Nothing Frivolous Bout it

I have a few opinions on creatine! I’ll come back and edit this post and tag you when I’m out of the gym bro :slight_smile: it’s my first day hitting legs in like 2 weeks :upside_down_face:

At certain pain thresholds… It’s literally orgasmic… As strange as that sounds lol waves of bliss man


Meanwhile my lifting schedule looks somewhat like this:

Monday: 1.5 hours of bench press, maxing out like 5 times on singles and on triples.

Tuesday: 10 x 3 bench press, + 5 x 5 bench press, ridicilous volume OHP and PRing on OHP singles.

Wednesday: Everything hasn’t been destroyed enough so I’m up hogging the bench press for 2 hours again, maybe squats. Something like 225 x 4 x 20, or 5. Maybe do some deadlifts too. OHP?!

Goes on like that. End up the Friday doing OHP again, tossing on 20 pounds on last week’s 1 rep max, almost blacking out at the top, but setting it nonetheless. If I miss anything I’ll just hit the gym twice a day.

That was from when I felt like focusing on my bench and press.


My current thing after gyms re-opened here is starting low weight 5 reps each set and building up to my highest weight for 3-5 reps. I figured I got stronger doing this. Started at 165 with increment of 15 to 40 pounds, stopped at 265 for 3 reps. This is probably gonna be my new style. It’s more volume than trying for example 225 5 reps, 5 sets for example, plus I prep up my nervous system to adapt better and prepare for more load. It sounds random lol, but I’ve been feeling it & lifting more than I ever did before. My nutrition is wack currently & I’m pretty sure either I’m maintaining my weight or losing bit by bit. I’m guessing supporting with the fields has helped me a lot too. Regardless it’s a lifestyle, I’ll be sure to get it all together.


Another life changing release, deeply grateful for this and everything you do for the community @Dreamweaver. Been in a decent amount of pain and discomfort for the last 2 days from a shoulder issue that even the other plasma audios and cosmo couldn’t relieve fully but The PRP bath has helped so much more than anything else. :pray:
Beard audio is perfectly timed for me too, Going to take weekly photos of progress with daily use of the audio too for a nice results collage in the future.


Man, I had gotten so flaby in just 2.5 weeks, thanks to trying some other “field”, though @This_Boy_Here warned me to stick with standard stuff.

Anyway, Captain kindly suggested this stack, which I used for 2 weeks, prayed to Mr. Biceps the patron saint of muscles and kabooom… I am back to being fit, and somewhat ripped…

  • Cardarine
  • Stenabolic
  • A few days of YK11
  • Follistatin

Though the above are probably enough, I also added some Core Strengthening, Upper Body workout to it as well and these worked really really well.

Borrowing from @lilo, I always use fields to supplement actual nutrition, meditation, working out, etc., but these two weeks, I was so swamped at work, barely had time to do much else but these audios were nothing short of magic! Two weeks!!! Lol…


Ahem…:thinking: Different timeline?:wink::smirk::joy:

Tell us amount of times played por favor.


Try it and let us know

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Sheeesh, so all you do is bench? :sweat_smile:


Definition of a Chad

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Did you actually work out or because you didnt have time to work out is why u listened to this?

Im trying to make a stack or 2 for me because tho i feel like i lost weight the last 2 months i had gained the months before lol and not much exercise (weights) except yoga lol

And now having to wear actual clothes i feel ive lost muscle mass :grimacing: gyms are not open around here and the room i do yoga in has no ac and its getting so hot :sob::sob::sob:

I need a stack without having to work out much lol
(I know all these audios except yk11-which is actually best sarm for women, have to listen just twice max) + the regular work out audios i just dont know if the other audios need actual work out.

Any one else too that want to help me? :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Those two weeks, I could not really work out, so basically did 30-min cardio on the treadmill and not much else! So, all the magic was really from the audios.

As OM said, my sense of time is muddled lol, I think this was 2 months ago when I talked to Dream and OM about it? lol


Hey he’s busy with his higher calling :rofl: :rofl: :heart: :heart: :heart_eyes: :crazy_face:


Awesome! I guess I get all the cardio by being up and down the hotel in the sun wearing heels so then i will listen to this right once i get home haha


I was just trying to get credit for 3/4 of that stack :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::innocent::rofl:
And your very much delayed reports…

Soooo how many times did you listen to them a day???


:pray: :pray:

Two times each track, once in the morning!! I was frankly shocked at how well it worked…

Considering how often I talk to you guys, I am surprised too I did not mention haha… When I read Mr. Bicep’s post here on this thread, suddenly came flooding back to me lol


You got distracted with your flowing locks of hair… understandable.:grin:


No longer lol… finally got a haircut!!


Samson no longer…


Sad reaction…

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