Off track for months

I’ve gone through the course twice but have been off track for months! My job has taken over my life, I sit in front of the computer 8 hours a day talking to people. It’s a great job, but I want to retire, travel, be in a relationship, I don’t focus on anything. I can’t even figure out how to download the lastest webinars…


Ok, I’m not stuck! I was dealing with things I wasn’t a where of! Some things have come to the surface and with no anger, fear etc. I am always in awe of what I am gaining from Sapien. I wish I had more time to focus but I’m going forward anyway!


That’s okay. It’s perfectly fine go at your own pace :slightly_smiling_face:


Wired experience last night, I woke up to someone stroking my hair,then I herd a thump like when my walnut hull pillow falls on the floor but it was under my head, when I opened my eyes there was a short figure maybe 4 feet tall, black rope, silver rod in his hands he was holding the door knob on my front door. Then he was gone


Was this a dream? My mom said her earliest memory was of her in Mexico during her childhood around the age of 5 about 45 years ago. She said she woke up to a very short hairy man on top of her and she screamed with terror and her mom and grandma came running in but the little hair man wasn’t there anymore. In Mexico we call them Dwendes. It’s a common occurrence over there.


It woke me up, luckily it wasn’t on me’


Just realized I’ve been mixing meditation and prayer together……so I started listening to the meditation and meditating , then listening to the essence of prayer to pray…it makes a big difference, I don’t know why I connected the two and made them one! They just seemed the same thing to me but not anymore!