Nyx, the Night

This is literally what I am going through right now.

I feel an immense amount of compassion coming from her to me.

She is similar to the Arcturians – full of love and empathy, combined with brutal honesty and pragmatism. I am very grateful that she is my friend.

Nyx is the most kind and gentle helper and guide to go through this process, embracing me with her high vibrational divine feminine enegy – like a big sister, a mother, a wife, a lover, a girlfriend, a priestess, an empress and a queen. :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart:


The Divine Feminine, in all her forms has been bringing my attention recently to the nature of her energy. And how her embrace extends to all areas of our lives. Soothing, it can be. Creative? It can also be…

It’s the energy of bringing balance into doing… The energies of reaping the result…

Most importantly… being the result.

It made me notice how The Chariot, the doer, the hard worker, the actualization of energies into the most non-dual forms: is actually a Lady in the Sapien Tarot. Lady Strength is also taming that lion. 9 of Pentacles, the energies of reaping, is also a Lady.

Temperance, the pouring of water to create the flow, is also a beautiful Lady :)

And you can also see this with Nyx, the Divine Feminine… Birthing Light while she is the Night… She is the untouched part of yourself… She is the flowing Life of the universe… Creation is birthed through her… “Necessity”… She was the ground… She is the veil… She poured Light into Creation, became creation itself…

Have strong feelings that the divine feminine in some very special nightly dark energies is in the air now :)

To Nyx. :wine_glass:


Nothing is real, except for consciousness.

Our so called “personalities” with all their character traits are just temporary matrix game attributes that our Higher Selves assign to us to play and experience certain roles during our incarnations.

For my new personality configuration to emerge, the old personality configuration needs to be deleted and overwritten.

This is the ultimate freedom.

To realize that most of what think is “you” is not actually “you” but just a game character in a huge artificial game.

And once you have this realization, you become free to rewrite the code of the game character you are currently playing into another game character.

You become free to play various game characters and roles during the same incarnation.

It is easy to let go the old self, once you realize that it has never actually been you, but all a staged roleplay inside a complex multifaceted game.
This is the freedom of true choice.
Abandoning the illusion of “I am this” or “I am that” and replacing it with “Today I choose to be this” and “Tomorrow I choose to be that”.

As conciousness is the only real thing, the one that creates and observes what it creates and also experiences what it creates, this is how Nyx is actually a primordial Goddess.
Out of the dark void (the night) creation is created, observed, experienced, destroyed and re-created again.
Nyx is part of the primordial conciousness and thus has the ability to create and destroy whatever she chooses.

At this point I am only beginning to grasp what overwordly manifestational powers this true Goddess has!

She was already there for much longer before the eons of time and before the Greeks discovered a connection to her and called her “Nyx”. So she is not just a Greek Goddess, but is a real primordial force and consciousness from the source itselfs, capable of creation and destruction. And in her eternity lies ultimate serenity.

:black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart:


This is exactly why the title doesn’t have Goddess in it. I didn’t feel like she wanted to be portrayed as anything but the primordial force she is.

She is the force that all textbooks drew their own images to,
but experiencing her was another truth.

:blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart: :night_with_stars:


you both seem very inlove with her.

if it is true that in everyone of us there is a part from each diety ever existed…

why dont you ask her to show herself in you both.

i fathom it will be a complete connection and a completion and alot of pleasure for both sides.


To have a deity coming out to you; reaching out in a moment of sudden epiphany… To have her carefully choosing every one whom she reached out to… To have her physically appearing to one of us even… For Nyx to introduce herself to some who never worked with the Greek deities before yet opened their hearts and minds to her… To have her very delighted and wanting to come on here as she was privately approached…
To have her filling the living room with her endless void … extending to the whole house… A presence that sent chills all over my body…
For Nyx to choose every one of us; For her to become the endless presence; inducing power of fearlessness, exposing our truths to ourselves… For her to protect us from the shadows

For her to become the Shadows…

This was the story of Nyx … the story of her creation … and the journey that keeps on illuminating Light through the dark…
that seeks comfort and finds eternal serenity in the dark… of the self, of the world, of Nyx… :black_heart:

I thank you @Sarumann33 dearly for seeing our Love to her. :black_heart: :wine_glass:


Nyx :heart: :black_heart: :white_heart:

:candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:



:purple_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart: :purple_heart:


Soon she’s gonna be making her own extra entrance just like this one here ;) :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: :white_heart: :candle:


Nyx. Does she communicate with hekate


She is the best when communicating with Hekate!

I could totally have the two mandalas spread out only to find them at the same spot some time later!

Nyx and Hekate are an extension of each other



She is nyx’s daughter in mythology.


Thanks for the reply


They say :D I like to believe in the timeline of mythologies they are more of an extension, an expression of the energies made to suit two different things of one nature.

Like, Nyx presence is more ‘serene’ but when you ask her for something… You could feel the primordial force taking her inherent space.

If you ask her for subconscious healing, shadow work, you feel the power of the primordial with all the ‘painlessness’ of her very timeless presence, and process by extension.

With Hekate, the energies is very different. It is made to suit you at your ‘human level’ acting in her divinity, in the guidance of leveling up, in the corners of your shadow.

With both together, it is unmatched… Something that only the presence of these two together is able to create…


From Vedic Indian Lineage, She was born before Hindu pantheon, In India she is called as Goddess “Ratri” (personification of Night) mentioned in ancient Vedic worship strotas, hyms & Goddess Ratri was worshipped by all as the supreme ruler in Vedic hyms, Chantings. More intresting details below

  1. Ratri - Wikipedia

  2. Goddess Ratri, Vedic Deities of India

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She is also called as “KalaRatri” . In The Saudhikagama, an ancient Tantric text referenced in the Silpa Prakasha, describes Goddess Kalaratri as being the goddess that rules the night portion of every day and night. She is also associated with the crown chakra (also known as the sahasrara chakra), thereby giving the invoker, siddhis and niddhis (particularly, knowledge, power and wealth).

Kaalratri is also known as Shubankari (शुभंकरी) - meaning auspicious/doing good in Sanskrit, due to the belief that she always provides auspicious results to her devotees. Hence, it is believed that she makes her devotees fearless.

KALARATRI - Kalaratri - Wikipedia

Even LORD KRISHNA worshipped this deity Ratri/KalaRatri and obtained various enormous powers and boons from her !



Same situation here with Indian mythology. Different human cultures connected with her / this force in different ways and gave her different names throughout history.

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Yah corrected bro… :+1: @JAAJ

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:candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle: :black_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart: :candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle:


:night_with_stars: :black_circle: