Public Project - Blueprint of Hair

You can print and carry or stare to a picture for 15 min. while playing an audio, which makes it usually more efficient for many people.

Thanks so listen and open my wallet and see it there?.also can i download the image jpge in my other phone and onlyvsee the picture without the wallet?

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Yes, you can download image. How to wear a field? - #2 by Lunamoon22 follow these steps, it can be printed whatever you want and weared as tag, it will be active for you as long as you are the owner.


Yes i know! Its only for me. Thanks btw, also how many times a,day should i listen?

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No idea, I don’t own this NFT.

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How,many times a,day should I listened dear friend?

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Start with 3 times a day, increase weekly another 2 times. It varies person to person, so listen to ur intuition through out.


the first week(s) i listen to new fields between 20 - 30 min daily

after i start to lower the listing time and mostly end with 12 - 15 minutes daily

it also depends on what you prioritize

i would also add some preparation, booster audios (How to Create Great Stacks)

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Thanks dear lucky always helping


Thanks! Also can I put the mandala image printed in my car and hang it in the mirror?

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you can put it everywhere, you can even cover your entire house, car & workspace with it :grin:

best is to wear the mandala close to your aura but seeing it regularly also enhances the connection

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Thanks dear friend! So kind :zap::hugs:

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This include in luscious tresses? (Draft script)

I got this today but link for phantom wallet is down via Sapien shop so I can’t get the digital version, should I keep trying or some one on the forum can help? Thanks

Are you having trouble transferring the nft to your phantom wallet?

Many including myself have had that problem one time or another. Sometimes the network is backed up and it just takes many multiple attempts or checking back after a couple of hours.

Yes when I click on the link to open phantom wallet error message says the link is broken, thanks for your response I will try again later.

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Yeah network issue. It will correct itself eventually.

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Its possible to loose hair at the beginning? Im using this and i experience more hair loss?
And why?