NFT for Anger

Any nft for anger and forgiveness?
Please don’t tell soundtrack.
I want to use it for my father who is super angry and on a verge of heart attack due to his excessive anger.
I can’t play the tracks for him as he identified it and tells me to not play the tracks as he is never angry and cool as a cucumber. But in reality he is the most angriest person I’ve ever seen.


I would suggest to re-read this FAQ

To make a field (soundtrack) soundless, you could use for example a cute beautiful The Wolpertinger Starter Edition Series together with a Dimensional pocket, which can store up to 20 different fields.

You could store a field in it such as Amygdala healing and The internal alchemical crucible. And perhaps also a cord cutter. And The Devil (Reversed tarot archetype). And Emergency psychologist.
Forgiveness and release

If it doesn’t work for him, if he keeps rejecting it on any level, use it yourself, or gift it to someone who appreciates such a gift.

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Maybe the Safe Point Field could help.


There is no such NFT the closest would be Angelic Intercession+ or Cosmic Intercession and pray to angels to bring down your father’s anger.


I don’t know where I have read it on this forum, so I can not quote it, but I believe fields aren’t meant to be played for someone who doesn’t know about them or reject them. Or at least they won’t work.

That’s what I gathered from reading the original post that Lalle’s father wouldn’t want to have such interference

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Every time I see a notification from you, I’m reminded of Cadbury’s and very tempted to eat a chocolate.


Maybe a field that balances your emotion?

Nft will work only for the owner & he might not be willing to own & use one

Be the healer or intercession fields seem the best bet


In the FAQ link I posted, in question number 4 there is:

Would it affect other people around you? Environmental fields yes. Other fields that work more on a personal level may likely be rejected by other people’s subconscious minds since they didn’t agree to have sun free tanning energy on their being. It is still possible that they do though. Depends on the proximity though. They can’t quite reject an environmental fields because the fields affect the environment directly and the environment indirectly affects everyone in it.

There is a good recommendation to try environmental fields. The person can reject fields, but maybe with the help of the servitor some few fields wouldn’t be fully rejected. So it might be worth a try to gift him an item with a servitor and 20 fields on it and see whether it helps (whether 1-2+ fields work out of 20 and ask the servitor to figure out which ones work and use only those).
Or to avoid playing music around him, without gifting him something, Lalle could wear such a servitor with the fields others suggested and some environmental fields.
Or use an item which can be placed in the room he spents a lot of time in, and play environmental fields through the servitor in the item.


Haha, they do sound similar. Grab yourself a chocolate :chocolate_bar:


Forgot about this part, that could be a solution


A very nice environmental field to consider is for example: Negativity processor


freed from desire/heart of a foreign god. and see the organs anger damage the most and aim for those. robust organs, the acu-automaton,
emergency phycologist, formula of well being and balance, are a few that comes to mind from gum road

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you could try to play a mainstream song and field on lower volume so he doesn’t notice. or if he ask just tell him that’s a field for you, not for him.

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Please DM a person if you have suggestions of non-sapienmed fields, or tag them with the info in the Other Creators thread.