The Rune Dagaz

Good vibrations! :v:


Guess I’ll pair this with the temperance audio!


I just did too. I think it will go hand in hand. As both will make you feel relaxed I guess


Thanks, dream :innocent:


Ha. Those last words were said yesterday by an Aries right at the end of a trip.

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Speaking of it. Can I loop this audio?

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Yeah of course



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What follows is not an official description for the audio, but supplemental reading for your perusal.:blush:

Pronunciation: “DAH-gahz”
Meaning: Day

Interpreting and Using DAGAZ

Most interpretations of this rune are positive—in a reading the appearance of DAGAZ indicates that good things are coming! If life has been difficult, it says there is light at the end of the tunnel. As a seasonal indicator it refers to the coming of spring. Willis feels that it indicates increase and growth in any area, depending on associated runes. This may mean slow and measured progress rather than sudden success, but the eventual result may be a dramatic change. Adopt a sunny attitude and persevere. Peterson calls it a rune of the present moment, a turning point, a signal to seize the opportunity.
In magical work, DAGAZ is the moment of sunrise or sunset. It can be used to begin or complete a working. It can potentiate the power of other runes for transformation, signify or contribute to new beginnings or a successful conclusion.

Aswynn finds DAGAZ particularly useful in transforming consciousness by linking the activity of left and right brain by drawing the rune from one eye to the other so that the lines cross over the “third eye” in the center of the forehead. In magic, she uses it to designate the area outside time and space, “between the worlds.” This quality makes it useful as a way to cause things or people to become effectively invisible.

In fact, there is some external evidence for the existence of this “third eye.” Researchers using a brain scanner at Princeton University have identified the point behind the middle of the forehead where the two lobes of the brain join as a site that “plays a crucial role in what other people are thinking and feeling” (Zimmer 2004, p. 63).

Source: Taking Up The Runes: A Complete Guide To Using Runes In Spells, Rituals, Divination, And Magic by Diana L. Paxson


It looks like this one has more to unwrap; While I was listening I started to think of the things I want out of the upcoming phase and things I have been wanting to make happen. Suddenly my whole mind tingled up and my third eye went buzzing… felt like my mind was being connected back together, and my third eye getting really clear! A sensation similar to that of Outlook Rethinker but has more clarity to it… and more tingling :)

I came on here to read up on it and find this post by @lilo and looks like it has a relation

As more time has passed I’m feeling the energies travel to the sides of my body and down to the sole of my feet! Feels like enhanced brain hemisphere but with more electric sense in here! Really loving the feeling from this one!

I’m gonna be using this and talking about things I want with Rune Jera and see what happens!


Ignore please
Back then I didn’t understand the word itself
“ archetype “


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Dang, I keep making resolutions every week to not keep on buying new fields when I have not even effectively used current ones, but these beauties keep dropping lol



Oh I see what he did- I mean technically anyone can see it since its released on youtube in the following order, but still I see what he did! Clever clever.

like if it was a book probably it would be called, How to Level Up For Dummies:
Devil Reversed —> Tower Reversed —-> Dagaz —> Jera


Also does anyone know what’s being said at the end (of the audio) lol
I think i hear “it’s one ____ for man”

small step