Hello all! I am new to Sapien Medicine and I first found his videos on youtube and it has been helping with my acne and feel more energetic. I am also a patron now!
My question is right now I am wanting to focus on my hormones and acne. But mainly my hormones because with the balancing of my hormones, my acne will simmer down lol.
I have been listening to the meno-unpause, regulate hormones, progesterone and endocrine system reguvenation. I know some of these are 6 minutes- 10 minutes long and can listen to them 2-3 a day.
Can I listen to these back to back or should I space them out an hour or so between each track?
I have also added ego dissolution and subconscious limit dissolver. Any tips to how to incorporate those in my day?
Thank you in advance!!! And I am grateful for my start of a healing journey!
awesome! usually you listen to those two first in your playlist. feel out different ways of listening to them. i like to just loop ego dissolution until i’m ready to loop another audio or playlist.