Nothing Frivolous Bout it

Me too. :heart:

This is really great because I’d like to cut down on the stuff I put on my face. :joy:


So is this for gaming stuff?


Mmm, my skin routine is some kind of k-beauty light, so layering serums and stuff is my thing… but It’s hard to replace PRP with serums.:wink:


Errr wot?

Lol we literally update all the time

On youtube majority of ppl is lazy they ask the same question every 3 comments:

Someone: this works!
Lazy ppl on youtube: how many times did you listen to?
What results you are seeing?
Did you use headphones?
How long youve been listening to?

3 comments down:

Someone: this works!
Lazy ppl on youtube: how many times did you listen to?
What results you are seeing?
Did you use headphones?
How long youve been listening to?

And again and again.

Even when videos had explicit description in the description box… hundreds would be asking:

So what this do?

And tho a lot of others would reply to that comment you keep seeing the same questions down …

Ppl is lazy to even read all the comments to see if their question is there…

Ppl be asking others for results hundreds might answer saying yes it works and still ppl be asking that like they need a million daily saying yes it works and why.

Is that the motivation and daily talking you are looking for?

On this forum we comment all the time and actually in depth with suggestions on how to use them. Like hundreds of comments and threads, but… you gotta search in the searching bar…

Is that why you are asking this? Haha


I agree with you… :grin:

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Ohh, I’m a K-beauty fan too! :blush:

Did the whole 11, 12, 13-step regimen. Along the way I discovered I’m sensitive to some ingredients and too many layers congest me. I’m with you, light is the way to go. A toner and serum and I’m good.

But yeah, nothing beats this field! I can’t stop touching my face. Lol.

@anon46520955, agreed with everything you said. That’s why I finally joined here.

The helpful comments on Youtube get buried by repetitive questions.

I also noticed when someone asks for a specific field for something and a person suggests something that could still help, the asker ignores the suggestion and even gets rude. Like, “I’m asking for this, so don’t suggest me that.” :roll_eyes:

Sorry not sorry for the rant.


Lol so true

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I just saw this too. Even the one who helped was very kind to provide reasoning of his/ her suggestions


the oddest ones are the ones who say.
does it work!??! i think its a scam, does this work for anyone?

quite literally posted under a testimonial.


Lol yes and they are just looking ‘for motivation’ but its been a year yooo and you still looking for testimonials to start using a field :roll_eyes:




Big Bruhh moment

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I LEGIT just envision his logo as the closest representation of him.

Did I questioned it? Heh not at first but after I passed him in the street.


Hahaha i laughed so hard at this yesterday i literally pictured one of those trolling videos you see that put emojis on faces :joy::joy:

The Maoshan in my dream did have a face and kind of longish hair wild and all :joy: his gf was there too and like they had some roomates that were super deorganized and he was complaining about it to me lol

I dont remember why i had to go to their place to check on something and they werent supposed to be there but they came back for something and is how i met them.

And im pretty sure there was someone else (bald head guy) that is from the forum too but i dont remember who he was supposed to be. I thiiink it was Om but im not sure.
That character was funny in a weird way but ill keep that to myself :sweat_smile:

I remembered yesterday that i was listening to the dream sleeper audio right before bed when i was laughing at Oms gif of Solomon talking about Maoshan cutting his hair so i think thats why i dreamt with them lol


THAT HOW I DREAMT HIM :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: Exactly like that lmao.


Hahaha im gonna find one i swear

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make one :smiley:


Honestly, it only takes ten minutes of your life to use a field, What do you lose? Nothing you just try the field and you see for yourself


When practicing hand eye coordination for gamers people forget about the eye part, And Honestly Eye Training mostly has to do with genetics and if you played a hand eye coordinating sport such as tennis or American Football, With Enhanced visual processing your basically perfecting your eye part which comes in hand with the hand coordination. Remember you need your eyes to see targets so your hands can react, it starts from the eye than goes from there. With EVP I was able to react to targets really fast and accordingly, Gonna try it today during game scrimmages and find out. Really happy with this field also able to see clearer and visualize way better.

Also don’t sleep on the Internal Alchemical Crucible, I have been putting it after SLR and results are coming quick as possible. It’s also removing any stupid thoughtforms I thought about fields, Not worried about playlist anymore and if I like a field I put it and just consistently listen.


OOu, wish people played handball over here.

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