Nofap field suggestion

and then watched netflix for 8 hours maybe thats why

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All one needs is Soul restoration (core) and knight mindset.


Oof :crazy_face:


once I get a card ill start buying the fields canā€™t wait

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Oh :crazy_face: lmao, boss what are you doing?

Donā€™t feel pressured to do something just to do it.

Think of it this way:
If a person is taking 1200mg of caffeine per day. Switching to 150mg a day will be a night and day difference. Major reduction in anxiety, adrenals, cortisol (stress), heā€™ll feel the contrast of all those negative side effects removing their hold on his life.

Now if you were to go from 250mg of caffeine per day to 150mg. Youā€™d pretty much notice no difference or a 10-30% difference at best.

The people that get these crazy benefits from quitting masturbation are likely doing it multiple times per day everyday, equivalent to 1200mg a day of caffeine. So quitting will have profound effects in restoring sensitivity. A ā€˜night and dayā€™ difference.

You can read this research paper where they talk about thesee superpowers.
Porn, Masturbation and Mojo: A Neuroscience Perspective (2012) ā€“ Your Brain On Porn

Another part of the equation is your belief system. When I was deep in the NoFap community I believed all sorts of outlandish shit.

If you jerk off then youā€™ll lose willpower. You wouldnā€™t be able to focus on your goals. Immense energy will be lost. Relapsing was the ultimate failure. If I jerked off to porn then Iā€™m not a man.
And much more!

So even If I would jerk off once a week I would manifest the above things because I believed in them completely.

ā€œThe flow of reality is determined by your beliefs.ā€

Sometimes even being suicidal over this addiction. But a few months ago when OM wrote: ā€œMasturbation without guiltā€. That tripped up some wires in my brain and I started remembering my life before NoFap. I would never feel these symptoms unless I jerked off multiple times a day.

It was only after I joined NoFap, started reading the effects of porn and taking it way too seriously that after jerking off even once or twice in a month I felt like it was the end of my world and the ultimate failure.

I felt so shitty when I realized porn was never the problem. It was my own beliefs fucking me over.
And for a few months now, I had started to change my mindset related to these things.

Now, when I jerk off with porn, I feel no loss of willpower. Iā€™m still focused on my goals. Still confident. I feel no guilt whatsoever. And any minimal energy loss I feel can be replenished by a few hits of ā€œFlow of jingā€.
Iā€™m not addicted to porn anymore. I use it a few times in weeks. I donā€™t get those horrifying porn cravings where you canā€™t focus on anything and have to jerk off. Porn has no hold over me anymore.

This is my take on the NoFap movement. I know some people who are knee-deep in NoFap right now ainā€™t gonna believe this but Iā€™ve been there. I know how people think when they do NoFap. But this has been my experience.


wow thats good explanation man


I have been experimenting different audios for porn craving and I think best one that works is Etheric Cord Cutter. Iā€™m saying this based on months of experiment with different audios. Listen it everyday and youā€™ll notice the difference. No other audios comes close IMHO.

Edit: I donā€™t agree with others who thinks bad effects of nofap are placebo. I know what Iā€™ve lost and remember it very vividly before learning about bad effects of porn on brain etc. I believe itā€™s effects on ones aura is much more than ones brain.


This audio Keeps coming up :wink: along with soul core restoration.

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also Ojas Refined and Defined


Iā€™ve been doing 30 years of nofap now I can see through walls


fly away troll.


Do u know joe


on a real level though. Ojas shaken not stirred helps a lot :smiley:


I wonder if the base/sacral chakra audio would help


Look for post #18 in this thread.

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It just says you should drink your semen after relapsing, doesnā€™t answer my question
Edit: oh, I see the one you mean. Thanks!


Yes it does

And this was me right now. Thanks