Official Astral Travel Thread

Maybe there should be an inclusion of an astral weapon for self-defense against negative entities? Like a sword or something. But obviously there would be safegaurds to ensure it wouldn’t be misused maliciously, and not be effective against innocent beings

For now, this is all that can be done and I have to say, we’re both very happy with the things you’re all writing up. All these ideas are being looked at and Dream is cheffing it up in the lab lol.

So just sit tight and keep it casual. The audios will come soon soon enough.


Oh yeah, the hype is real now!


Thanks for the guidance


Cooool, just landing on your post :slight_smile:


Awesome to hear! :muscle::pray:


this is a technique developed by the IAC ( International Academy of Consciousness ) that you can do no matter your situation and requires only your intent. It has various benefits for the energy system and facilitates out of body experience tremendously by putting you in the vibrational state quite rapidly. It could be automated in a subfield


Lucid dreaming field as a part of this protocol should be a nice component, since lucid dreaming and astral projection are closely related.

And yeah, tbch I’m writing this also because I’m among those waiting for “Lucid dreaming V2.0” :grin:

Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travel are NOT related and have almost nothing in common. The only thing they have in common is that your physical body is lying on a bed… Do your research before posting please.


I just tried to Astral travel hours ago. I almost did it but then something pulled me back and then I went into lucid state. I was fully aware of it. But then keep waking up and end up sleeping :sweat_smile:

In that lucid state. I speak to myself. “Finally now what” And I saw a car. Like a truck but it was random. But that where I loss control there and ended up sleeping


Oh man, I kindly disagree with you.


What I am sharing is not based on my direct experience of Astral Travel, but my intuitive knowing and a lot of time spent with Tom Campbell and the MBT Community.
I have done Astral travel only once or twice for very short periods of time.

According to him, Robert Monroe and many good fellows, those are the exact same experience but only the phasing process is different.

Consciousness being fundamental, and the rest being a datastream you are experiencing as Consciousness.

For Lucid Dreaming vs OBE, according to them those are only a way to describe a change of perception from physical matter reality (PMR) to non-physical matter reality (NPMR).

The main difference between the two is only the access point to that new datastream, provided by the Larger Consciousness System (LCS) / the Mind of God / The Big Computer (:grin:).

Lucid dreaming (or even visualization) being an easier access point, cause those happen only at the being level and allow you to let go of your intellect with much more ease.

This is one of the reason why Robert Monroe who brought the term Out of Body Experience (OBE) to the public, changed it later to “Phasing” with the Monroe Institute (TMI).

Hope this resonates :pray:

I love that topic :grin:


Hey, I see what you mean so let me respond with my explanation of the statement that these two are different experiences:

Tom Campbell’s and Robert Monroe’s models are reality description models where they describe all of the existence as one stream/scale of consciousness with different focus and/or frequency levels. The focus level defines what “reality” you find yourself in.
As the ultimate truth I believe that this model of existence is correct since consciousness is the only real thing and everything else including all the different worlds and realities are just projections of this consciousness.

Now with that argument, for distinguishing between different experiences like lucid dreaming and astral travel, but also all other experiences including being in the physical body, you would always end up with such a reality model since there is nothing else there but the scale/stream of consciousness. With that model and definition all experiences would be pretty much the same and would have just simply a slightly different focus :slightly_smiling_face:
With that model alone your physical reality is then almost the same as lucid dreaming, astral projecting and all the other possible worlds.

From a practical point of view however, it makes sense to distinguish further between lucid dreaming and astral travel. Also because we as currently physical humans and cannot grasp the full scale and stream of consciousness. And also because we want to have a clear distiniguishment of the physical world, the lucid dream world and astral worlds, for practical reasons.

Now with lucid dreaming your stream of consciousness is mostly going into an INTERNAL WORLD created almost exclusively by your own current subconscious mind configuration.

With astral travel your stream of consciousness is mostly going into an OUTER COLLECTIVELY SHARED WORLD created by you but also Quintillions of other beings with different levels of manifestation power and skill level.

Hope that explanation makes sense to you.


Very cool, thanks for elaborating man.

This clicks :pray:
Looking forward to experience & explore those first-hand.


I see lucid dreams like single-player games, while Astral Projection is an online multiplayer game.


I was just thinking about that hidden-in-plain-sight scene at the end of the Titanic movie about the Final Astral Projection at the end of one’s physical incarnation:

< Spoiler ahead >

James Cameron is a genius!

The scene shows Rose as a very old lady lying in her bed on the exploration ship.

The camera is swinging to the framed photos next to her bed showing that she has lived a long fullfilled life (exactly as she has promised Jack to do).

In the next moment it is assumed that Rose has now peaceful died in sleep as the camera goes down into the ocean to the wreck of the Titanic.

This is the switch where we start to see the journey through the wreck from Rose’s view as she transitions into the astral world in her astral body.

The wreck morphs into an astral version of the Titanic and warm bright unnatural light is shining through the windows. The Titanic is fully restored again like at day one.

In the main clock hall everyone who died before Rose is already awaiting her to welcome her to the afterlife. First, Second and Third Class passengers are standing mixed and united next to each other and smiling at Rose and greeting her warm-heartedly.

As the camera changes back from Rose’s perspective to an outside view, we can see that Rose is fully young and beautiful again (her astral body projection of herself).

Exactly where they have had their meeting point in the physical life, Jack is waiting for Rose in the outfit in which Rose recognizes him best.

Jack and Rose happily kiss, everyone applauds that they can finally be together and the camera rotates upwards into the immense bright light coming from the top (Higher Self? Source?).

Titanic - Ending Scene - 1080pHD - YouTube

Watch the scene, then read again :wink:

If you did not cry at this movie scene, then you definitely will when you will meet all your friends and loved ones one day when you go to the afterlife yourself :white_heart:


our beloved animal companions!


The Astral Primer

The first of a set of astral audios to take you on the voyage and guide you on a safe and conscious ride there.

Below is an attempt to provide a testing stepping ground as we develop more audios for this astral series.

This will attempt to provide an induced speeded training using the essence of experiences & techniques from various teachers who specialized in astral travel. Done so that a safe environment is also provided for safer testing and learning.

Seasoned negentropically also.

Download here: The Astral Primer


Thanks for making this available.

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the beat and thank you


Thank you for this @Captain_Nemo @SammyG !

I also downloaded this free audio from gumroad: