The Light of Savitur

Nullify negative Planetary x 1
Torsion x 1
VoL x 1
Light of Savitur x 2
VoC x 1
The Magician x 3


Start your days with this = Unstoppable Manifestations Creator. :nerd_face::smirk:

(This if you already feel you have no blockages if you still do then drop in there crucible and devil in reverse too)


So would this go well with the audio sungazer or sungazing in general? Or does this in a way replace it?


This would be enough


It blows my mind how we have access to such high level of experience only aquired through years of rigorous spiritual practices… pardon my poor english
I’m curious to see how this video will affect the ones who use it for the years to come. This is really somethng, from the very small understanding I have of the concept embedded in this field. I’m just mindblowed ahah x)


I can feel it strongly, but it’s way too early to give a review


Integrating that masterpiece to my morning playlist, and thought I’d comment to bring back some life to that thread.

So much beauties released those last months :pray:

Ps: I feel my late focus on re-creating solid stacks and prioritizing is thanks to the Navigator of Awe.
The guidance part is truly impressive.


Is vol vibration of love or the light and vibration guidance? I’m assuming the former

light and vibrational guidance = lvg

I havent commented on this thread in a while and this is one of my favorite audios. Very very powerful.

However i want to share my thoughts and own perception of this field after months of using it.

You guys dont know this but for like little over 10 years my nickname around is Sunshine. (Moon is just my innerself ) and the reason why is because at some point in my life after the struggle of a divorce i was completely at the bottom of the pit, and incredibly depressed and lost. I was living at a complex that had a beach down at the end.

Since there were endless nights without sleeping, one night at around 5am i got up, and i said “ok i wont be able to sleep i cant take this anymore i need to go for a walk at the beach”

So i went there and obv the beach was empty and i sat there totally emotionally numb and quiet just watching the water touching my toes. I walked, i sat, i cried, got up and walked again and then the Sun started coming up so incredibly beautiful giving me its first rays of gorgeous colors, and there were us just Me, the vast Ocean, huge perfect Sun, an the calming noise from the crashing weaves, it was there for me, it felt like it was coming up just for me, giving itself to me in its whole magnificence and no one else, it was MY and only my gift.

I danced, and ran and laughed and rolled over the sand and cried of joy. I was back. My life was back.
I felt warm and empowered forward and protected.

I stayed there until around 8am and that was the start of a close healing relationship with the Sun, it was our private secret meeting, every dawn. It became my mornings ritual.

One day i met an old lady i used to buy organic products from and i she asked me what i was doing looking so happy so i told her why and she said “oh so you are becoming like the Sun now, radiating light, just make sure that you also follow the Suns daily behavior… it comes out every day no matter how dark the night before was, and it simply does its job, regardless of who appreciates it or benefits from it, it is just there doing its job being powerful, and it reaches and touches far and wide with its warm cozy rays even if you dont see it, it is there doing its jobs and coming out”

From that moment i changed my social media names for " name + Sunshine" and i started doing just that. My thing. No matter what.

So when i saw this audio i instantly knew its meaning and cried before even listening to it. And its that same feeling of freedom and peace i felt years ago.

Soooo here is what i want to share to you all in a way of advice of course take it or leave it or experiment yourself, i simply want to throw my opinion in here because i know with so many different fields and all sounding so great a lot dont really know how to take full advantage of them or when itd be best.

I used to play this every morning after nullify astrological and followed by Armor of Light when it came out. + etc etc and sometimes along VoT if i was stressed.

But then i realized (after back and forth tests) that this field for people like me that works on sales or whos job or business is very competitive and needs you being totally forward pushing like breaking barriers, its not best to play before work nor every day. Because this field totally put you in a state of complete relaxation to the point that no matter what you dont care whats going on (in a good way) you feel completely unbothered and just content with whatever lol

Let me just repeat: IF you need to push and be determined crushing obstacles … dont play it before or while work.

