Newly released: Eye Regeneration Ver 2.0

Thank you so much. I remember using a plasma beach one a few c years ago. Is that same as plasma 2?

You mean The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach ?

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Yes that one. I can’t remember what it’s benefits are

Have a read through the thread ;)

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Strange request but can anyone tell me which will heal a cataract, a macular hole too? Had the hole for ten years and tok scared to go through a viterectomy all over again. Have vitreous floaters in my right eye and just want to heal it

This isn’t available anymore. Has it been upgraded or replaced by some other field?

Link wasn’t updated


Got it . Thank you so much


I updated the link in the OP

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Also take a look at PU’s The Ultimate Eye Protocol. I have some eye issues and that’s the one that stops them cold, for me at least. This field is helpful as well, of course.

Hi thank you, please could you send me the link?
All I do all day is listen to eye sounds :rofl: desperate to heal then hace to heal my muscular dystrophy :pray:t3:

You’ll need to join PU’s patreon to get the file (well, well worth it). Good luck!

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Thank you so much :two_hearts: is it one of sapiens creations? X

It’s not, this is a Psychic University creation.

I’ve never heard of PU.
Slight update for you all just came back from the hospital and slight improvement in my vision. Still have floaters though :sob: it’s actually vitreous detachment in the right eye.
Desperately need to heal the hole in the left eye
Using Sapien eye regen and rife force eye health 2.0
Using sapiens sound stem to scar which should help remove the scar tissue in my eyes.

Hi I’m trying to heal this macular hole I have. Using eye regeneration as I don’t want to go through surgery

Could someone shed some light on this? It looks fascinating

Psychic University (PU) is a very respected and effective creator in the community. Check him out.

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Thanks, how long are the results are they permanent? Or do I need to listen for a certain length of time to make them permanent?

I’m not sure! It’s a field on his patreon, so not a big investment. Try it out. I just know that field works for me and my eye inflammation issues.

Re: what you’re trying to do, I would classify closing a macular hole to avoid surgery as… ambitious. So be mindful of your expectations… These are tools that can sometimes be very subtle in their effects (and sometimes not!).

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Yes it is Sapien Medicine’s creation. Says so the top…

Have a great day :pray:t5::sun_with_face: