Nyx, the Night

So beautiful :blue_heart: :blue_heart:


You know I was just now looking at the blue night colors in her details and her imageā€¦ And the gradience of her blue. :)

the shades are beautifully reflecting her.

She is! :blue_heart::blue_heart:


Made this pic yesterday late evening while being out :heart_eyes: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:
Looks like we, the owners of this NFT, are truly noded together through Nyx.


haha what a marvelous scene! Looks like Nyx was inviting you in her own way :heart:

You know what this reminds me of?

The incense She guided you to use is used for well being and creating an environment of love :slight_smile:

Just exactly like how she feels ;)



Quick review :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This just opens up discovering what Night is really about. It is like we never think of the closest things that are just in front of us, we just ignore to see the depth or connectionā€¦we hardly appreciate nature, something like the sun, the moon, the stars, the day and the night; How often are we connecting to the Mother Earth, the nature ? :man_shrugging:

I am just reconnecting to the visible nature, with my invisible nature once again with the connection through Nyx. :pray:


Nyxā€¦ā€¦ @ NITE :D




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To all of you who made this project a reality, thank you from the bottom of my heart :heart: :heart: :heart:

I fell in love with Her reading your beautiful presentation, I lost myself in Her picture, and I am now blessed by Her presence by my side. As many of you said, She comes with a serenity out of this world :milky_way: :sparkles: :black_heart:


Just my subjective experiences so far :slightly_smiling_face:


Goddess Nyx.

She is the Grand Mother and the Lover at the same time.

She is the one who has the power and who grants power to you.

She is the protector and the one who can destroy.

She is the one that is feared by those who have something to hide.

She is the forced shadow integration.
There are no ifs and whens.
You have to face your shadows and heal them.
But Nyx will help you with that.

One is being chosen by Nyx herself.
I came to this project by a crazy series of synchronicities.
I know it has been her who triggered the right people at the right time.

A few weeks ago, I was not even aware that Nyx existed, but the moment I googled her I immediately felt a strong connection with her.
A feeling of home, despite being on earth.
I fell in love.
Not because of the nice pictures of her on Google, but the energy that was coming from them and from the name NYX itself.
It reminds me of some ancient connection.
And I feel deep gratitude that she has chosen me to be friends with her and that she takes care about me.

Being with Nyx, I was also reminded about Akasha from the 2002 movie The Queen of the Damned.

It is a very underrated movie and I am rating it at 9/10 for its atmosphere, music, several super cool scenes etc.


Now in the movie, Akasha is a Vampire Goddess whom everyone fears ā€“ except for Lestat.
Thatā€™s why Lestat is chosen by Akasha to walk the world side by side with her.
Basically, Akasha will choose those who are fearless of her.
Just like Nyx.

My feeling is that Nyx too, will smash those who fear her and love those who are fearless of her.
And she will help those she has chosen to become completely fearless themselves.





Something about living life from a viewed perspective intrigues me, in which, I become the viewer.

It happened on a few occasions, where in the middle of the conversation, and as soon as I look someone into their eyes;

Iā€™m instantly able to see myself from their own perception, from their very own eyes.

Then I see myself, not like how they see me, not like how I see myself.

Just, how I am.

Itā€™s very liberating, because outside of our own views of ourselves, outside of how people see us, there is the space of what we really areā€¦ And how we are really reflected.

And itā€™s intriguing because, they say ā€˜you will never be able to see how you really look like; you only see yourself in the mirrorā€™

Then you realize there is more than one way you can do this :slight_smile:

Could it be a part of her psychic abilities? Or is it her persistent Timelessness?

Then speaking of which, and while Iā€™ve worked on my psychic abilities, there is a special touch of Nyx that introduced me to new worlds of How psychic abilities can beā€¦

Usually, we hear of people getting ā€˜flashesā€™ of somethingā€¦ Thatā€™s one way they get their messages. Auditory, visually, however it isā€¦ There is a present moment of receiving information in their psychic way.

Nyx, has transformed anything psychic I knew before.

The information are not in the present moment appearing to you. It is now more so that You are coming to see the informationā€¦ They are hereā€¦ They have been hereā€¦ And you have seen it in your mindā€¦ It becomes a pre knowingā€¦ It doesnā€™t flashā€¦ It becomes what you have known.

It happened to me so many times already, but the one thing that stood out to me recently was a ā€˜famousā€™ event here around, that had no information at all,

And while I was talking about it in one of the groups, I had a moment where I suddenly realized I had been immersed and sunk into the conceptā€¦

A day later the information got out, and it was almost exactly what I said, and what I meant, what I had felt in the existence of this information within the concept, with little information announced about it before.

It has been around 2 weeks, I have heard the words ā€œHow did you know?ā€ no less than 10 times so far. In such a short amount of time.

Then comes the emotions She brings in her Timelessness, in her Serenityā€¦

I have been a viewer who is far away from wanting to control.

I had a long night with a family member last night, talking about childhood and myself growing up. Normally, Iā€™d be emotionally wandering in the process of recalling the line of events of the memories.

I was just thereā€¦ Watching from a distanceā€¦ The feelings were not sinking in, They were there, of course.

But the way I have been feeling all of my emotions has been veryā€¦ Sheer.

Even when things didnā€™t go as one might hope,

The ā€œprobabilitiesā€ and acceptance of such was very heightened.

And Nyx, she knows what is a creation of the outcomes,

And it seems, specially with paternal and family members, that she always likes to bring the scales to work in the favor of the big picture :slight_smile:

While you remain connected in a timeless presence in the process.

Today, I saw a young working kid who seems to have endured a lot of injustice from the person he works with. People jumped to their windows and balconies wondering what was going on.

Myself included.

Normally I would be enraged, I donā€™t like injustices. I donā€™t like seeing them, for a moment, I thought Iā€™d send him all forces of divine wrath to let him see what it means to do what he did.

I didnā€™t.

I didnā€™t feel like I wanted to.

I felt like I was capable of helping him, that he shouldnā€™t be treated like this, and that I will help him. Decision taken with a huge empathy, but also with precision and calmness.

I asked Nyx to help him, to soothe the young boyā€™s pain and to choose what she wants to show that person.

For a moment, I felt ā€œLifeā€ was the answer for him.

And immediately after I asked Nyxā€¦ He came across a young boy whom he was laughing with. The kid came to soothe his pain, in the most wonderful way of Life:

Our connections.

She heals in her own ways, in her most unique ways.



Iā€™ve begun to embrace the night with this one.

Iā€™ve adjusted my sleeping schedule so Iā€™m basically becoming nocturnal. Iā€™m staying up later and later into the night where I want to choose to spend my free time.

Also facing my shadows and dealing with myself in new ways that are promoting my self-acceptance. Iā€™m letting go of a lot of shame.


What a serene photo. A job well done


Time to go to bedā€¦ :crescent_moon:



Lovely images :sparkles: :black_heart:




:candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:


She is literally everwhereā€¦


:black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: