No sensations nothing while listening to fields

Subconscious 2x per day once I get up

Xyz fields

Afternoon ego dissolution

Xyz fields

Grounding ending

Welcome to the beginning!

I and many others have been where you’re at.

How often do you listen to morphic fields?

Are you resting enough and taking breaks?

Are you eating properly and exercising?

I ask because i only began to feel more when i incorporated diet, exercise, and meditation.


Yes I’m doing all.

But sleep is less 3 hours only

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Is that amount of sleep enough? Are you waking up refreshed and ready?

What is your emotional state before getting to bed?

I personally suggest to meditate until you feel better before going to bed.

In my experience, heading to sleep in a negative mood only pauses everything for me to wake up still in a negative mood.

I meditate until i feel better which will allow me to wake up in a similar mood.

A forum friend reminded me to try sleeping with a smile. My dreams are also affected by my mood before REM sleep.

This may be different for others.


I agree with @psynergy

But also just know that you don’t necessarily need to “feel” anything for them to work.

Also maybe consider doing this course, it actually helps you to increase your energy sensitivity

Energy course preview

Course General Discussion


Hi @Lissa

This post from dream will answer your worries