Feng Shui Master of the Shire

Not an answer to any of the above, but I was looking at the map of the Middle-Earth, and found some amusing coincidences. Don’t take any of this seriously, this is just fan theory and fluff.:grin:

The Shire is located in the Northwest corner of Middle Earth.

In the bagua the NW is associated with Helpful People, Mentors, Travel Luck, Heavenly Luck. Element is metal, colors such as white and gray. Earth element enchances metal, so you have the browns and earthtones.

“Part of the Shire” map (via tolkiengateway)

Thanks to the protective presence of the Rangers of the North in the lands of the former Arnor, the Shire for centuries ignored the wide world outside, despite being traversed by the East Road.

More important was that the Shire was guarded and protected by the DúnedainRangers of the North (and Gandalf), who watched the borders and kept out intruders.

Sounds like a good place for a person who needs to go on an important journey, where they seem to be guided and protected by a grey/white mentor (who perhaps could even be considered as a little bit heavenly, as one of the Maiar), surviving numerous difficulties with the support of friends, and a tremendous amount of “luck”.:grin:

Noting that Earth element enchances metal:

the damage which Saruman caused by forced industrialisation was undone by the Hobbits’ efforts. The Shire was restored with soil from Lothlórien, given to Sam by Galadriel. T.A. 3021 was considered to be the most productive and prosperous year in their history.

There are things beyond the eight corners, like direction of rivers, slope of the land, mountains, etc. A Master Planner would know how to work with those. (Again I have like, zero credibility in this thing so take with a sprinkling of plasma salt.)

One can also see England as Tolkien’s source of inspiration for the Shire […] Kent whose geography is similar to the Shire (North Downs above, hills to the west, water to the east and marshes to the southeast)[14].

The location of water to the east is beneficial to the Wood element of that corner, since water strengthens wood. As well as the marshes in the Southeast, also with the Wood element. So areas of life this affects would be health and family, and wealth. The Shire does seem to be abundant and prosperous, especially in terms of agriculture, with a harmonious community, living a simple life.

If your goals are for a boost in Career, Education, Fame, hmm, maybe this not might be your vibe. Not to say it won’t help at all (after all everything is connected) but might not be the priority. But there are other fields that can help you with those more directly.:blush:


Hello. I have questions about this field:

There are geographical directions of the cardinal points. But iron doors, door closers, magnet, intercom distort the compass readings. The cardinal points are changing. Each house has its own period (depending on the date the house was built) and its own map of flying stars. To determine this map of flying stars, compass readings are used, and not the geographic directions of the cardinal points. This is the San Yuan Feng Shui system.

Question: Does this field remove these distortions? Which Flying Star Map will work? The one that is in real geographic directions or the one that shows the compass with distortions?

In 90% of cases, these are completely different maps of flying stars.
It is also important to know this in order to do the activation of energies according to Feng Shui.

The compass is attached to the door of the house and this is how measurements are taken.

Yes. For example, Vastu Puja and Homa are a preliminary step to most other rituals (I am not using the word Vedic as many of these rituals use verses from the Veda but are not purely Vedic).


Isn’t the point of this field to balance everything around you so that you don’t have to do any remedies of any kind? I.e water, metal, fire, wood

Correct me if I’m wrong, @SammyG @Maoshan_Wanderer


Yup, this audio makes it all easy - no need to move your furniture, buy money plants, hang bamboo, tortoise, laughing Buddha, etc.

You just play the field and enjoy a well-balanced, nurturing environment! In fact, a Daoist friend who runs a temple in Ontario now just uses this audio a few times every day and tells me he does not need to do his Feng-Shui stuff anymore (I do the same with Vaastu Homa lately - I would do Vastu and Ganapati Homa fourth day of the dark half of every month, and now I just listen to the audios! Saves a ton of time, effort, money, etc.)


That’s what I thought! I play this for a few hours a day. Thank you for confirming and adding more details. :pray:


This audio simply harmonizes whatever needs to be harmonized, under the principles of Feng Shui (any and all deeper studies levels and branches of it)

And precisely the point of it is to save you from having to take into consideration all the details all the time, every where like it requires in “real life” .

And then it has the addition of bringing also the vibration built in all that @lilo explained before your comment.


Anybody still using this long term? Have any additional feedback besides what has already been posted? Accumulated benefits? Profound shifts in home/work/money from it? Also how are you using it? 24/7? A few times a day?

