The Wolpertinger Starter Edition Series

New to these types of specialities? just wanna try it out?
These base beings are designed as smart field and beings, when made and worn, it envelops you like a suit, you can mentally command it to do its functions.
This a smaller base ‘starter’ type, depending on your budget.
then these starter editions are just what you need.
Having only one upgrade slot.
Its perfect for creating a specialized being for one specific upgradable task each once this one slot is filled it will not be able learn anymore. (upgrades, base ones come with seven)
when not worn, it will take the appearance ethereally as the creature it is shown as.
A rare creature.
In the intriguing practice of chaos magic, servitors are created by combining the attributes of various beings to produce entities with unique and powerful influences. Imagine a servitor formed from the essence of a Wolpertinger, a mythical creature said to possess the characteristics of a hare, a deer, a pheasant, and a duck. This extraordinary combination results in a servitor that embodies agility, grace, adaptability, and mystery, offering transformative benefits to the individual it accompanies.

The most striking effect of this servitor is its enhancement of creativity and adaptability. The Wolpertinger’s diverse attributes—such as the hare’s quickness, the deer’s elegance, the pheasant’s beauty, and the duck’s versatility—infuse the individual with a dynamic and flexible approach to life. This servitor encourages the person to think outside the box, adapt to various situations with ease, and find innovative solutions to problems. The ability to draw from such a wide range of characteristics fosters a sense of resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Simultaneously, the Wolpertinger’s unique and mystical nature brings a sense of enchantment and wonder. This servitor instills a playful and curious spirit, encouraging the individual to explore the unknown and embrace the mysteries of life. The blend of a hare’s agility, a deer’s grace, a pheasant’s vibrant presence, and a duck’s adaptability enhances the person’s ability to navigate both the physical and metaphysical realms with a sense of wonder and excitement.

The servitor also promotes a heightened sense of intuition and perception. The hare’s quick reflexes combined with the deer’s keen senses, the pheasant’s alertness, and the duck’s adaptability to different environments enhance the individual’s ability to perceive subtle energies and hidden opportunities. This servitor sharpens their instincts, allowing them to make swift and accurate decisions based on an intuitive understanding of their surroundings.

Furthermore, the servitor’s influence extends to enhancing the individual’s ability to connect with nature and the natural world. The Wolpertinger’s combination of animal attributes fosters a deep connection to the elements of earth, air, and water. This connection can lead to a more grounded and harmonious existence, where the individual feels in tune with the natural cycles and rhythms of the world around them. The servitor encourages a lifestyle that honors and respects the environment, promoting a sense of ecological awareness and sustainability.

The servitor also enhances the person’s social interactions by promoting charm and charisma. The pheasant’s beauty and the deer’s grace make the individual more attractive and engaging, while the hare’s playfulness and the duck’s sociability foster positive and meaningful relationships. This servitor helps the person navigate social dynamics with ease, building strong and supportive connections. The blend of these characteristics ensures that they can charm and captivate others, fostering a network of enriching and empowering relationships.

In terms of personal growth, the servitor fosters a sense of balance and harmony. The diverse attributes of the Wolpertinger create a harmonious blend of agility, grace, beauty, and adaptability, encouraging the individual to develop a well-rounded and balanced approach to life. This servitor inspires them to cultivate all aspects of their being, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. The person becomes more attuned to their inner self and the world around them, achieving a sense of holistic well-being.

The servitor also promotes a sense of protection and security. The hare’s vigilance, the deer’s alertness, the pheasant’s awareness, and the duck’s adaptability combine to create a protective aura around the individual. This servitor helps them remain aware of potential threats and navigate away from danger, ensuring that they feel safe and secure in their environment. The combination of these attributes fosters a sense of confidence and assurance, allowing the person to move through life with a sense of safety and stability.

