No results


What is your goal?
What audios are you listening to?


I kind of feel the same. Like no getting results for 2 years. Or at least not so noticably or not directly connected to the audio.


You can also share your goals and stack then (but maybe a different topic to keep this one for OP) if you want advice


Please check out


When i first started out, i only played one or two fields (Brain regen and subconsious limits for 3-4 months) … and it took me 5-6 months to “feel” the fields… and things r still improving with ‘feeling’ fields instantaneously…


Hello all…
I have to quote posts from another resource, perhaps because it is more difficult to describe my results :) the changes are so global that it is difficult to concentrate and describe them in 10 minutes…

It is easier to use other examples :)

You write you have no results … To make sense of the situation, you need a complete analysis of the situation.
I have the audacity to assume that you are working with the health fields?

Let’s assume that you are. Suppose (this is an example) you want to lose weight, but you don’t change your diet, your regimen, your nutrition. You don’t do anything, you just listen to the field. Will there be results? Sure. But they will be very little noticeable.

Do you continue smoking (this is another example) - and work with the field to restore your lungs? Will there be results? Think about it.

And now the most important example. It’s very important.
Field: Legendary Hair Serum.

Method: Animal testing.
analyzer: biologist, scientist


I use for dogs. I have a spitz kennel. And there are 2 export male dogs from Thailand. Very cool blood of the legendary world champion. But the Thai lines they are specific. No hair at all, only undercoat.

And then they both start shedding, just to the point of being bald, it’s horrible. And then the dilemma, or close the championship, or not to exhibit at the show. And it’s not good either, immediately the rumors in the dog world creeps. In general, the dilemma.

Of course there are specific tools which we work with, which help to breed. But the Captain’s program is many times faster in the process. There is something to compare, for all spring I went through it already, bald asses and backs.
Sometimes I am present at listening to it myself, the sensations in the scalp area are awesome, as if the massage is working, as if a cap like this is put on.

You should not expect very fast results on human hair. Why not?

The life cycle of human hair follicle is 7 years. Anagen (growth period), catagen (resting period), telogen, and loss period.

Hair loss disorders are associated with these phases:
shortening of the anagen phase - when this phase lasts not 2-7 years, but much less, sometimes a few months, i.e. there is a rapid transition to catagen

rapid transition from catagen to telogen phase (although catagen is short, 2-3 weeks) and disruption of hair adhesion in the hair follicle in telogen. Roughly speaking, the hair should still be in the follicle for about six months, the process of pushing it out of the follicle is slow, and it goes out immediately. And that follicle stays empty for six months.

My point is. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing to the hair - fields or serums, the follicle will still go through the cycle that was started.

If there is a pathological process, and anagen changes into catagen, it will happen anyway, you can’t (and can’t) return the follicle from sleeping to the growth stage. Just like it is impossible to make a hair grow out of the telagen stage. It has to fall out anyway.

I know from my experience with hair specific peptides that any action on the follicle is only acceptable at the anagen stage. And under no circumstances one should use means influencing hair at catagen and telogen stages (the exception is increase of hair adhesion to follicle wall at telogen, so peptide “procapil” works, otherwise in 5-6 years the patient can simply get fibrous inflammation and follicle scarring, but all this question is for other developers of “miracle peptides”, international trichologist conferences regularly raise this question).

Why all this verbosity. Sapien describes the mechanism of realization of the “serum” as the activation of specific enopeptides. And this is super!!!

I.e. the natural follicle cycle is regulated, processes in the anagen are optimized. But those hairs that are going to fall out will fall out anyway. And that’s normal!

Do you know why it is hard for trichologists to work? The course of adequate therapy is designed for 3-7 years. And most people want results right away.

And let’s not forget about stress. The loss that a person sees now is the result of stress 3-4 months ago (or less if the person is chronically stressed, and the stress-limiting system is depleted). That is, the follicles that have gone into catagen will not return, that is, those that have late anagen - also, they are already preparing for hibernation.

In general, after 2-3 weeks and expect increased growth of the hair is not necessary. But on dogs - it turned out to be indicative, there the life cycle of the follicle is shorter.

Captain recreates natural, amazing processes. Every one of his fields works, go figure. If you approach the analysis scientifically, you can adapt the fields and achieve miraculous results in any field!!!


what if one was to continue using lets say health audios without these “no return” audios?

I got you.

What I take from my experiences is

  1. Energy body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning (or Energetic Salt Cleanse), Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Removal do help so don’t give them up. I don’t necessarily listen all three in a day but I listen to them regularly.
  2. Loop the fields (way) beyond the recommendation, including the above. There are times where 3 loops just ain’t even close for me to feel the effects. There is a risk of being overloaded but in your case, any effect is better than no effect right.
  3. I tend to see SM fields as medicine, which means people react differently to fields, just like how we react differently to medicine; we can see that in testimonials here and YT. Also the fields may shine better when they deal with a direct or specific issue.

Okay this is out of context but why do I keep getting mention but without people mentioning me :sweat_smile: I thought someone mention me but I can’t see the messages

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Are you watching the topic?


Oh I see. :sweat_smile::joy: I never know about this option lol

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Another reason is that those people might be clicking the Reply link under your post (which is a “Reply to Post” link) rather than using the blue Reply button (which is a “Reply to Thread” link) at the bottom of the thread.

Your notification will have an icon at the beginning of the notification. If they’re replying to your post, you’ll see a left-facing arrow. If they’re mentioning you, you’ll see the @ sign. etc.

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From my experience, all change starts with increasing your self love, self worth and self esteem.

Because only when you deep down feel worthy of getting results, having your life changed and transformed beyond what society has indoctrinated into you, you will actually allow yourself on a subconscious level to have those changes.

The more worthy you feel and the more self love you have, the more effective the fields will work for you. At least, this has been this way for me and some friends.

Recommended daily Self Love stack (additionally to the Point of No Return Stack):

  • The Archetype of Parental Love
  • Self Love and Acceptance
  • Regain your Innocence
  • Trauma Release and Healing
  • The Inner Pillar of Power
  • The Outlook Retrainer
  • Love Gratitude and Appreciation
  • Attract More Love Into Your Life
  • Abundance Mindset
  • Soul Core Energy Restoration (Gumroad)

Also recommended: My Personal Emotional and Mental Supporter


My only goal right now is to feel the fields and get results from anything.

Thank you! I have tried that stack for quite some time. Might try again.

Interesting. I have not tried Brain regen. Read about it and it did not feel right for me but I should try it. Thanks!

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Hi and thanks for a very good answer! I will try to explain my situation more. I am actually very fit. 190 cm tall and 90 kg. No visible body fat. So I have not tried any fat loss feilds or similar. In the beginning I tried out different fields just for fun. Then I started focusing on subconcious limits remover and a couple of fields for collagen and similar just to have something that should provide visible effects. Nothing. I later tried “For the sceptics” a few time but not even that worked for me. So then I ordered the course and really thought that was it. Have been going through the course twice now nad am still listening to “Body primer” and “Energy sensitivity” now and then but I just dont feel it. I have also tried the field for increased Testosterone as that also should be something you notice quite easy if it works.

So now I am trying with “Raise your vibration” from Dream, “Energy blockage remover” and Sub limits every day since summer.

Maybe I am not human? ;)

Forgot to mention that I also use “Ego dissolution” as well. I am a former athlete so I guess my ego could be in the way. I like winning…:)

Thanks man!
I have actually tried overdoing it as you say, but maybe I should focus on just the ones you mention. Worth a try! :) Thanks again!

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Me? Yes :)