no astral harassment!! xD
Never !!! Dear Eli
Your Flower Power
I am pretty sure of it
Something I am feeling to share, roughly translated from French to English, from a therapy called “Cosmic Intelligence” channeled for the Aquarius Era.
THE SOUL WORLD (or Astral World)
This world belongs to the celestial and extra-terrestrial world (the spiritual families who live in the stars).
The SOUL appeared after the being (in germ) had experienced a number of lives with the first vehicle of the Spiritual world.
The soul vehicle or ASTRAL BODY is also the carrier of the spiritual thought…as the spiritual vehicle was the carrier of the cosmic thought.
We can feel it around the physical body between 3,50 to 5 meters, in a very subtle way.
Vibratory envelope of ovoid form made of information…of midnight blue color to transparent.
This vehicle is very pure at the beginning (as much as the spirit) then it will descend in duality. There was a division and the loss of UNITY.
It is the world of DUALITY where the light does not exist without the shadow… The masculine, feminine and secret principles are now separated… There is a polarity + or -
At this level, the being has the free will of thought; but he has lost the link with unity, the total link with the spirit.
Because at one period of the earthly evolution, we did not necessarily recognize unity… or we were deceived.
The spiritual thought is represented here, but it will be denser, and it will be the thought of the Soul, with its language.
The light of the soul is the hidden face of the shadow, it serves to illuminate dual things… but does not cure them …
Therapies with the light can serve the soul but bring up the pair of opposites, the shadow, with the risk of locking oneself in a world of “refuge”, and nothing changes in life!
Duality is not to be rejected but to be understood; it is obvious if we do not recognize the Spiritual world.
It is the world of death and rebirth, in perpetual recommencements, from life to life.
The soul will experience a multitude of lives in spaces, galaxies, stars etc. (5D and 4D) before it is reborn. (5D and 4D) before the physical matter is manifested … from incarnation to incarnation.
In the incarnation on earth, in the physical cosmos, and at our death, the soul leaves with the “Thought adjuster”.
It goes back to the physical cosmos and the astral plane, where it can continue other life experiences… before returning to incarnate again in another physical body.
When the body reaches sleep, consciousness is lost, the soul manifests itself and takes its place…It travels in the astral world… Then the body rests.
The problem is that the body and the soul are fighting each other and both want to stay awake, alive…whereas they should work in synchrony and this is what we have to learn;
For the body to stay healthy, the Tibetans say that it is enough to have 4 to 5 hours of sleep where you lose total consciousness, the rest is dreaming. …and at the end of the night, when you start to dream, then wake up, it is the soul that starts sowing you… when the body is in semi-awake or not quite asleep.
Dreams are a symbolic language of the soul… we can decode them.
To have access to the world of the soul, you must also use your thoughts. In this way you gain access to the language of the soul world.
The understanding of this world of the soul is approached through:
→ mythology (e.g. the Greek gods)
→ symbols (dual and less pure than the archetypes of the mind)
→ feelings and emotions
→ pairs and opposing forces
→ memories from birth to death, which remain codified in this world
→ the history of the individual and collective past lives of our humanity (the place of the akashic records)
→ the sacred geometry and the 12 levels of consciousness of the 4th dimension of creation
→ the bindu and the search for emptiness (the doors of passage of different levels of consciousness)
One finds there spiritual beings: Thought Adjusters, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters (the most evolved will have passed into the spirit world without returning to a physical body)
There too, in the astral space, are Luciferian entities. They operate the feeling soul of the human being, which develops our sensibility; they work to the extreme through artists, poets, mystics.
There are also their opposites, the Arhimanian entities who develop the thinking soul, the thought of the soul that has allowed the thought of science, the materialist and technical development in this physical world…
These spiritual beings have worked against the creator at a period of evolution, and for themselves.
They influence us in duality… our world is now like that.
They have become “true” for the development of life in matter. But dual, these souls have cut us off from unity.
These entities have no thought adjusters. They have their use in this astral dimension.
They are cut off from the world of the Spirit and have locked the consciousness of beings, keeping them in a belief, in the illusion of duality.
“Many spiritual beings, angels have been deceived…who will be redeemed. We were cut off from unity after this golden age of the MU continent, to prevent the dark forces from taking over the white forces. Since then, we have lost the knowledge of cosmic truths.” … received as a message …
The shamanic world, the world of the ancestors … although some are channeled into the Spiritual world, the world of “channelling” and its more or less enlightened guides, the world of magicians (white magic and black magic) etc. who project their thoughts into it.
It is also the world of INSPIRATION.
The closer you get to matter, the heavier the vibration.
If one increases the vibration of one’s physical body, and if the soul allows it, it can rise to the level of the Spirit.
We will see later that in fact the astral body is only an illusion, which locks us in time and matter.
The world of the soul locks us into the cycles of death and rebirth (which is explained by the Buddhists in the reincarnation) and without having the understanding of it, we cut ourselves off from the Spiritual world… We must find it again…
Hi everyone.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, it has to be something like a protocol of several audio fields and the only field that is released as for now is the Astral Primer, right? Or are there any others?
There is one more released called “astral viber”
Check it out on YouTube channel or search it on the forum
yep thanks, already found it
I initially thought that was an NFT
Is it available for purchase for listening offline?
For now, it’s only on youtube. It will probably be available for free download on patreon soon, like the primer which is free for download at gumroad.
Captain just put it on Patreon. Have fun =))
woo nicee
Had a projection last night …and met my angel: Michael! wow what an experience
astral portal help with this …?
So nothing new for this since there was supposed to be at least 3 or 4 fields? We have 2 until now I think. I assume the project is closed? Or maybe we will have a public nft in future.