In essence, a servitor combining the attributes of a Wolpertinger creates a powerful and transformative influence. It brings together creativity, adaptability, intuition, and enchantment, fostering an environment where the individual can thrive in all aspects of life. This harmonious blend of qualities empowers the person to navigate life’s complexities with agility, grace, and wonder, leading to a more dynamic, connected, and fulfilling existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)


Hey I hadn’t realised at all that this one is based on German folklore…




You just gotta try it, man, it’s great.

More fun and wonder for sure



Overview of Wolpertinger Servitor

  • Essence: Combination of hare, deer, pheasant, and duck.
  • Characteristics: Agility, grace, adaptability, mystery.
  • Benefits: Transformative influence on creativity, adaptability, intuition, and enchantment.

Core Effects and Benefits

1. Enhancement of Creativity and Adaptability

  • Attributes:
    • Hare’s quickness
    • Deer’s elegance
    • Pheasant’s beauty
    • Duck’s versatility
  • Outcomes:
    • Encourages thinking outside the box
    • Adapts easily to various situations
    • Finds innovative solutions
    • Fosters resourcefulness and ingenuity

2. Sense of Enchantment and Wonder

  • Influence:
    • Playful and curious spirit
    • Encourages exploration of the unknown
    • Embraces life’s mysteries
  • Enhancements:
    • Agility, grace, vibrant presence, and adaptability
    • Navigates physical and metaphysical realms with wonder

3. Heightened Intuition and Perception

  • Attributes:
    • Hare’s quick reflexes
    • Deer’s keen senses
    • Pheasant’s alertness
    • Duck’s adaptability
  • Outcomes:
    • Enhanced perception of subtle energies
    • Recognizes hidden opportunities
    • Sharpens instincts for swift, accurate decisions

4. Connection with Nature

  • Attributes:
    • Deep connection to earth, air, and water elements
  • Outcomes:
    • Grounded and harmonious existence
    • Alignment with natural cycles and rhythms
    • Promotes ecological awareness and sustainability

5. Enhanced Social Interactions

  • Attributes:
    • Pheasant’s beauty
    • Deer’s grace
    • Hare’s playfulness
    • Duck’s sociability
  • Outcomes:
    • Increased charm and charisma
    • Engaging and attractive presence
    • Fosters positive and meaningful relationships
    • Navigates social dynamics with ease
    • Builds strong, supportive connections

6. Personal Growth and Balance

  • Attributes:
    • Harmonious blend of agility, grace, beauty, adaptability
  • Outcomes:
    • Well-rounded and balanced approach to life
    • Promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual growth
    • Enhances attunement to inner self and surroundings
    • Achieves holistic well-being

7. Protection and Security

  • Attributes:
    • Hare’s vigilance
    • Deer’s alertness
    • Pheasant’s awareness
    • Duck’s adaptability
  • Outcomes:
    • Creates a protective aura
    • Heightened awareness of potential threats
    • Navigates away from danger
    • Fosters confidence and assurance
    • Moves through life with safety and stability


  • Influence:
    • A Wolpertinger servitor combines creativity, adaptability, intuition, and enchantment.
    • Empowers the individual to thrive in all aspects of life.
    • Facilitates navigation through life’s complexities with agility, grace, and wonder.
    • Leads to a more dynamic, connected, and fulfilling existence.

Thank you so much, Rosechalice. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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Got my Wolpy y’day. Most evident part is the walk till now… the grace, elegance and certain vibrancy to it. I’m loving this one while enjoying the nature. Thanks captain.


I got and made the Wolp 3 days ago.

First thing that stood out to me is the PLAYFULNESS and friendliness.
He kept rubbing his furry head against mine.
He is outgoing.
Plus he gives u the qualities of Agility and Grace.

I especially recommend this servitor if u are at heart basically a serious person ( :raised_hand:)

I put the Sandman ability on him, and its working OK, (still working on how to get the most from this ability consistently)

Thanks Dream!

This servitor is VERY responsive.
Very easy to work with and communicate with. (He made the first move!)
IMHO these new servitors really are a huge cut above the rest.

PLUS the Wolp gives u a “protective aura”
connection with earth, air and water.

