Nyx, the Night

Through this , Can we request Nyx to grant any of our wish to be fullfilled ?


#Nyx #Nox #NightGoddess #DeaNox #GöttinDerNacht #ShadowIntegration

“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”

― Mahatma Gandhi


:candle: :candle: :candle: Daily praise to the Goddess of the Night :candle: :candle: :candle:


:bridge_at_night: :milky_way: :night_with_stars:


She is just is
I guess that’s how it is so.💁


:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



People have been aware of the energies surrounding the past few days, weeks, up to a whole month back even. Slowly backing up, then coming forward; Sending you waves of things to look at, things to move forward to, Opportunities opening up; Ones that come with more to learn about the world you interact with, and the world you are.

With these energies around, propelling the forward movement, but in the movement there is smoothness of the roads. And for the smoothness, the swift glide, the time in and out: Comes Nyx.

While the darkness was around, the releases, the push forward, the transformation out of the whole process, Nyx was here to make it bright. But the way she does it is so different that it makes you wonder: How could the darkness be bright without those rays of Light?

And it was her glowing Night that made me stay bright. That made me sleep sound every night, That told me: Here, there is no rush, Take your time.

That gave me more time when I needed and made time work in my favor.

That also told me: Time is your own, but you also gotta be there In it.

With all these energies and shifts and all the fluctuations we have seen, all the sleepless nights some had, all the fatigue, all the confusion…

Nyx kept me solid.

And I didn’t realize that until I had finally asked our main Bluepirnt of Love group for help; energetic support.

I had realized that for the whole time, I was brought more and more awareness every day, I was getting recharged nightly with her creation energies, with her ambrosia, with the Universe energies of Creation…
And with the Cosmic Egg…

It was all so surreal it hit me; left me awestruck.

I was brought more into awareness and clarity, I had been very detached from all the energies I had been going through, While feeling them so subtly!

They are there… They have their moments… I don’t like when people Barbie doll their expeeiences… There is truth in the life we share and the moments we experience… But how do they feel throughout? How quickly do you snap yourself back up? And how do you feel in between?

Truth is, I have not been able to realize how I had been feeling in between until I asked for help.

I spoke of this combo on the group since Day 1 but the experience of working with Hekate and Nyx at the same time has been inseparable from my daily life now!! Since day 1, Their images are always, always lying around and group together… No matter where I initially position them!!

The other day I asked Hekate and Nyx after captain’s new release Emotional Alchemy… I asked the Goddesses to work their Emotional Alchemy on me… With Hekate being the power that brings the darkest and entirely pulls it out of you… And Nyx creating the timeless and painless state taking out the whole essence that ever brought these emotions in.

It was a very deep felt experience.

I had made a decision the other day, a life long decision that changes the course of actions of my life for good… For once and for all…

I don’t fear the unknown, I enjoy taking risks. But some risks are just harder to accept than others.

Let’s just say that Nyx, being the primordial force of the creation She is, has given me a lot of supporting peaks into the whole future of the situation

The Universe has got your back, Now go…

She is Serenity, She is Life, She is the Essence, She is the Cosmos, Creation, She is Life… She is Power, She is Love, She is Awareness, She is Time… She is the Cosmic fuel…

She is Nyx.


Thank you for this, @Desiree :heart:

After reading your message yesterday, I asked for Nyx and Hekate to assist me for the integration work I’ve been doing these past few weeks. The change is just incredible, everything is now processed so much faster. And there’s always the feeling of their reassuring presence and love :black_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I just feel so wonderful today!!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


@Desiree after your experiences with this NFT you must realise that the first thing taken from humankind in the long gone past was the night itself.

all the nights on earth are bright nowadays and this is why from a certain point of view the days are murkier. i believe this NFT is special to relieve the chosen owners of the burden not to have a single normal night in their life also…among all other abilities of the respected goddess.


I feel like while I have held off sharing this or realizing it even; it came out here just at the right time. It is a time of choice, of attributing more power to all the advancements this life has been pushing us to do in the past few weeks.

You can notice that with the concepts of the new releases even, There feels to be a common concept with all its components. The Alchemy fortifies and compels the movement forward and into a real New beginning of The Fool, while the protector elevates your understanding of newer ways.

And it is not just the pace, but then also how the experience feels within. The slip into the moment they create together; there is a “recalibrating” of the moment, of any resistance, and into what you are becoming.
and with Nyx, it is really what you have timelessly become. an enveloping meaning of ‘it has already happened’.

I’m happy to read you’re feeling wonderful!!
:heart: :heart:


It is a very intriguing thought by the way, because as I read your words I was reminded of a few posts on here, but as I started typing my mind connected it to a ‘significant’ event in Earth’s history.

Who knows!!! :)

Thinking about this, it is true. Nighttime feels more like a “Space in the Universe” as opposed to…just another Earthly night!! haha

And with her extending her Night into our daytime, it feels more of the whole existence is a space in the universe…

a respected thought for sure.


By the way, there is also a scientific term for this: light pollution


Wow would you look at that!

In June 2016, it was estimated that one third of the world’s population could no longer see the Milky Way, including 80% of Americans and 60% of Europeans. Singapore was found to be the most light-polluted country in the world).

Lol, and here we are just transporting right into it. :D


there is artificial light where the energetic pathways connecting the earth chakras are. do you see it @JAAJ ?


I see the idea here.
2nd, 3rd and 7th chakra are not that illumanited though… :thinking:


yes but the others…

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A little off topic but has anyone ever told you you remind them of Dwight lol


Nyx :heart_eyes: :black_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blue_heart:

:candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:


Haha reminds me of this!! Someone just sent it to me a few days ago!

:black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle:🪄 🪄