Discussion on masturbation (Kinky stuff)

You’re missing the point… I think the nofap has been addressed directly and indirectly by OM, Maoshan and Sammy too, and they all say basically the same thing. The same as OM wrote above 🤷

You only think it’s unfair to you because you’re a man and think like one, and based on your personal experiences (I don’t mean this in a bad way at all!!). I doubt you would consider this an advantage of you were a woman.
There are a lot of things which are “unfair” related to sex and procreation from a woman’s perspective but I will not engage in that discussion because that would really get everyone triggered :grin::grin::grin:
Also, it’s not a race to the bottom, let’s not make it one.


Yes, here are @Maoshan_Wanderer’s posts. :slightly_smiling_face:


@uial, master of links and quotes


Women/Guys, have sex don’t masturbate, its best for both sides :rofl:.


Thanks @MonkeyOwl, I read the old posts and this thread was created to get some new info which got rejected by #cannotBeTagged

and I admit that I don’t get the reasoning behind why masturbation is good for women. In fact, my lovely and funny (yes that’s how it seems to me) complaint was an emphasis on that fact to query more input. Seems it’s not a good time or place for it.

@uial thank you sir,

I’d like to point out something for the future of this thread (if there’s one).

To my understanding, these 3 are different things;

  • Sex
  • Semen Retention (you could do it and still have sex)
  • Masturbation
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Hmm, it seems some of _OM’s best posts about this topic aren’t displayed directly in the search results.

For those reading this thread, these posts in the thread below might be of interest.


The way I see it : women’s pleasure and sexuality has been attacked and repressed for centuries. Masturbation can be a way to free oneself from those chains and reclaim what has been taken/broken. It can help to reconciliate with one’s body and feelings, and it can be a safe space without the pressure of society or a partner (or with less pressure, at least).


I think the reason why orgasms can be helpful for women is because the energy naturally stays inwards and travels up through the vagus nerve to the upper chakra centres and stimulates the energybody through that. For men it’s the opposite energy travels downwards upon arousal and gets ejected upon orgasm ( together with the phycial essence). One can prevent this by strenghtening their pelvis floor muscle. By squeezing really hard while the orgasm occurs the energy can travel through the muscles to the vagus nerve and from there going upward too. It is said that the orgasm can continoue for however long you want and it even rejuvenates the body. Probably because the energy stimuates your body. Don’t know if the actual physical essence can stay inside too or gets ejected anyway.

Well… I think that’s how it works more or less not 100% sure


@Saan and his peaceful explanations🙂


Now this makes perfect sense to me. “freeing oneself from chains” seems to be a pattern/gateway to another level of… can’t find a word for it : )

Could you share 'em please?

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Honestly for both women and men worst thing is porn. Ofcourse nobody watch porn for plot twist, they usualy masturbate. So try to atleast cut porn it mess with your brain, body, mind and spirit.


Then stop bringing things up just to tease people. You play these power games where you claim to have some secret knowledge or valuable insight, and then seem to get off on playing the mysterious sensei, handing out “challenges” without further explanation.

And then you take it personal, get angry, insult, and threaten people when people understandably are confused, ask questions, have doubts, etc. e.g.

I fully understand the value of learning through experiencing, so there is nothing particularly wrong with being mysterious or challenging on its own. But the teasing of knowledge, condescension, public shaming of those “not ready”, and threats to be cut off from something you have not even presented… it is all just selfish power games.

Going to say again it feels like a cult in here, with people quivering and afraid to get on OM’s bad side.

Also, before I get accused of being “resistant” or “close minded” or something…

I actually agree with OM’s point of view on the “no fap” trend, it seems.


Lmaoooo if this was posted 7 months ago I would’ve had no idea what burn meant.

Thanks to Kelso From “that 70s show” I got a clear photo.


This topic is of significant interest to me, particularly when it comes to masturbation and addiction. The chart posted is a common schematic in evolutionary biological and endocrinological areas of study, and suggests that (to state the obvious but often times overlooked fact) the dichotomy between males and females is widely oversimplified.

For example, I as a female likely fall towards the right/middle right side of the ‘pink’ bell curve where the proportion of overlap is most dense. I am predominantly attracted to feminine energy and likely had more exposure to fetal testosterone in the womb, given my relatively low 2D:4D ratio more resembles that to a straight male than a straight female. I also have found that I’ve benefited from “NoFap” significantly more than “GoFap” both in the absence and presence of porn use.

That said, there could be a number of factors of why that’s the case for me – it’s just important to point out that the effects or consequences of masturbation tend to differ from person to person due to these factors, beyond just semen retention in men (though that definitely contributes to the heightened testosterone related benefits).

Examine your own beliefs towards masturbation and see how those beliefs correlate with your own hormonal fluctuations over time.

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I question whether I’m even doing it right because it is just too simple. I don’t see the challenge at all. I mean all I do is breathe in and out as hard and deeply for about 60-70 breaths till I get tired, hold my breath, say the intention, maybe feel a few vibrations (this is hit or miss honestly) and then that’s it. It takes 2 minutes.

Just gonna keep doing it and maybe it’ll get harder eh?


Never would I had imagined masturbation causing such words war

Say whaaaaaaaaa?

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Woohoo! I’m a super saiyan 3 at 95 days currently.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I said it a few times here and there, but i dont like correcting all the “bro”-s, so i just go with the flow :D
It’s not that important :)