Its the sun after all, its the essence of Gayatri mantra… pure peace. Thats a great feeling of course but i remember going like "oh i didnt sell… thats ok :blush: oh meetings are cancelled for today… thats ok :blush: oh payment didnt go through so no deal… thats ok :blush: lmao :rofl: it went on for like 2 or 3 weeks like that because i was soo detached and just content with life :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::heart_eyes::laughing: (i tried it on and off several times and i always noticed the difference)

So instead i play it right when im leaving work so it helps to leave all behind (like the night) no matter how the day was and just be happy after and relaxed. And lately not every day but like a couple of times here and there, so it keeps that warm spirit up and strong.

But this is absolutely perfect if:

You are feeling down
Self conscious
Disappointed with anything and that also includes job/business/finances this starts jumps you for some days but then once you feel empowered use other fields to keep the luck and abundance flowing, ideas etc

Or when you feel that negative thoughts or feelings are starting to build or crawl up… this along Crucible or BoL would send you back to the before you failed when the dreams and will were fresh.

:heart::raised_hands:t3: much love :notes:


Wow, words of wisdom for sure


Ok, so far, this is definitely one of my most favorite reviews. I don’t know if I will ever be able to read every wonderful post and beautiful review on this exponentially growing forum, so I don’t mean to be unfair or anything, but I guess this hit some sensitive points in myself.

The story of that morning alone with the sun on the beach after all that happened… just wow :boom: :sparkles: Makes me want to do that one day, if I get the chance. Reading it, I think I could really feel the energy behind it.

:heart_eyes: :heartpulse: Well that lady was very observant and wise. This is so beautiful. Could easily be part of a movie or book. What a powerful and impacting encounter! And it’s very inspiring… Thank you for sharing :heart::pray:

Lol, I had a feeling it was going to go there actually :joy: Noted.

The fact that we have such a field available to us is almost unbelievable. Thank you for this precious gift Captain :sparkling_heart: :pray:


:blush: yes that time and experience with the sun really marked a before and after point in my life, and will always say it, be there at its dawn is the best feeling ever the greatest gift for us. :hugs:


xD have I changed my timeline with BoP yesterday I liked this Kay’s comment and it was posted earlier and LunaMoon didn’t like it :joy::crazy_face: must have been tired.
I liked it just after she posted it :joy::thinking:, 4 likes and Luna wasn’t in there !!!?
edit : nevermind I was informed :joy:


@Kay :joy: :revolving_hearts:

Welcome him to his new timeline :muscle: :heartbeat:


ahaha :sweat_smile: :joy: Ooohhh so sorry @Eli!! It was my fault! :sweat_smile: You were right and that’s so attentive of you to notice :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:

not in this case, but who knows what’s possible in the future with this one… :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@AkiraTheWild :joy: ahaha, oh my… :sweat_smile: Thank you so much! :two_hearts:

Lol, you guys seriously made my day! :kissing_heart:


Whenever I listen to this, I feel I’ve returned home

“Where oh where does this wanderer go
With no one to hold,
Or place to call home?


This is that, yes

It’s unfortunate there aren’t words to describe this field, but it makes sense.
You can’t really “wordify” such things
And even if you could, you still would be lacking.
This is how much depth he’s poured into this

When I write this, NFTs on the forum are the new craze.
But please do not think these are anything less

If anything I find these more
Since this is his original idea & concept.

How surreal is it
That he was given permission from Above to create this
How is this not a sign?

I am young and know and am nothing.
Yet I request you all, even if fields such as these do not evoke your interest:

Please hear this.


I am on spiritual journey …and longing to find my spiritual guru/master. So many spiritual masters but when I think that a Guru is right for me, it doesn’t go as expected. The same goes on with my career.
In the process of releasing all expectations and learning through processing and accepting everything in life.

So many Sapien’s videos over here, but my heart says to pick the Savitur’s light.:pray::sparkling_heart:
Just a little hope of getting back to The Light, My Inner Sun.:sun_with_face:


Use light vibrational guidance. It will help you with exactly what you are looking for. Can help you like a teacher. You can check the description. It also guides you like a teacher.


Thank you @Azin … Yes, I was deciding on which one to buy among the both. Savitur was my first go. I don’t think I can buy both now. I will also look more about LVG too … !! Thank you :pray::sparkling_heart:


You’re welcome. But I suggest to use both if possible since it can speed up spiritual growth. Sammy also confirmed it before as well.