No results - 1 month of using [Brain Stack]

Did you try brain growth work?

What stack would be best for learning new skills as quickly as possible? There’s an audition in a few months for a musical I’d really like to be in where not only do characters sing, but some play guitar and some play piano. I’ve done a little bit of each, but that’s not going to cut it.

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probably something along the lines of :
Superhuman Genius +/ BDNF
Brain growth work
Superhuman genius +/ BDNF
Permanent brain enhancement
( Alchemical mind expansion blend )
( plasma brain of youth )


Hi! How many times to listen to each? Please let me know, and thank you!

Welcome @LostPhoenix,

Uial is not available at the moment. Some of the fields in his posts indicate the recommended number of usages in their descriptions.

It’s also a good idea to click on Philip Weiss’s profile (see the most frequent poster of this thread) and search the name of those fields within his posts.


Thank you!
I already made my playlist like this:
ISIRB and RBM 3 (x2)
BNDF (x1)
Superhuman Genius (x1)
tDCS (x3)
Brain Hemisphere Connectivity (x2)
Enpp6 (x3)


I suggest for someone to finally create one private group for brain nerds to discuss brain playlists and all learned tips with leaders like Philip and others brain experienced
I mean when there are so many private groups, Asia, America etc then why not brain Einstein group for live chatting, discussing about IQ stack etc

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Theres not such thing as nerds around here looking for brain stuff.

Just a bunch of people asking the same things over and over again to Phillip yet not following instructions.

Believe the nerd ones know how to take advantage of his recommendations and the fields ;)


Hahahaha well I definitely know believe me, I have seen improvements in short period with certainly combination of some fields, it’s like rules, and there are results of course, and I have so many tips but I am lazy to write it here really, better some private group, but someone needs also some simulation plus, for example language learning to boost results etc

So I want more, and to see if someone has more and better their tips, and probably that someone would feel comfortable in private group, like me for example

But whatever… when someone like, create it… just recommendation


Maybe you can create it and then make a post to gather people to join

Just knowwwwww that the same ones that be asking all the time are the ones that would tell u they want to join the private chat :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Isn’t it exactly the same effort to write it? Lol

You can create the group of you want :)


You mentioned;

" I ditched the NGF audio (it’s useful for some specific situations) "

Why did you ditched the NGF audio and do you recommend for someone that use your stack to do same?

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Superhuman genius does it better


thank you i’ll try my best with this one lmfao

I got instant results as i was using methods guided by @Dr_Manhattan to heal a plethora of issues in regards to trauma and mental disorders but that includes other methods that boosts the process as well as diet and rest and detox and shadow work etc

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Maybe this is why Brain Reg makes me nauseous in the stomach as it is taking the Omega-3’s from there which I ingest during meals.

I can do only 1 loop of it. But it’s a glorious field.

Hello sir what is BNDF and Enpp6? I cannot understand those I cant find BNDF in youtube because I do not understand the full term, and there is Enpp6 enzyme on youtube is that it?