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Yup. Company mysteriously starts gets jobs from clients that haven’t awarded anything for the past few years.

Also have a couple big ones lol now we’re understaffed.

And other effects people have already stated - like making traffic smoother or traffic issues resolve easier.


Cool. And you are using many other tracks as well but attribute that change to Feng Shui track? How often do you use it?

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The thing is, I’ve seen, compared to individual audios, I’ve never really seen anything affect others in such a range and manner like the environmental ones.

(Actually scratch that, the other very obvious one is The Flow NFT and super underrated)

The only other environmental field I use is Plasma flower. I just put it in a list with FSMS and Plasma Flower. You don’t need too many loops but I just leave it looping in the background on another phone.

I doubt it is the other fields I use affecting them (or the company), because if that was the case, it would have affected the ones I stayed with long ago.


Thanks for the info. Your post was 111 and 11 hours ago. I think that’s the sign to move forward with it! :blush:


To use for my apartment unit and environment, would you recommend this field or Plasma Flower?
My apartment isn’t good (neighbors and stuff), I don’t think qi of this apartment isn’t good.
I always wished to get out of here, but for mainly financial reason and also health, I have been stuck here, which has been worsening the situation I believe, and recent price increase is making me even difficult to leave here.
I have been using free videos from Youtube to change environmental energy, they have worked somewhat, but I am hoping to work on more.
So back to my question, which field (this or Plasma Flower) would be good fit for my situation?
Thank you!

I am Asian, so I’m familiar with Feng Shui concepts, I applied whatever I can for my apartment, but as you know there are so much rules and stuff, and I can’t apply every single rule they say it’s good. (However, applying Feng Shui rules did a bit good changes though…)


Well, if you cant buy both.

How about buying Plasma Flower and Vaastu Homa?


Or you could buy this and play it with uplift yourself and the world around you or love graviton weave or light weaves or angelic intercession.

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Thank you for your suggestion.

Have you used both by the way?
In short, what is the difference of Plasma Flower and Feng Shui field?

Could anyone give me some idea??


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What made you want to buy Plasma Flower or this one?

What do You understand of the fields that are making you want them?

Again, thank you for your response.

I am hoping to bring some change into the environment where I live.
It’s in my apartment unit and also neighbors.
As I stated in my previous comment, I have tried many other things, like Sapien Youtube videos that should work for environment, also I tried to apply Feng Shui rurles to my rooms, also I used energetic mandalas, sigils, survitors.
I have seem some changes, but still I feel energy here is stuck, not clear, fresh energy, and neighbors are not so nice for many reasons.

I read thru Plasma Flower thread and also this one.
For Plasma Flower, I thought the idea of the field was very interesting. I never thought about that concept for the environment.
That made me wanted to try.
For Feng Shui, I read several Feng Shui books and also articles from internet, and I myself applied some rules to where I live. It’s been very interesting topic to me.

What do You understand of the fields that are making you want them?

My answer to your 2nd question.
I don’t know how to put my answer into words. (I’m trying my best, but I’m not English speaker, sometime I have difficulty in expressing myself. (Translation apps are not reliable, they do awful job, so I try my best)
I’d say I read thru each thread from Plasma Flower and Feng Shui, so reviews written in thread and description are all that I understand about them, and made me think I may want to try them.

Am I answering your question OK?
I didn’t know about Vaastu Homa, so I will read thru its description and thread.
Thank you so much for taking your time for me


I think it may be even more effective with actual attempts at feng shui.
but this more personalized to you and your living space, or the area where it is played in relation to you.

the plasma flower is not tailored only to the user or dweller, so it brings a larger general more peace etc rather than a personalized abundance as with the feng shui.

So i guess it really depends on what you want to focus on at the moment.


Radio stack fixes every damn problem for me!

  • Negentropic Harmonizer
  • Feng Shui Master of the Shire
  • Plasma Flower Node
  • White Light Waves
  • Environment Energy accumulator
  • Ley line Nodes
  • Sacred Sanctuary (if you don’t have this, RUN and get it…my absolute fav)
  • Essence of Mantras

I loop this stack for 2 hours when I leave the house. The whole place feels lighter, cozier and radiant.

Several folks including my cleaning lady, neighbors and even a Comcast technician have commented on how peaceful they feel when they enter my place.