read several Feng Shui books and also articles from internet, and I myself applied some rules to where I live. It’s been very interesting topic to me.

What do You understand of the fields that are making you want them?

My answer to your 2nd question.
I don’t know how to put my answer into words. (I’m trying my best, but I’m not English speaker, sometime I have difficulty in expressing myself. (Translation apps are not reliable, they do awful job, so I try my best)
I’d say I read thru each thread from Plasma Flower and Feng Shui, so reviews written in thread and description are all that I understand about them, and made me think I may want to try them.

Am I answering your question OK?
I didn’t know about Vaastu Homa, so I will read thru its description and thread.
Thank you so much for taking your time for me


I think it may be even more effective with actual attempts at feng shui.
but this more personalized to you and your living space, or the area where it is played in relation to you.

the plasma flower is not tailored only to the user or dweller, so it brings a larger general more peace etc rather than a personalized abundance as with the feng shui.

So i guess it really depends on what you want to focus on at the moment.


Radio stack fixes every damn problem for me!

  • Negentropic Harmonizer
  • Feng Shui Master of the Shire
  • Plasma Flower Node
  • White Light Waves
  • Environment Energy accumulator
  • Ley line Nodes
  • Sacred Sanctuary (if you don’t have this, RUN and get it…my absolute fav)
  • Essence of Mantras

I loop this stack for 2 hours when I leave the house. The whole place feels lighter, cozier and radiant.

Several folks including my cleaning lady, neighbors and even a Comcast technician have commented on how peaceful they feel when they enter my place.


cheat codes, monastery on demand.



Ohhh, I get what you mean, difference of 2 fields.
Thank you

I’m Asian, so Feng Shui is something we’ve heard often, and I’m familiar with tis concepts, read lots of books and articles, however, there are too many “do this, not do this”. It’s really hard to live in Feng Shui perfect place
(I heard Micro Soft, Trump hotels are made according to Feng Shui rules, I don’t know the truth, but unless we have fortune to design Feng Shui perfect house, it’s really hard to follow those rules…)
I’m kinda Feng Shui otaku (LOL), so I was curious what it is like living in Feng shui based energized space.

May wanna try.
Thank you so much.


Thank you for sharing.
I always loop White light Waves when I go out.
And essence of mantra as well
Thanks to them, my place has got a bit better compared to before, but still, needs change, and I will work on it.



Yeah, I have been very interested in qi / energy stuff, that’s why I love to use Sapien energy field
I like to read Feng Shui books and internet articles, but there are too many rules we are encouraged to follow. (and there are several different type of Feng Shui culture in Asian countries)
I don’t buy buddha statue and stuff, I try whatever I can, but gee, it’s impossible to follow. And I know if I stick too much to its rules, I won’t have time to enjoy my life.
I just try to be easy, not necessary to be perfect, but really curious about this field…


Well, I had missed that comment. Here is the bump.

An amazing field indeed, my favorite among the environmental ones :sparkles:


Feng Shui Master of the Shire – The Sapien Shop


Just got this and it is hands down amazing! It will brighten up an area in absolutely no time whatsoever! It restores balance and harmonize the space in between items! Even if your space is not picked up or tidy it will still bring harmony to all areas! It’s best to keep things tidy of course. It is amazing to put the speaker in an old closet and see what happens when you walk in after playing! Wow!


Is this upgraded version of Feng Shui field?
Or is it the same one?

Thank you

I absolutely love the violins on this one! It’s beyond harmonious:)


Please put this on Patroen premium o_o

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Hello :cherry_blossom::white_heart:,
I purchased Feng Shui Master of the Shire September 30th, 2022. The original link says now outdated for access. Is there an active updated link download available to receive?

This field is important and would like to use it ongoing long term! I have proof of order & receipts confirming payment.

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please let me know the order number, maybe i can search the records and manually resend.
but i actually do not have a copy myself.


Once order number is verified I can send the audio
@Captain_Nemo @Rainbow_Backsplash