Feng Shui Master of the Shire

*highlighted everything that is very important to know

Many thanks Luna, for this complete and comprehensive explanation. :pray:


Cool, thanks for doing it :ok_hand:

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Do you have this field?

Yes, I have left a few reviews above

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Wealth and abundance come to those who know the laws of Feng Shui.
And this is 100% fact!


Promise? :rofl:

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Hello people , i want to re-confirm two things.

  1. This field can be played when we are away from home/room , is it? We not need to actively listen to it, right?

  2. We don’t need to rearrange any furniture or clean the room , right? My room pretty messy :sweat_smile:

Thank you in advance.

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  1. For room only. No need to active listen.
  2. No need to move furniture.

Yeah you dont need to as Lucky said but you will feel the urge/desire to do so… and you will enjoy it.


Ahh this field…

So magical as its name :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I dont play it as much as I used to before, but at least a few times one day or 2 a week. Sometimes i forget so a couple of weeks go by but every single time i get back to it i immediately get the same feeling:

From the 1st note of that amazing music i feel all of a sudden my place turning into fantasy land


It first puts my mind into that space like taking me to another world and as the time passes i feel like that place shown to me in a floating window starts integrating with my place and by the end of the very first loop my home is that place, i am in there, i live in there, my perfect sanctuary.


It uplifts my mood, it clears my mind, my lungs expand with every breath, my body automatically stretches or i move, the air is clean, the vibration goes up and expands.

And in that moment everything is possible, everything is perfect, i think of anything and all that comes to me are happy thoughts, good and new ideas, i can literally feel how the energy of everything around me re arranges, i cannot believe i play this field skipping at MY place.

Ive played more at my work than at home!
Even tho our home is the center of everything, is the beginning point, its our resting place, where dreams are built, where we nurture our body best, where we build love etc…

“Silly… silly Luna” dont you know that?- i say it to myself, just seconds after playing this, every time. This field literally erases and cleans everything. In out and around Me.

Im gonna play this field religiously every day or ill even find a way to keep it playing at least some hours a day. I know feng shui effects like the back of my hand, i have this field, and still i havent turned my home, my office, my life in the perfect Shire i could have long time!!

And be The Master of it!!

I feel so inspired right now haha


Yeah okey everything is clean and fresh and you are in lalaland but that is just to scratch on the surface of feng shui.

How have you benefit from this field in the real terms of feng shui like how the bagua is based with its nine squares or parts that connects all aspects of your life?

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Read my comments in this thread?

Just a question… do you ever have anything positive to say around here?

Or you just come with the intention to troll every time?

What is your experience with this field?


Legit question.

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Haha ah…

I think i am the one that has posted reviews the most in this thread.

Reading first all ppl have said is always a good option

I have read all of your reviews and I still haven’t found the answer to the question @Pihkal has asked.

So, I really don’t know what’s funny.

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I left out luna’s comments.

What reference can tou draw from there in regards to the bagua? Are you trolling?

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yes QI is energising the bagua or whatever fancy name you wanna swing with. That energy you wanna have flowing perfectly thru the areas of your life so you can improve them. Cleansing and cleaning is what the sacred flower makes me wanna do so… There should be deeper effect with this audio, but if its the black hat western bagua or classical, nobody knows. There are huge difference in what they bring forth. Nobody has even talked about the bagua in this thread for whatever reason and if you dont think its important with the bagua is just you opinion. It doesent change facts, the bagua has it all, what ever details you add hjust enhance the bagua. Like if you have total chaos in the elements and only have fire elements where there should be water or only water where there should be fire. If you increase QI in a chaotic environment, you only increase the effects of that chaos.

So the bagua is the foundation on which you build everything on, like your shire.

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Great now use that knowledge to talk about the benefits you have seen and dont just say that everything feels good, clean or whatever. Any field can make you feel great and freash so it would be great to see someone who has great in dept insigts talk about the depts and not the shallow. Has someone seen improvement in their work or family or anything else. No matter what, feng shui is used to improve areas of our life. Yes there are those who isnt aware of anything, sure they just say that every is great. End if the story

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Yes I love quality over quantity, less is more and so on, but what can we expect from someone else, yep, nothing.

I guess the only thing needed here is to skip the terrible reviews (sorry for my so loved honesty) and go with the descriptions as always.

Lets dive in to the deep mystic ocean and be filled with wonders