I would like to suggest a field that covers all the benefits of nofap, something that is as close as possible, among these includes the increase in testosterone, the decrease in estrogen, the decrease in prolactin, which is a non-beneficial hormone released during the act, and etc. , I know the benefits, but I don’t know all the causes that bring it, the goal of creating the audio would be this, to act directly on the causes that will give the benefits, whoever knows more about the source of the benefits and wants to complement say please, it could be a free audio or even released on patreon, we have tags with 4 to 5 themes so I know it is possible to put it in the audio too.
Put this suggestion in Requests & Fields bro
I can’t find these categories
a dog tag would be a better idea
A dog tag would be a better idea
A No fap dog tag.what is so weird🤣
No I mean a no fap to wear it not to listen
Nothing, just got it wrong haha
Can’t think of anything for sapien. Use Akuo porn addiction subliminal
I want to avoid masturbating, but you know this is something of human desire, however much you want an hour happens, even in sex too, you can endure forever of course, if you want to become a celibate, it is not my case, a sapiens substitute would be very good.
It’s not exactly the same thing
Was waiting for someone to reply this.
You masturbate because you’re leaking root energy and sex fills the void. Loop soul restoration for a couple and focus on lower chakra work. Drop everything else including other “creators”
Use Sacral and Base Chakra audio from sapien’s gumroad.
All your NoFap problems will be solved
Semen contains many nourishing elements for the sperm: vitamins C and B12, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.
Every time you evacuate while masturbating you lose precious minerals and vitamins. Little by little you weaken your body if you do not have healthy and quality food.
Personally I do it from time to time. I do it in a pot and after I put a little water I consume it. I do not waste this precious liquid, I would even say “sacred”.
Since I do my energy healing with the programmed fields my mind is clearer, my thoughts more stable, less temptation to masturbate.
2 years ago it was every day. Since I took this path and acquired knowledge of human biology, I have been paying attention.
you drink your own sperm?
Hibou yes
Take a Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement…please!
Energetically is the key here, not physically - it is not the expelled fluid that results in the loss of Ojas, but the act of ejaculation itself - it all happens in the brain. This is kind of like drinking one’s urine. There are those that advocate that too - there is probably “some” use in such practices but cummon guys, there are enough well-designed supplements today to get replenish the nutrients, consuming body fluids is not the way to go. Traditionally, the Daoists and Yogis either resist from ejaculation using mudras like Vajroli etc., or are able to energetically draw back the lifeforce post ejaculation (could be one’s own essence, or a harmonious exchange of partner’s lifeforce which is what sexual alchemy is all about)…
As someone who has been celibate for large periods of time, sometimes spanning a decade, I want to say that one should be very careful accepting counsel in such matters from Google. Moderation is the key to everything…