Occipital Neuralgia

So after more than a year of continous headaches, nausea, diziness, and eye degeneration, my pain suddenly changed spots to a spot above my neck. And after googleing it should be around one of the occipital nerves.

I found this disease Occipital Neuralgia, which fits 90% of my symptomps, except the rapid development of eye floaters.

I wonder if anyone had this problem before or if anyone has field suggestions (preferably free because I just absolved and the nausea and diziness makes it very hard atm to start a career to buy fields).

Thanks for the answers in advance


You can try DNA repair system its free on youtube.


Consider Spinal Tapper too. In some of occiput issues, the atlas (top bone of the spine that is directly in connection to the occiput) is involved.


Yes I have some advice.
Since u have had this over a year, time to go see a doctor and get a proper diagnosis and treatment and not diagnose yourself using “Doctor Google”.

“So after more than a year of continous headaches, nausea, diziness, and eye degeneration, …”


I had the same problem and felt an improvement with Scar Tissue and Stemcells, Brain Regeneration can now use Pain control 2.


You should go to the neurologist, what you describe sounds like the alarm symptoms that the doctor gives me in consultation ( EM or

Adds: brain and spine antioxidant,
Grace of angels+ the Essence of faith and prayer

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I have occipital neurologia - first and foremost: you need to actually first get this verified as it’s not a relatively common thing : your neurologist first, along with your eye doctor.

I mean, to be frank: your vestibular, tmj, skull, subocipital regions - all of that - and so many more- regions - play a factor to the pain your talking about. Meaning
It can be a bunch of other stuff.

The following is what I deal that I didn’t see you mention, so consider: is your gait affected? Is it very difficult washing your hair? Can you not stand light? Can you not wear contacts / using eyes is too straining? Jarring knive like pain originating from the back of head (suboccipital areas)? If your answer to all that is yes, then … ok maybe google led to a plausible conclusion
Except google didn’t go to med school lol.

I mean you said it’s getting worse- occipital neurologist shouldn’t be, it’s not really like degenerative- It just is.

I don’t think we are the right ones to ask but
Nonetheless: blue print of life / the inner pillar of power , pain control 2.0 , breath of the belly, and muscle and bone massage.
And Ego dissolution (I’ve noticed this helps me lower, in relation to pain)

Also icing the suboccipital regions (two side behind neck) helps
Not straining neck , careful , with posture and movements .

But please go to a doctor my dude. Please inform us how it goes :)

sending you an armor of light!


I’ve been to a neurologist, ophthalmologist, Cardiologist(that was when I had high blood pressure luckily that atleast went away, and the only thing that has been discovered were my eye floaters. The ophthalmologist just attributed every symptom of mine to that.

My mistake for forgetting to mention it.


Thanks for the detailed answer.
I never had pains in my gait.
90% of the time I can stand straight.
Using my eyes is indeed straining
I do have jarring knive like pain in that area.
Also when I lay for too long of a time I feel like the back of my head is inflamed.

Thanks for the suggestions, and yeah sure I’ll give a condition update when I get better.

wait I promise this is relevant but bear w/ me:

when you move your arm(s) over head, or when you do any other type of upper body movements (ie lifting) does that trigger pain to said region or at the very least, around the area?
Does chewing and swallowing agitate yet? standing upright?
and do you feel like there are changes with your proprioception, touch, voice, and/or hearing ever since your symptoms expressed above occurred?

If you feel your neurologist was unhelpful, go for another opinion please. Consider requesting an MRI of the upper cervical region.

There’s something out there called Chiari Malformation, many people in the world have it without knowing it actually -but it’s interesting : it can start affecting you at the most obscure moment in time, for no rhyme or reason. You can be 40 or 20.

A lot of general neurologists don’t consider assessing it- it’s pretty bizarre considering the amount of people whom have it lol

But again this is just one of the many 38382829 possible scenarios - I am not a professional in any means.

And obviously if you want any support or anything feel free to PM me :)

you got this , keep on going , & best of luck to you


Neural therapy helps a lot in these cases, so I also got rid of the problem that bothered the right region of my face and head. After the therapy I kept listening to the above mentioned fields.

MS 2.0 field!

for occipital??
( I did not know, I must try it in that case)


It’s nerves so def yes

True and also keep in mind
Occipital may arise due to muscles spasms- such as at the sub-occipital region(s) which in turn, can compress the nerve.

So after experimenting: For occipital in particular, I find more relief via Myofascia Release and Mickrokineski. As well as EDS and Joint Regeneratfion.
EDS in particular- it really helps. Occipital can arise from craniocervical instability too so perhaps that’s why shrugs


Could also be due to anxiety


How are you now?