NFT servitors question

Would Dream still make them for a group project?

There are many NFT servitors out there; except for 13th Skull rest are group projects. As long as it is new and interesting, Captain will make.


Indeed there are, it’s just that they are not available without a considerable overpayment
Which might not even be an overpayment because the owner charges as he pleases
It’s just I am not willing to pay five times the price only because it’s a limited edition
I mean I don’t mind but to the creater not the dealer
I’d rather make a limited edition tuned to my own needs
You know :sweat_smile:
Thank you for answering :white_heart:

Do you know whether there is a certain minimum of members that should participate? For example not less than 5 or something

No but the least amount of copies is 10

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But copies are not equal to the quantity of members?
So like there could be three people but they would have to pay for ten products? So $2500?

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No you can do 5 members who buy 2 or whatever you want

As long as 10 copies are sold


No chances are other people would be down to join your idea

but ofc you can also do it solo lol

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I understand, it’s not about that.

Thank you

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Yes, this is where your creativity plays a role, so many NFTs out there from my understanding are just repetition with minor changes.

I saw one YouTube shorts where a guy asks a girl out, she says no, then he says I’m rich. I have NFT (forgot the name of NFT), she says what is that? He says very few people own it, Elon Musk owns one too. The she says, ok, let’s date. :joy:

I hope Captain’s NFTs will reach that level.


No NFT in the world would make me date someone haha
I wouldn’t even date a billionaire if he’s a low, mean person… I’m dating a person not their money…


LOL, don’t underestimate the power of forces that are beyond our control, we have NFTs like Shielding Protection 3.0 and fields like Exorcism Rite, Entity Removal etc. to protect ourselves from external forces and entities.

But people have different opinions and there is a thread on this by Sammy - The thing about ‘Entities’ & Curses - General Discussion - Sapien Medicine (

Lmfao. Make me fall in love with you then. Use your nfts

Captain won’t make such NFTs, but some people said with Blueprint of Love things were happening, I don’t own it. I have no intention of making anyone fall in love with me. :joy:

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