Not sure what this is

I’ve noticed whenever I work on the higher energy centres like using brow and crown chakra or subconscious limits audio about a hour later I get stinging in parts of my scalp and some hair loss…I have some autoimmune alopecia and psoriasis and it seems to get aggravated by these audios. I’ve tried balancing with working on the root, sacral and grounding but doesn’t seem to help. Anyone have any tricks! I want to try the soul restoration for the brow in case it’s a leakage or something but I’m scared of it doing the same thing

I’ve tried the coconut oil awhile ago but will try again. Wanted to know more why the energy stimulation would aggravate it.

TBH there are enough fields and natural supplementation options for hair regrowth I wouldn’t worry about it. This is about a spiritual path and it sounds as if you have some stuff going on up there. I highly recommend using all the intercession videos and asking for your DNA to be upgraded to the highest divine crystalline structure. I then suggest asking for this field to be imprinted into a crystal or other object you may carry on your person.


Thanks I will try that out!

I’ve also tried something like this in case they may be a while to answer your request.


use Castor Oil, not Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil will clog your pores, it’s very comedogenic!

Remember hair acts as literal antennae for universal life energies/prana/ch’i/etc so this might have something to do with it as your hair may need to be “upgraded”.


Late reply to this thread but this may help.

This can happen to some people with autoimmune issues when working with the higher energy centres, or chakras or energy centres corresponding to parts of the physical body affected by autoimmunity. Subconscious Limits Removal also affects the area around the head energetically for some people.

The autoimmune response may fade over time as your energy system develops.

The Soul Restoration field may be gentler than the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakra field in this respect.

It may help to play fields which prevent, counteract or stabilise autoimmune responses before and after working with your higher energy centres.

Here are some options to choose from. Experiment with them and see which fields work best for you.

General fields which can help with autoimmune responses:

Fields which may help with autoimmune alopecia:

Anti-inflammatory fields to choose from:

You may also wish to try Energy Blockage Removal, which also clears and grows your chakras but can be gentler for some people than the Gumroad Chakra v2.0 fields, along with Transmutation and Microcosmic, which circulates energy through your system, clears it of junk and expands it.

You may also wish to enrol in Sapien’s Energy Awakening course as the Become the Healer and Crystallization attunements allow you to heal your physical and energy body. The fields and exercises also develop your chakras and energy system, which will allow you to understand it more intuitively over time and seal leakages.

The Reiki Star Exercise posted on this forum complements energy body development well too. (for example, chakra development, Energy Blockage Removal, Transmutation and Microcosmic or the Energy Awakening course)


Thank you so much for the detailed response! I did end up getting the soul restoration audio and currently doing the Energy course. Both seem to be helping, I will try the other suggestions also!


You’re very welcome. Glad to hear it!

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Excellent reply uial! Lots of info and links! You should be a mod here.You have the commitment,patience and personality for a metaphysical-themed forum like this.


Thanks, @omega68. I simply enjoy contributing and helping when I’m able. This is a great community thanks to the many awesome members here. :slightly_smiling_face:


I always love reading your suggestions and recommendations! I wish I could double heart your responses :heart: :heart: