I have to say that the field is awesome compared to all the other ones i have. If you dont know what to buy or what final item you could add to your stack dont overlook this one.
I feel like i have felt when i was 4 years old. I cannot describe it in other ways simply amazing.
I should have bought this field wayy earlier and combined with the social mastery it is just amazing. People are just wayyyy kinder toward me. It is not a shield but it feels like it’s working like a grand shield as it completely shuts out negative influences from all around you.
if you cannot afford the expensive fields buy this one.
Both nullify and amplify planetary fields are definitely very interesting. Astrology is very deep and complex to each of us individually. For what they’re worth, I’ve taken a few birth charts and it’s interesting to see the effects from where each planet resided in each zodiac when we we’re born.
Some of the readings were 100% spot on in regards to my personality.
Wearing both tags would produce some pretty profound effects dealing with such strong celestial energies…throw in Best Path in Life and who knows what you might experience.
Are these Nullify and Amplify tags something you would wear all day or just for a few hours? I wonder if they work like the audios? working for 24 hrs after listening?
One is on 24/7 the other you have to listen daily. Lol honestly I don’t think there’s much of a difference they got the same description (from the top of my head) the audio effects last about 17-20 hours (?) While the tag, well keep it on for the effects to continue.