Nocturnal Nirvana (Re-Recruit)

A project finished and submitted last year

Now re-worked to fit guidelines and maybe public if we get 50 plus votes.
I did have to change the name, lets not get into that, but this is what condensed version would look like.

Nocturnal Nirvana.

Short Description: The inner yogas of dream and sleep are almost like a shortcut to enlightenment, a quick inner path. They work with aspects of the mind that are the shortest distance between you and awakening. With some cool additions.

(1): Recreation of sleep yoga: The body goes into sleep mode but your mind stays awake.You drop consciously into the very core of your being, the most subtle formless awareness.

(A) Implementation of Dream Yoga.
(B) Automated practices, techniques and training of Sleep and Dream Yoga
(C)Anchoring of awareness. (Staying awake when necessary)

(2) Sleep Mastery: Makes the most out of your sleep, whether of a 30 min nap or 10 hour sleep etc, which the user can easily control and get into.

(A) Enhanced integration of fields while sleeping, without getting overwhelmed. Servitors and fields also easily accessible in dream/astral realms.
(B) Protected while sleeping.
(C) Fresh air while sleeping.

(3): Replicates/ induces the required states and processes of having conscious OBE, individualized for each user and how it occurs for them.

(A) Deep Relaxation
(B) We sleep, yet wake enough for obe
(C) Requests assistance from our Higher Self to help us have an obe.

  • Interested

0 voters

The obe part is meant to assist, as always work will probably have to be put in and probably used with other astral projection assistance fields for best results.
If not public then there is expectancy of purchase within 2-3 weeks after release, and perhaps a smaller group.